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1、Rescue in a bottleRescue in a bottleTheywererescued!A key propA possible ending :It was the bottle that rescued them!recallsDesign an ending echoing the theme.The endingAn ending , echoing the title or the beginning ,coherences to the above context and reaffirms the integrity of the whole story.1预设结

2、局Correspond to the theme前情提示Background of the storyThe elements of a story: who/ what/ when/ where /how2 Rescue in a BottleCurtis Whitson hadrafteddowntheArroyoSeco,ariverincentralCalifornia,severaltimesbefore.Thisyear,CurtisWhitsonknewthewater-fallwascoming.Hefiguredhewouldgetoutofhisraftintothesha

3、llowwater,getdowntherocksalongropesoneithersideofthefalls,andcontinueonhisway,ashehadonaprevioustrip.But this year was different.Heavysnowandspringrainshadturnedtheusuallymanageablefallsintosomethingfierce.Andthisyear,insteadofhisfriends,Whitsonscompanionswerehis girlfriend,KrystalRamirez,and his 13

4、-year-old son, Hunter.Asthethreeofthemapproachedthefallslateintheafternoonofthethirddayoftheircampingtrip,Whitsoncouldtellfromtheincreasingroarofwaterinthenarrowingcanyon(峡谷)thattheywereinserioustrouble.Therewasnowaytheydbeabletogetdowntherocksasplanned.“Thewaterwasjustroaringthroughtherewithtremend




8、asperfect.“Allright,thatsallwecando,”WhitsontoldHunter.whowhenwherewhatProblem:Therewasnowaytheydbeabletogetdowntherocksasplanned.Self-rescueHeyelled,butthesoundoftherushingwaterdrownedhimout.Hegrabbedastick,carve“Help”.butitfloatedawayinthewrongdirection.Wait for rescuein vainhiswaterbottle,carved“

9、HELP”;histhrowoverthewaterfallwasperfect.It was a slim hope.A problem-solving storyHowThe tone of the story is based on the recall of Whitson and most of part focuses on the actions of Whitson. So the following passage needs to be consistent with that feature, avoiding too much depiction of emotion.

10、Focus on the development of plot and language characteristics.3剧情创作plot& language useParagraph 1: It took 30 minutes to get back upstream to the beach where theyd had lunch.Paragraph 2: The next morning, the helicopter returned. Time placecharactersEvents Change in moodBasic elementsA night of early

11、 springAt the beach in the valleyThe family +a helicopterlHow the three muddled through the nightlA helicopter came and went.During the day timeIn the valleyThe family +a helicopter + rescuerslHow were they rescued?lHow did they feel?tired &anxious?Scared?Cheerful?Desperate ? hopeful?excitinghappyex

12、haustedgratefulA twist in the story plotThe final endngBreak big paragraphs into small steps according to the development. Paragraph 1: It took 30 minutes to get back upstream to the beach where theyd had lunch.Paragraph 2: The next morning, the helicopter returned. Thehelicoptercircledaroundandleft


14、bottle./Theynoticedthebottle. To Tell A storyTherescuewasinvain.To tell a good storyVisualize your paragraph with detailed description of the surroundings ,actions and emotions. Paragraph 1: It took 30 minutes to get back upstream to the beach where theyd had lunch.Theyweregoingtospendanightthere.Pe

15、rsons stateSetting descriptionTheyheardthenoisesofahelicopter.Persons stateA helicopterTheycriedforhelpbutinvain.Persons stateSetting descriptionTired, scaredHappy , excitedHappy, desperateThenaturalenvironmentinthetext:lHeavy snow and spring rains had turned the usually manageable falls into someth

16、ing fierce.l the increasing roar of water in the narrowing canyonl.no way theyd be able to get down the rockslWhitson knew that theyd be sharing the ground there with rattlesnakes and mountain lions.lbut the sound of the rushing water drowned him out.Drown:1.tobelouderthanothersoundssothatyoucannothearthemClapping drowned the speakers words for a moment.2.togetdrunkinordertoforgetyourproblemsLucy drowned her sorrows in wine.ThenaturalenvironmentDetailsrelatedtoahelicopterThenaturalenvironment:th



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