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1、超星尔雅学习通【西方文论原典导读(吉林大学)】章节测试附答案1.5Quiz1、()created the world famous Athens school.A、SocratesB、PlatoC、Aristotle正确答案:B2、Socrates theory is mainly organized by whom?A、PlatoB、AristotleC、Thales正确答案:A3、Ion as a poet, what did he sing when he won the laurel?A、tragedyB、homericC、comedy正确答案:B4、Socrates said tha

2、t when the inspiration came, the poets will sink into ().A、melancholyB、angerC、ecstasy正确答案:C5、In Ion Socrates stressed that the inspiration of the poets comes from the ().A、godsB、heartC、experience正确答案:A6、() said “I am the midwive of philosophy”.A、SocratesB、PlatoC、Aristotle正确答案:A7、Who was the first to

3、 pick out eidos?A、SocratesB、PlatoC、Aristotle正确答案:B8、What is subject matter of Ion?A、WealthB、KnowledgeC、Inspiration正确答案:C9、Three sages of Ancient Greece are Plato,()and Aristotle.A、ProtagorasB、SocratesC、Homer正确答案:B10、Plato use the () to explain the relationship between art and idea.A、bedB、tableC、book

4、shelf正确答案:A2.5Quiz1、Aristotles poetics was valued in the history of western literary criticism from ()century in France.A、13thB、14thC、15th正确答案:C2、Until Aristotle, the concept of () has been adressed explicitly.A、structureB、systemC、combination正确答案:B3、In Aristotles view, the core of art is ().A、imitat

5、ionB、emotionC、truth正确答案:A4、In Aristotles words, who is more to the truth than historian?A、painterB、poetC、playwright正确答案:B5、() is called a Encyclopedia of character in Greek.A、SocratesB、PlatoC、Aristotle正确答案:C6、Compared with Plato, the biggest character of Aristotle is().A、comprehensivenessB、scientifi

6、ctyC、far-reaching正确答案:A7、Aristotle thinks types differ from one another in three ways: the means, objects and ().A、structureB、frameC、manner正确答案:C8、Aristotles Poetics maining discussed about () and epic.A、tragedyB、comedyC、prose正确答案:A9、In the poetics, () is the goal of the tragedy.A、plotB、ethosC、patho

7、s正确答案:A10、Aristotle set up his own schools called ().A、lyceumB、athensC、freedom正确答案:A3.5Quiz1、In(),Samuel started compiling a dictionary of the Engish language.A、1747B、1755C、1765.0正确答案:A2、Whats the attitude on Shakespeare by Samuel Johnson?A、criticalB、praisableC、A and B正确答案:C3、How to treat the relati

8、onship between Johson and classical philosophy.A、full acceptedB、eclecticC、rejected正确答案:B4、Which work of Sumel that even plexander praised it.A、londonB、the iderC、the rambler正确答案:A5、Johson considered the shortcoming of Shakespeare is losing of().A、pleasureB、teachingC、conflict正确答案:B6、In() Jhnson finall

9、y published essays of Shakespeares plays.A、1755B、1765C、1775.0正确答案:B7、Samuel Johnson was known in review of ().A、HomerB、ShakespeareC、Plato正确答案:B8、Characteristics of Johsons theory on Shakespeare is().A、not persistentB、straightforwardC、obscare正确答案:A9、() is a friend and biographyer for Samuel.A、James B

10、oswellB、David GarrickC、Edward Cave正确答案:A10、Which work is written by Samuel?A、Words and objectsB、The vanity of human wishesC、Panopticon正确答案:B4.5Quiz1、How does Wordsworth think about the relationship between Poetic language and Prose language?A、no essential differenceB、unrelatedC、mutually exclusive正确答

11、案:A2、Wordsworth compares poetry to() when he talked about the function of poetry.A、prismB、bedC、weapon正确答案:B3、Wordsworth gained his reputation among chinese scholars by “Poetry is the nature explession of ()”.A、strong emotionsB、external stimuliC、language structure正确答案:A4、In the Mirror and the lamp, w

12、ordsworth is concluded as a representative of () theories.A、expressiveB、romanticC、emotional正确答案:A5、Which book is the representative work of english romantic movement?A、Lyrical Ballads(1798)B、Lyrical Ballads(1800)C、Beside the tintern abbey正确答案:A6、There are two themes of poetry in Wordsworths view() a

13、nd the feeling of the common people.A、villageB、cityC、nature正确答案:C7、In what year that wordsworth published his Preface to Lyrical Ballads.A、1798B、1800C、1802.0正确答案:B8、Wordsworths philosophical views almost come from ().A、theory of evolutionB、the apocalypse of natureC、coleridge正确答案:B9、Wordsworth, Coler

14、idgo and southey are called ().A、lake poetsB、literature threeC、absurdist poets正确答案:A10、Which work was published by Wordsworths widow after his death.A、Lyrical BalladsB、The preludeC、Solitary Reaper正确答案:B11、From the aspect of words, it emphasized words().A、close to lifeB、unnaturalC、classical正确答案:C5.5Q

15、uiz1、Which work is not written by Taine.A、The philosophy of artB、The ideal in artC、Biographia literaria正确答案:C2、Taines theory enlightened people to pay close attention to () factors of art in his time.A、externalB、internalC、structural正确答案:A3、The 3 aspects by Taine are the race, the () and the epoch.A、populationB、polityC、surroundings正确答案



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