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2、题谈一下我的心理历程。刚递交入党申请书时,是因为看到别人写入党申请,如果自己不写,怕老师,同学说自己不要求进步,于是也随大流写份申请,但是其间的所写却都是从书上,从党员父亲那里抄来、学来的。其实那时的我对党缺乏真正的认识,尽管上过几次党课,但对党的基本知识还是知之甚少,思想上并没有迫切要求入党的愿望。这是一种对党、对个人都不认真、不严肃的政治态度。后来 到高中毕业前夕,看到有的同学入了党,在同学中有一定的威望,羡慕不已,于是自己赶紧写了几份思想汇报,企盼有一天自己能获此荣耀,得到精神上的满足。其实这是一种入党动机不纯的表现。入党不是给别人炫耀的,更不是用来满足自己虚荣心的,而是应该踏踏实实为党

3、奉献,全心全意为人民服务,在学习和生活中发挥先锋模范作用。在学习中,我更加明确学习目的,端正学习态度,想办法,找问题,不断改进学习方法,勤奋认真地钻研知识。虽然有时成绩进步不大偶尔甚至出现下降,但我总是努力摆脱成绩不好的阴影,总结教训,投入到新的学习中,坚持不懈。长期以来,我都始终贯穿着自己是入党积极分子的思想。在集体活动中,我都积极参与,和大家积极配合完成集体任务。生活中,团结同学,尽量发挥自己的作用,作一些力所能 及的事情帮助和关心同学,比如听说同学病了,就去看望问候;听说朋友心情不好,就去劝勉鼓励。在担任班级干部期间,认真履行自己的职责,对班级事务和同学关系注入了很大的热情,而且坚持锻炼


5、仅要做一名合格的大学生,还应该是对党的路线方针、政策的关心者和拥护者。在日常生活中我积极关心时事政治,尤其是关于党制定的纲领路线、方针政策的消息和评论。最近我看到有关中国共产 党第十五届中央委员会第五次全体会议胜利闭幕的消息,得知会议审议并通过了中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议提出未来五年经济和社会发展新的目标,感到非常欣喜,因为这个五年计划我也会作为一名建设者,为社会和国家尽一份力。站在现在的起点上回顾过去,战争年代的那代人以巨大的智慧和勇气肩负起民族解放的时代课题。亚洲金融风暴发生后,党中央驾御全局,灵活应对,解决了一系列战略性课题。展望未来,随着改革的进一步深化,发展和

6、稳定还有很多重大的课题需要解决。祖国需要发展,需要人才。从五年看到五十年,清华人有“为祖国健康工作五十年”的承诺,作为一名入党积极分子,我要踏实地,一步一个台阶地向党靠拢,刻苦学习,努力攀登。大学生入党申请书自我介绍范文的延伸阅读入党申请书的基本书写格式及内容 根据中国章程的规定,要求入党的同志必须亲自向党组织提出申请。申请可分为口头申请和书面申请两种形式。通常情况下,申请入党的同志应写书面申请。入党申请书的基本书写格式及内容通常如下:标题。居中写“入党申请书”。称谓。即申请人对党组织的称呼,一般写“敬爱的党组织”。顶格书写在标题的下一行,后面加冒号。正文。主要内容包括:第一,对党的认识、入党

7、动机和对待入党的态度。写这部分时应表明自己的入党愿望。第二,个人在政治、思想、学习、工作等方面的主要表现情况。第三,今后努力方向以及如何以实际行动争取入党。第四,个人的履历、家庭成员及主要社会关系的情况。结尾。申请书的结尾主要表达请党组织考察的心情和愿望,一般用“请党组织审查”或“请党组织看我的实际行动”等作为结束语。在申请书的最后,要署名和注明申请日期。一般居右书写“申请人”,下一行写上“年月日”。大学生入党申请书自我介绍范文 党员 入党申请书 the “research” make great efforts to provide more targeted for leadership,

8、 predtability and effectiveness of ments and suggestions.(three) adhere to the information planning as an important means of epanding.The sources of information, through the work, the media and other channels, increase integration efforts the work of the munist Youth League and youth information dyn

9、am information resources, increase the information planning efforts to refine the munist Youth League, and ve full play to the role of information reference, to improve the quality of information as a fundamental, outstanding information work sensitivity and timeliness, timely, accurately, prehensiv

10、ely reflect the munipal Party mittee, munipal government, the Central mittee of the implementation of a major deployment, leadership attention, hot and diffult issues of concern to the masses and some important emergencies, timely provide all kinds of deep and valuable ponent of the follog informati

11、on.Continue to deepen the information research and information feedback system, information report system, information reporting system, information delivery system and information notifation system, and constantly improve the information work of the assessment, incentive mechanism, improve the long

12、-term mechanism to improve the information work of sustainable development.Two, pay close attention to contact and munation, efforts to improve the ability of prehensive coordinationve full play to a contact, pivotal role, coordination of the parties in accordance with the standard, effient, high qu

13、ality principles, firmly establish the principle of serve, and effectively improve the level of poly theory, grasp the method of coordinating work, conscientiously do serve leadership, serve and Serve Corps cadres.(a) do to actively carry out coordination.Upstream munipal Party mittee, munipal gover

14、nment work report, and the central mission to understand, grasp the key ideas and working organs, targeted focus on reporting the work of mission, to focus on the cityapos;s superior league, major activities, attention, support and help.(two) do parallel coordination.To strengthen the contact and mu

15、nation with the munipal departments, actively seek for the work of care, support, optimize the eternal environment.To strengthen the group work of the munist Youth League and other provinces and cities, to grasp the work around the dynam, active learning around the work eperience, the effective inte

16、gration of resources within the group, and the munist Youth League career development.(three) earnestly grassroots coordination.Further increase munation efforts, strengthen the organizations at various levels to guide the work of the offe and munation, to ensure the situation, reported lower levels of strength, and strive to the grassroots, inspired by the bas spirit of innovation, the formation of good ability of the



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