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1、学习必备欢迎下载学校三年级优秀教案(英语)What time does school start.一、教学目标:1. 学问目标 :能听、说、读并把握句型: What time do you get up. I get up at half past seven. What time does school start. My school starts at eight o clock.能听、说、读并把握单词 :2. 才能目标 :能娴熟运用所学句型 What time do you./ What time does. 来询问关于日常生活的话题, 并能进行正确回答; 并能利用所学句型描述学校生活

2、 .3. 情感目标 : 培育同学开口说英语 ,仔细听课的好习惯 . 培育同学喜爱自己的学校 .二、 教学重点:能娴熟运用所学句型 What time do you./ What time does. 来询问关于日常生活的话题 ,并能进行正确回答;三、教学难点:运用所学句型描述自己的学校生活;四、教具:课件、单词卡片五、教学过程:Step 1: Prapation1. Greetings.2. Say a chant: I like coffee, I like tea. Step2: Presentation1. Introduce myself:I mMs Qu . I mteaacher.

3、 I work inthe Primary school.I get up at half past seven.I walk to school.Because my house is near the school.And I go to bedat ten o cl.oIclkike swimming and skipping.Can answer my questions:What am I doing.What time do I get up.And what time do you get up. What time do I go to bed.How do I go to w

4、ork.And how do you go to school. Where am I from.T: Would you like to come to my school with me. 设计意图 :通过自我介绍 ,让同学在不知不觉中复习了 what time do you get up. how do you go to school.等句型,为接下来的句型What time does school start.导入做预备 .2. 出示学校的图片介绍说: This is my school. This is our playground. 教学 playground ;出示学校同学跳绳

5、和做操的照片,教学skipping ,exercise :What are they doing. They are skipping. They are doing morning exercises.出示学校作息时间表引出句型: What time does school start.并板书及回答 My school starts at eight oclock.3. Just now, we talked about my school s life. But how about Amy s school life. 设计意图 :通过介绍自己的学校引出 Amy 的学校生活是什么样的?与我

6、们的学校有什么不同 .Step3.Practice1, Please listen and answer:(1) What time does Amy s school start. 2What time does Amy get up.3What do they do in the morning.2, Read the text role by role.Step4. Production1. We learned Amy s school life, What about you. What time do you get up/ have breakfast/ go to school

7、/ have lunch/ go home/ goto bed. Do the group work and finish Task 1:Task1: 调查你所在小组同学的一天学习生活时间支配doget upgo tohavegodogo tonamschoollunchhomehomeworbedek2. Task2: 请你向老师和同学们介绍你和你的学校生活:Hello, I m. I m I get up at.gairbl.oIy m from.I go to school at.I go to school by bus. I walk to school. My school sta

8、rts at We doevery morning .We go home at.Step5.SummyLet s do a competition about our learning.What time does Amy s school start./What time does your school start.What time does Amy get up. /What time do you get up. Does Amy walk to school./ How do you go to school.What do they do in the morning. Wha

9、t do you do in the morning. 设计意图 :通过抢答竞赛的活动 ,来复习本课显现的句型及回答,使学问的巩固更加好玩 .提高同学的学习积极性 . Step6. Homework. Write five sentences about your school life.Blackboard Writing:Module 8SchoolUnit 1 What time does school start.Do you skip in the playground. Yes, I do. /No, I don t. What time does school start.My school start at 8 o clock.



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