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1、The Summer Palace颐和园Originally built in 1764, the Summer Palace was the summer resort of the Qing court. It is chinas largest imperial garden extant.始建于1764年的颐和园,过去是清代朝廷的避暑胜地。它是中国现 存的最大的皇家花园。The total area is 290 hectares, three fourth of which are water surface. It roughly consists of two parts the

2、 longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake.颐和园总面积290公顷,其中的四分之三是水域Hli积。颐和园由万寿 山和昆明湖两部组成。In 1992, the Summer Palace was appraised as the most perfectly preserved imperial garden with the richest man-made scenery and most concentrated architecture in the world. In 1998, the United Nations Educational, Scient

3、ific and Cultural Organization included the Summer Palace on its world Heritage List. 1992年颐利园被评为“世界上造景最丰富,建筑最集中,保存最完 整的皇家园林”。1998年联合国科教组织乂将颐和园列入了世界遗产 名单之中。Now, my team member will roughly introduce the main scenic spot.下面由我的队员给您简略地介绍一下颐和园主要的景点。The East Palace Gate东宫门Its the main entrance of the Sum

4、mer Palace. The gate in the middle, called “the Imperial Gateway .was for the emperor and empress.东宫门是颐和园的主要的入口。被称为“御路”的中间大门,是 为皇帝和皇太后专用的OOn the eaves of the gate, you can see a plaque inscribed the name of the gardcn-Yi He Yuan. The three big Chinese Characters was emperor Goang xus handwriting.在大门

5、房檐下,你可以看到一-块园名的牌匾。“颐和园”的三个 汉字是光绪皇帝亲笔书写的。Hall of benevlence and longeviti 仁寿殿The building was first built in 1750 and rebuilt in 1860.Il was the place where Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Goang Xu took charge of state affairs and received officials and foreign envoys.这一殿堂始建于1750年,重建于1860年。它是慈禧太后和光

6、绪皇帝办理政务和接见下届官员和外国使节的地方。Great stage 大戏楼The stage was constructed in 1892. This three tiersstage is 21 meters highand 17meterswide. Itwasthe largest stage in Qingdynasty.Onthe oppositeisYiledian where EmpressDowagerusedto sit onawooden bed by thewindowtowatchtheperformance.这座大戏楼于1892年建成。这座三层建筑(地面以上)高2

7、1米, 宽17米,它是清代最大的戏楼。它对面的颐乐殿是慈德皇太后坐在 靠窗户的大木床上看戏的地方。Long Corridor 长廊TheLong Corridor is one of themost famousgardenlandscapes in China. It is 728meterslongwith273 sections. The beams of thecorridorarepaintedwith more than 14,000 paintings, Such asbirds.flowersandlandscapes of theWestLakeinHangzhou 长廊是中

8、国最著名的园景之一。它有273间,共728米长。在它 的枕梁上绘有万四千多幅画面,画有花、鸟以及杭州西湖的景观。Hall of Dispelling Clouds 排云殿It was built in 1750 and rebuilt in 1890. The Empress Dowager used to celebrate her birthday here on the 15th day of the tenth lunar month each year.You can find a Dowager s painting painted by a Dutch-American pain

9、ter Ilobert Vos in 1905.排云殿始建于1750年,重建于1890年。太后每年的阴历十月十 丘在此庆祝她的生日。你可见到一幅由名叫Hobert Vos德裔美国人画师为慈禧绘制的 油画肖像。Tower of the Fragrance of the Buddha 佛香阁It is a 4-storey building, 41 meters high, built in 1750 The Empress Dowager used to worship Gods here on the first and the 15th day of each Lunar month.佛香阁

10、是始建于1750年的-座四层高41米的殿堂。慈禧每逢阴 历初一和十五到这里拜佛。The Marble Boat 石舫The Marble Boat was first built in 1750. In 1893, a foreign-style superstructure and two wheelers were added to the boat.Thebaot wasused fbrenjoyingthelake sceneryand wassupposedto be a symbolof stability ofthe Qing Dynasty.石舫初建于1750年。1893年增建

11、洋式二层舱楼和一对石机轮。 石舫过去是皇家在上而欣赏湖面景致的处所。它也寓意清朝代的永固。Wenchang Tower 文昌阁The tower is a building in the shape of city gate. Inside the two-storyed builiding is enshrined the beoze statue of the God Wenchang.该阁是一幢城门式建筑,在上面二层楼阁里供奉文昌帝君的铜 像。Garden of Harmonious Interest 谐趣园The Garden Harmonious Interest, commonly

12、 Known as the garden within the garden was aplace wherethe Empress Dowager usedto fish andwatch lotusin the pond.谐趣园也通称为“园中园”,是昔日慈植在池旁垂钓和欣赏荷花的 地方。Suzhou Street 苏州街The street in the middle section of Back Lake runs for over 300 meters. It has 64 shops, 14 gate way or archway and 8 snail bridges. The

13、shop assistants wearing clothes in the style of the Qi ng Dynasty welcome customers from all over the world.苏州街位于后湖中段,全长300多米,有店而64家,牌楼、牌 坊14座小桥8座。售货员穿着清代服饰,热烈欢送来自世界各地的顾客。Seventeen-Arch Bridge 十七孔桥This bridge links eastern end and connectes South Lake Island at its western end. It is 150 meters long and looks like a rainbow. Il has 544 carved lions in different postures.这座桥东接东堤,西连南湖岛,全长150米形似长虹。桥上雕 刻有544个形态各异的石狮。Bronze ox 铜牛To the east of the 17-Arch Bridgestands agiltbronze ox cast in 1755. It is said that an ron ox used to control floods.十七孔桥东侧有座铸造于1755年的镀金铜牛。据说碍造的铁牛在 过去能镇住洪水。



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