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1、导学案总第课时课题课时支配共 9 课时,第1 课时My new teachers一、能听、说、读、写描述人的体貌特点及性格特点的形容词:tall ,short,strong,学习old,young,thin,kind ,smart,active,strict ,funny,quiet 等,并能在交际中运用;目标二、能听、说、读、写以下句型,能够运用这些句型询问并介绍学校里老师的情形;评判方法通过课堂提问和习题达成复习目标;复习本单元重点复习描述人物体貌特点和个性的语言,其中难点在于 A 、B 部分 Read and重点write中对话的口头以及书面表达;复习A 、B 部分 Lets talk对

2、话的运用 难点教法与学法导学法课前预备Warm up教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带补充资料Review” Is he. Yes, he is . No, he isn Look and guess.t. ”CAIa picture of Xi Yangyang: Hello,I m XiYangyang.I have a new school. There are many new teachers in my school.My favourite teacher is Mr. Rabbit. He is my P.E teacher . Can you guess what s he li

3、ke.Let s guess:Is he. Yes, he is . No, he isnt.Now let s go to look at my new teachers. PresentationReview” Who s.She is.”“ Whats he like. He is.”学1.老师风采栏的路上 Xiang Yangyang and Mei Yangyang are talking习about his teachers.内2.They meet the principal:引出 Who s that man. Hes a university容student. He is t

4、hin tall,and kind.和3.来到风采栏 Wow, so many teachers.学Look“She is.He is.” 法4.“Whos your math teacher.指Whats he /she like.导He/She isWelcome to our school.It s nice and big. We have many new teachers. Look, Mrs Elephant is our principal. Shes tall and strong. Shes strict, but shes kind. Mr Monkey is our n

5、ew math teacher.目 He is a university student. Hes thin. Hes very smart. Look at that 标 yount lady. Whos she. Shes Miss Fox, our music teacher. She can检 sing and dance well. Shes very pretty.测 1.Who s the principal.学题2.Whats the principal like.习3.Is Mr Monkey a university student.内4.Who s the young l

6、ady.容和(1) Whos your English teache?r学 Mr Wang法(2) Whats he lik?e指课 He is tall and strong导堂 What s she lik?e小 She is funny(3) Is she quiet?结目标达成情形 No,she isn Sthe is very active Is she strict? Yes, he is,but he is very kind作 业 与练习板书设计单元测试题(1) Whos your English teacher? Mr Wang(2) Whats he lik?e He is

7、 tall and strong What s she lik?e She is funny(3) Is she quiet? No,she isn Is she strict?Sthe is very active Yes, he is,but he is very kind总结与反思导学案总第课时课题Unit2 My Days of the Week课时支配共 9 课时,第2 课时一、 能听、说、读、写单词:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday,学习Saturday, Sunday;词组: do homework, watch TV ,re

8、ad books 等,并能在交际中目标运用;二、能听、说、读、写以下句型,简洁描述一周内的学习课程及个人周末的支配:评判方法通过课堂提问和习题达成复习目标;复习本单元重点复习有关星期课程支配和周末活动的表达方法;重点复习其中难点是 A 、B 部分 Read and write中对话的口头以及书面表达; 另外,Wednesday,难点Tuesday, Thursday, Saturda等y单词拼写难度较大;教法与学法导学法课前预备Warm up教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带补充资料Review”What day isittoday/tomorrow. It s. What do you have

9、 on. We have. ”Let s sing.P24Listen and write the missing wordsCAI Xiang Yangyang and Fei Yangyang. They are going to school.You are Xiang Yangyang and Fei Yangyang,let Presentations make dialogues.Review”What do you do on Saturdays? I often.”Now they are in the classroom. Look at the curriculum sch

10、edule. Ask and answer“ What do you have on. We have.”学To be a little reporter,and make a survey.习Today is Friday,tomorrow is Saturday”. What do you do on Saturday?sI内often.”容NameSaturday/Sunday ActivitiesWith和学法指3.Repeat your classmates导activities.Read and tick and cross.目Hello. I m Peter. Im form C

11、anda. Now I study in Willow School.目标达成情形标I go to school from Monday to Friday.I like Fridays best ,because we检have Chinese, science andP.E.classes .Wehave noclass on测Saturdays and Sundays. On weekends I often do my homework,题play computer games and read some books. I love my school, myteachers.1.I

12、go to school from Monday to Friday.学2.We have Chinese, science and P.E. on Thursdays. 习3.We have classes on Saturdays and Sundays. 内4.On weekends I often watch TV and go to park. 容和学法指导(1) What day is it today? It s Wednesday课(2) What do you have on Thursday?s堂 We have English, math, and science on

13、Thursdays小(3) What do you do on Saturday?s结 I watch TV on Saturdays What about you. I do my homework作 业 与练习板书设计四会单词和句子的背诵(1) What day is it today? It s Wednesday(2) What do you have on Thursday?s We have English, math, and science on Thursdays(3) What do you do on Saturdays? I watch TV on Saturdays

14、What about you. I do my homework总结与反思导学案总第课时课题 Unit 3 Whats Your Favourite Food.课时支配 共 9 课时,第 3 课时一、能听、说、读、写有关食物的单词和描述味道的词语:tomato,fish ,potato,eggplant, tofu,grape,green beans,fruit , sweet,tasty, fresh, sour,salty 等,并学习能在实际情形中运用;目标二、能听、说、读、写以下句型,能够运用这些句型询问三餐所吃的食物,回答最宠爱或最不宠爱的食物,并说明缘由;评判方法通过课堂提问和习题达成复习目标;复习本单元重点复习环绕食物绽开的单词及句子;重点复习本单元 A 、B 部分


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