Broad City《大城小妞(2014)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本

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1、Ab, Ab, Ab- No joke, today is the day小艾小艾讲真今天we become Abbi and Ilana,我们要变成艾比和阿♥拉♥娜 the boss bitches we are in our minds. 我们脑中的霸道嫉♥子♥Are you with me?你支持我吗Yeah, Im with you, awesome.当然支持好极了Are you- Is that the whole thing?你说完了吗Obviously I have a plan.我当然有计划Tonight we are g

2、oing to see a secret pop-up Lil Wayne concert 今晚我们要去鲍艾里剧场看李尔韦恩的at Bowery Ballroom.临时演唱会I cant, Im so broke. No excuses, girl.不行我没钱了不能找借口妹子Im getting big ol balls of mozzarella today.我今天会拿到大奶酪球Chea- Get it! Chea- Harder.上用力Youre gonna have to speak in English for me.我听不懂你I am getting my paycheck toda

3、y and I can spot you, bitch! 我今天拿工资我可以请你贱♥人♥I wish that I could,我也希望我能去but I am so close to finishing season one of Damages/ 但我马上就要看完裂痕第一季了and I made, this, like, amazing cashew stir-fry for the week, 我还做了炒腰果so Im actually pretty booked.所以我没空Stir-fry?炒菜Can I talk to the Abbi who stole

4、a van?我能和那个偷车的艾比聊吗Ab, youre so stuck in your little routine.小艾你过得太常规了I bet you schedule when you jack off.你自♥慰♥肯定都有时间表Schedule when I ja-自♥慰♥定时间表Oh, my God.天啊Is that Lincoln?是林肯吗Yep.是的Is he inside of you? Yep.他在你体内吗是的Im just keeping him warm.我在给他保暖All right- Lets just set

5、 some ground rules here好了我们还是定些for everybody involved.基本规则吧1 dont want to see you have sex.我不想看你做♥爱♥Lets try and avoid that.尽量避免这个Lincoln, you seem well.林肯你看着不错Thank you- Ive been doing this no-bread diet and its pretty good. 谢谢我在尝试无面包饮食挺不错的Its been working.很有效All right- Im gonna head

6、out, then.好了我要出去了Peace, bye.拜拜That was hot- That was cool.刚才挺性感挺酷的That was like a threesome, in a way.就好像在3PUh, Ilana, what are we doing?阿♥拉♥娜我们在做什么Are we just having sex, hooking up? Are we dating?我们是在做♥爱♥约炮还是约会What is this?这算是什么This is purely physical.纯肉体关系Why does this

7、 always happen to me?为什么我总是遇上这种事Climb- Push it!蹬用力Come on!快Lets make some magic here. Lets climb it.来点魔术蹬上去Turn up that resistance- Come on.开启阻力快Lets do this. Yes, climb.可以的蹬上去Yo, Abbi.艾比Got something for you. Okay.有任务给你好Big of clogged toilet in the girls1 room. Itfs pretty bad. 老家伙把女厕所给堵了很严重Youll k

8、now it when you see it.你去了就知道了Thanks for the heads-up, Tre.谢谢提醒特雷No problem- Just do me a favor.没问题不过帮我个忙Try not to make eye contact with any members你拿着马桶掳/的时候when youfre holding the plunger. Really bums em out.别跟任何会员眼神接触会让她们不爽的Well, I mean, what if someone just, like, walks 要是有人突然走进来Underwater mass

9、age?水卜按♥摩♥Yes- Yes, that sounds intense.很好听上去很激烈Great job, killing it.干得漂亮Whos got more deals?谁谈成了更多交易Who else has a deal for me?还有谁谈成了交易Ooh, Nicole, whats your deal.妮可你谈成了什么Im kind of obsessed with these D-I-Y vajazzling seminars 我挺喜欢这些DIY私处金包银研讨小组and 1 feel like theyfd be a really gr

10、eat fit for us.我觉得和我们的风格很搭That is what Im talking about Do you guys smell that? 要的就是这种你们闻到了吗Come on, sniff the air.嗅嗅空气Oh, whats that odor? I think its the scent of a deal.是什么味道是交易的味道Whos got more deals for me?谁还谈成了交易Ooh, in the back, Ilana.后面的阿♥拉♥娜Dope sweatshirt- What is your deal?很酷

11、的运动衫你谈成了什么交易Ive been kind of obsessed with getting paid 我挺喜欢领工资的and I was wondering if thats happening today我在想今天会发工资吗so we could all be paid.这样大家都能领到Checks, unfortunately, delayed til Friday.很不幸要等到周五才能发了Bummer.悲剧F-M-L, right?操蛋的生活对吧Speaking of F-M-L, went on a third date 说到操蛋的生活我和M的with that girl f

12、rom Match.Com, to keep you guys updated, 那个女生第三次约会给你们及时汇报third time, went for the kiss, third time rejected, 第三次尝试接吻第三次被拒绝but Ill try- Ill get it.但我会仑此续努力我会成功的Lets get back to our desks.大家回到各自岗位上Deals dont make themselves.交易不会从天而降Bonjour, petit Wayne.你好小韦恩I am a genius.我真是个天才Not so much- Right; budd

13、y?不太多对吗伙计Thats the look of a dealer right there.那就是交易人的样子If I was in Las Vegas, Id assume you could 我要是在拉斯维加斯我会以为move the table limit.你能调整下注限额Ilana.阿♥拉♥娜Come on, this is not work.拜托这不是工作Oh. Okay, Ill take lunch.好的我去吃午餐Please.拜托Come back today.今天之内回来Ilana.阿 ♥拉♥娜Dont Black

14、Swan me like that, dude.别这么突袭我Okay, what are you even doing here?好你在这做什么Nothing Just strolling through the neighborhood 没什么就是在这附近瞎逛and wanted to see my number one.想来看我闺蜜Oh, really?是吗Okay, listen- I really think that you deserve- 听着我真的觉得你值得Sorry, 1 forgot about the line.抱歉我忘了这线了fl! see you in the sec

15、ond-class citizen area.我们在二等公民区见Its called the non-member pen and you know that.这里叫做非会员区你知道的Ew- Listen to yourself.恶听听你自己I think you deserve like an Abbi Buellerfs day off.你应该给自己放天假I canrt just leave work in the middle of the day. 我不能在中途离开Yes, you can- You just lie and leave.可以的撒谎然后离开All they let you do is fold towels, anyway.反正他们只让你叠毛巾


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