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1、pass的过去式是什么 pass的过去式是什么意思pass是我们每个人都非常熟悉的英语单词,pass有走过;通过; 批准等意思。可是你知道 pass的过去式是什么吗?下面是为你整理 的pass的过去式,希望大家喜欢!过去式:passedpassed常见用法adj.已经通过的;已经过去的;考试及格的;(指 红利)未及时发放的v.走过(pass的过去式和过去分词);通过;批准;度过1. Amys own Republican sympathies strengthened as the days passed.埃米个人对共和党的支持与日俱增。2. The Estonian parliament h

2、as passed a resolution declaring the republic fully independent.爱沙尼亚议会已经通过了宣布共和国完全独立的决议。3. Friends passed the word that the miners wanted to see him.朋友们传话说矿工们想见他。4. The car passed over the body twice, once backward and then forward.那辆车把那人来回轧了两次,先是倒着轧的,再是往前开着轧的。5. She passed the needle through the ro

3、ugh cloth, back and forth.她一针一针地缝那块粗布。6. He passed the letters to the Department of Trade and Industry.他把信交给了贸工部。7. I actually knew her, but in overalls I passed unrecognised.实际上我认识她,但是我身着工作服,与她擦身而过的时候却没 被认出来。8. The vote passed with 111 in favour and 25 against.111票赞成,25票反对,表决通过。9. The legislation i

4、s expected to be passed in the next parliament.预计这项法案将在下一届议会中通过。10. His mothers small estate had passed to him after her death.他母亲死后留给他一小笔遗产。pass常见用法vt.& vi.走过;通过;批准;度过vt.传球;及格;发生;不要n.通道;通行证;关口;越过1. They will not allow your more way-out ideas to unchallenged.他们不会放过你这些古怪的念头的。2. He stood emotionle

5、ss as he heard the judge sentence.他面无表情地站在那里,听法官宣布判决。3. Your partner should then pass the ball back to you.然后你的搭档应该将球回传给你。4. As they pass by, a piteous wailing is heard.他们经过时,响起了令人哀怜的恸哭。5. Liquidize the mixture and then pass it through a sieve.将混合物打成泥状,然后用滤网滤一下。6. Officials failed to pass vital info

6、rmation to superiors.官员们没有将重要信息汇报给他们的上司。7. The Senate is expected to pass the bill shortly.预计参议院不久就会通过此议案。8. An A-level pass in Biology is preferred for all courses.不管读什么课程,生物学高级证书考试最好都要及格。9. The guard eyeballed him pretty hard despite his pass.虽然他有通行证,卫兵还是直勾勾地盯着他。passpasstheir10. "I cant pass this up." She waved theinvitation.“我不能错过这个机会,”她挥舞着请帖说。 4



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