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1、应,急,处,理,预,案,医院突发事件,HOSPITAL EMERGENCY,目录,1,目的,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,为快速、有效合理地对院前、院内产生的突发事件进行紧急处理,尽可能避免因突发事件给就医患者带来的伤害、,最大限度降低医院财产的损失,紧急控制事态发展,全力保证患者的安全和医院财产安全,特制订如下突发事件应急预案

2、。,2,组织机构,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,积极应对突法事件,做好大型院前大型急救工作,加强对这项工作的组织和管理,医院成立灾害事故及突发事件抢救组织。,3,工作职责,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life

3、 isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,院长负责对全院重大紧急突发事件的总指挥。,业务院长负责对全院紧急突发事件医疗救护方案的审核、批准,并组织实施。,行政院长负责医院紧急突发事件后勤、保卫等统筹方案的制定并组织实施。,4,抢救程序,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life i

4、snt about waiting,4,抢救程序,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,4,抢救程序,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in th

5、e rain. Life isnt about waiting,(二)院外重大突发事件,4,抢救程序,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,(三)应对传染病流行性疾病突发事件,4,抢救程序,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance

6、 Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,(四)医疗废物流失、渗漏、扩散或发生意外事故的应急处理,4,抢救程序,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,实验室所用的菌落及病原株培养基和保菌液丢失、渗漏,其浓度和数量足以对人致病的;

7、,传染病人的血液、体液、排泄物等造成大面积污染。,使用过的一次性注射器、输液管及其他器具丢失,过期淘汰的药品、疫苗、血清丢失。,具有度性、腐蚀性、易燃性、反映性或度性的四面体固体、液体、气体,如甲醛、摄影用剂、有机化合物等丢失、渗漏。,放射性核素污染。,4,抢救程序,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,4,抢救程序,Life isnt

8、 about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,对一般废物渗漏处置办法,4,抢救程序,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt abou

9、t waiting,医疗废物丢失的处置办法:,通知环保局或报警。分析丢失原因,堵塞漏洞,加强监控,预防失窃,防备监守自盗,加强管理。,4,抢救程序,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,(五)对 停 电 的 紧 急 处 理,医院配备双路供电系统,在一路断电的情况下,在3分钟内立刻启动院内发电机组,迅速恢复全院供电,各重要部门均配有应急照

10、明灯,各病区楼道、走廊应配有延时保护装置的安全指示灯。,医院供电设备设施、由后勤负责统一维护、保养和修理,确保电线电缆电器不被故障而造成的停电事故。,停电时要加强巡视病房,安抚患者,同时注意防火、防盗。,4,抢救程序,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,(六)对 火 警 的 紧 急 处 理,4,抢救程序,Life isnt about

11、 waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,(七)公 共 设 施 紧 急 处 理,4,抢救程序,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt abo

12、ut waiting,4,抢救程序,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,2、电梯故障:,院内因电梯发生故障而把患者或其他人员滞留在电梯内时,被困人员可直接拨打电梯内公布的电梯维修电话。,院内因电梯发生故障而把患者或其他人员滞留在电梯内时,被困人员可直接拨打电梯内公布的电梯维修电话。,4,抢救程序,Life isnt about wai

13、ting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,1、突发事件发生时,要反应及时,各部门要相互合作,各负其责,果断处理。,2、信息系统应用部门的人员在发现应用软件或电脑设备出现故障时,要及时报告,电脑维修人员要立即进行排查,确定是否为突发事件,再结合实际向领导汇报。,3、电脑维修人员要认真检查故障原因,尽快排除故障。需要时有关部门要积极配合,必要时可请信息供应商给予技术支持。,4、遇到

14、备用措施也无法启用时,征得院长同意后暂时关闭信息系统。,4,抢救程序,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,5、门急诊收费切换到备用服务器上运行,门诊药房处方发药、挂号等可采用手工操作,住院病人管理结算、基本医保、劳务工合作医疗结算等及其他模块均暂时关闭。,6、信息科平时要加强对突发事件的检测、预警、反映、处理等有关工作,严格执行信息运

15、行维护的各项措施和操作规程。,7、应对一些常用的关键设备要备有更换配件,如服务器、交换机、网线、集线器、电源、插座等。并对日常检测到的异常和故障进行记录,要进行分析,对可能出现的故障做出预防处理。,8、各使用部门要严格执行信息系统的操作规程,减少和避免信息系统故障发生带来的不良后果。,5,医疗器械、药品的要求,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about wa

16、iting,【巡视包内必备物品】听诊器、血压表、体温表、止血带、三角巾、绷带卷;一次性注射器、手电筒、压舌板、消毒纱布、棉签等。,【巡视包内必备药品】强心剂、利尿剂、呼吸兴奋剂、升压药、止血药、抗过敏药、抗惊厥药等急救物品,以及处理外伤的应急药品和止痛药。,巡 视 包,5,医疗器械、药品的要求,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,5,物资供应,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass. its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain. Life isnt about waiting,物 资 供 应,感,谢,您,的,欣,赏,医院突发事件,HOSPITAL EMERGENCY



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