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1、精选资料欢迎下载学校英语( PEP)五年级上册测试题Unit One My New Teachers一.大声朗读,找出画线部分读音与前面所给单词画线部分相同的单词. 4分 1.noA. nowB. howC. know 2.eraserA. lampB. ladyC. library 3.umbrella A. funB. computer C. music 4.likeA. fishB. kindC. kid二. 接龙写单词 . 10 分Miss 聪慧高的 lady 年轻go 老的 doll喜爱eight- 瘦的三. 将单词归类 , 写在横线上面 .12 分strictCanadashort

2、driverAustraliastrong UKteacherfarmerChinaquietprincipal人物特点描写 : 国家: 职业: 四. 翻译短语 . 8 分1.short and strong2.university student 3. 又美丽又活泼4.一位和气的老师 五. 挑选填空 . 16分 1.Whosmath teacher.A. youB. yourC. yours 2.What islike.A. himB. heC. his 3.Mr.Carter isEnglish teacher.A. aB. theseC. an 4.strong. Yes, he is.

3、A. is heB. Is hisC. Is he 5Who is that.Oh, she isprincipal.A. lady; ourB. man; ourC. boy; our6.假如你想说 : “他的课很好玩” , 应当说:A. He is very funny.B. His class is so much fun.C. He is very active.7.假如你想问 : 他是你的新数学老师吗 .”应当说 :A. Is she your math teacher.B. He is your new math teacher.C. Is he your new math tea

4、cher.8.对你听到的话表示诧异 , 应当说:A. Let me try.B. You are welcome.C. Really. Cool.六. 改写句子 . 10分1、Mr. Carter is our new English teacher.对画线部分提问 2、He is short and strong.对画线部分提问 3、He is very quiet.该为否定句 4、Is your music teacher active .依据你的实际情形回答 5、What is your P.E teacher like.依据你的实际情形回答 七. 连词成句 . 10分1. he, ne

5、w, your, Is, teacher, Chinese.2. is, very, and, active, She, short.3. a, Our, is, new, student, music, university, teacher4. is, lady, that, old, Who.5. your, art, funny, Is, teacher, very.八. 将以下对话排序 . 10分 Yes, he is. And he is funny, too. Really. What is he like. Is he strict. I have a new P.E. tea

6、cher. He is tall and strong.九.读对话,看图片,填序号; ( 10 分) Amy: Who is your math teacher, Peter.Peter: Miss White. She is young and pretty. What is your math teacher like. Amy: He is nice .He is very kind. Is your mother tall.Peter: Yes, she is. She is a principal. What is your sister like.Amy: She is thin

7、and active. She is a student. What is your brother like. Peter: He is short and thin. He has two lovely dogs.一个小男孩在写字;老师在黑板讲课;一个女孩在做运动;一个男孩牵着两只狗;老师拿着包走路;ABCDEPeter s math teacher:Amy s math teacher: Peter s mother:Amy s sister: Peter s brother: 十写作;学校刚来了一位新体育老师 Mr Brown,他来自美国;这位老师很和气,很强壮,也很好玩, 大家都喜爱

8、上他的课;请试着用英语来形容一下这位老师;( 10 分) We have a .HesMr.Brown.He sfrom.Hesand _. He is , too.His classesare fun.Wealllikehim.学校英语( PEP)五年级上册测试题Unit Two My Days Of The Week题号 一二三四五六七八九十总分得分一、辨别以下每组单词画线部分的读音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”;( 10 分) 1.on tomorrow2. Monday says 3.education much4. housework soup 5. have grape二、一

9、周七天,写出缺少的那几天; (10 分) Monday Saturday三、看写出动词短语;(8 分)一个男孩在写东西;一个男孩在看电视;一个男孩在看书;一个男孩在玩电脑;四、情形交际;( 10 分)1. 假如你想问“今日是星期几?”应当说: ()A. What do you do on Mondays.B. What day is it today.C. When is your brithday.2. 假如你想问“你们星期一上什麽课?”应当说:()A. Monday is my favorite.B. We have English, math, and P.E.C. What do yo

10、u have on Monday.3. 假如你想说:“我喜爱星期六;”应当说: A. What do you do on Saturdays.IB. like Sundays. I watch TV on Sundays.C. I like Saturdays.4. 别人问你:“ What do you do on Saturdays.” 你应当回答: A. I like Saturdays.B.I play computer games and read books on Saturdays.C. Its Saturday today.5. “你呢?”除了说“ What about you.

11、 ”外,仍可以说: A. Oops.B. Oh, Really.C. And you.五、挑选填空;(分)().Mother s Day isMay.A. onB. atC. in 2.We have EnglishMondays and Wednesdays.A. inB. ofC. on3.I wantsneakers.A. aB. a pairC. a pair of4.I need to do some. I need some.A. shop crayons B. shopping, crayons C. shopping, crayons5.-Whosthat young lady

12、.- is our principal.A. HeB. sheC. She6.I often do my homeworkweekends.A. inB. onC. of7.Its 8:00. Its timeget up.A. toB. C. for8.- I often play ping-pong.-Great. I can playyou.A. atB. withC. and9.We have two English classes this afternoon Really. We have English,A. twoB. tooC. to10.Hes tall and stron

13、g, Thatssure.A. ofB. inC. for11.I often read someand watch TV.A. bookB. booksC. notebook 12.AmySaturdays.A. likeB. onC. likes六、将 A、B 左右两栏的句子连接; 5 分 AB1.What do you have on Mondays.Thats right. 2.What day is it today.Great. I can play with you.3.What do you do on Sundays.I have English and art on Mondays.4.I often play football.It s Monday.5.I do my homework on Saturdays.I do my homework at home on Sundays.七、按要求改写句子;(10 分)1. It s Saturday today.对画线部分提问 2. We have English, math and P.E on Mondays. 对画线部分提问 3.I watch TV and do my homework on Saturdays.


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