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1、优秀学习资料欢迎下载2021 2021 学年第一学期期中考试七年级英语试卷(时间: 120 分钟满分: 120 分)一、按括号内所给要求写出适当形式;(每空 1 分,共 10 分)1. white 反义词 2. colorn. 动词形式 3. boy 对应词 4. watch 复数形式 5. sister 对应词 6. telephone(简写形式)7. these对应词 8.(美国)全国篮球协会首字母缩略词 9. difficult(反义词)10.orangen.(形容词形式) 二、依据汉语提示,补全单词;(每空1 分,共 10 分)29. Hewatch TV every day.30.

2、I have twodictionary四、单项挑选;(每题1 分,共 20 分) 31. - Where is my soccer ball.- It sthe tablethe floor.A. on, underB. on, onC. under, underD. under, on 32. - Are these your English books.- Yes,.A. they are notB. they areC. these areD. theyre not 33. Can youa key to school.A. takeB. needC. haveD. give 34.

3、My mother likes volleyball. She thinks 认为 it is.A. funB. boringC. difficultD. hard11. This is Cindy Miller. Her 12. May I please look at your ID13. His English book is in the lost and(家庭) name is Miller .(卡片) .(找到) case 35. Letstogether.A. play tennisB. play the tennisC. plays tennisD. plays the ten

4、nis 36. - Does Toman orange.- No. he.14. “Is this your (橡皮) .15. The shoes are(在 .下面) the bed .16. These are my(父母亲)A. have, dontB. have, doesntC. has, dontD. has, doesnt 37. Suesports every day.A. playB. playingC. playsD. to play17. My mothers sister is my (姨母)38. The picture isthe wall.18. This co

5、mputer game is very (好玩的) .A. onB. inC. atD. to19. My brother wants a (网球) racket.39. The ruleron the bed. It s on the floor.20. Children (孩子们) should 应当 eat lots of 三、用所给单词的正确形式填空;(每空1 分,共 10 分)21. Arethat her teachers.22. There are three people inshefamily 23. My fatherhave a car24. Peter likespla

6、y basketball.25. Inot like French fries.26. Mary and I are( friend ) .27. Mr Green not have lunch every day .28. I eat two( tomato) every day.(水果) .A .isB. areC. notD. isnt 40. - Can you spell your name, please.- Yes, I.A. doB. canC. cantD. am41. Mary isnt my sister.my cousin.A. HisB. HerC. ShesD. H

7、es 42. - Is this your bike.- No,. Itsbike.A. this isnt, himB. this is, hesC. it isnt, hisD. it is, he 43. - Bob, is thisjacket.- Yes,is yellow.A. you, itB. your, itC. your, itsD. his, its 44. - Is Gina Miller your friend.- Yes,.A. it isB. he isC. you areD. she is5) .Those are some family photos on t

8、he wall. 改为单数句 69is a family 70on the wall.45. - is the boy.Hes my student.七、完形填空:(每题1 分,共 10 分)A. whatB. whoC. HowD. where. 46. There ispencil inpencil box.A. a ,theB. an ,theC. an ,aD. the ,a47. -is Peter.Hes in the room .A. WhoB. WhereC. HowD. What 48.Please call me2388977 A atB onCinD with49 You

9、 can find your ID card the lost and found caseA atB 、inC、 onD、for 50.-Lets play baseball.-.A. Yes , I do.B、That sounds goodC、Sorry, I dontD 、 No, I dont.五.补全对话 .(每空 1 分,共 10 分) A: 51, Zhang Ming.B: Hello, Li Ying. 52are you. A: 53, thanks. And you.Hello. I m Zhang HgepiZnhang is my71nameHeping is my

10、72 name1 m a 73boyI m74 My English75is Paul I m 76Class One,Grade SevenOhI find77English book It s78 Now it is in the lost79found case You can80658-6535()71 A firstB familyC oneD middle()72 A 1astB twoC firstD too()73 A ChineseB EnglishC AmericaD China()74 A 3B 25C 60D 1l()75 A nameB colorC phoneD b

11、ook()76 A onB atC forD in()77 A theB anCaD /()78 A yellowB fineC yourD my()79 A butB forC andD of()80 A meetB callC spellD look八、阅读懂得:(每题2 分,共 30 分)( A) Lost FoundB: Im fine, too. 54me, Is it a Chinese car.A: No, it 55. 56a Japanese(日本的) car. B: And what s this in 57 .A: It s 58 jeep(吉普车) . B: How d

12、o you 59it.A: J-E-E-P.B: 60you very much.1.Found:Is this your computer game. Please call TomPhone # 512-8843.3.Lost:A black watch. My name is Henry. My phone number is 555-0287.81. What color is the watch.2.Lost:A set of keys.My name is Peter Cooper. Please call Henry at 476-3539.4.Found:Is this you

13、r notebook . Please call Sam at 680-7432.A : It s my pleasure.六句型转换 每空 1 分,共 10 分1) . Are these her books.作否定回答 No , 6162.A. greenB. redC. blueD. black 82.What s Sams telephone number.A. 512-8843B. 467-3539C. 680-7432D. 555-02872) .The picture is on the wall . 对划线部分提问 63 64the picture .83.found 找到 thecomputer game.3) . Mary has a computer game. 改为一般疑问句) 65Barry 66a computer game ?A. SamB. PeterC. HenryD. Tom4) .He like ice cream 改为否定句 .He 67


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