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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit4复习卷一、单项选择 ( )1.Do you know girl over there?Yes, she likes playing basketball a lot. A. the;/ B. a; the C. a;/ D. the; a( )2.How far is the nearest bus stop? Its about . A. 4 kilometres B. 4 kilometres far C. 4 kilometres along D. 4 kilometres away( )3. The boss makes his workers th

2、e rooms for him. A. cleans B. to clean C. clean D. cleaning( )4. Take the second turning the corner of the street. A. in B. by C. at D. of( )5. There is a bridge the river. Be careful when you it. A. cross; over B. across; over C. over; across D. over; cross( )6. Lets help the old man walk the stree

3、t. A. cross B. across C. crossing D. acrossing( )7. Remember off the lights when you leave the classroom. A. turn B. to turn C. turning D. turned( )8.Excuse me, can you tell me the to the Sunshine Hotel? Im afraid I cant help you. Im new here. A. street B. road C. way D. path( )9.Whats wrong with yo

4、ur watch? It doesnt . A. walk B. go C. do D. work( )10. It is going to rain soon. You take an umbrella with you. A. will B. should C. has to D. would( )11.Do you think Tom can be a member of the Drawing Club? We need to talk about it. Not can be a member of us. A. somebody B. nobody C. everybody D.

5、everything( )12. Im looking forward you soon. A. to see B. seeing C. to seeing D. see( )13. For our safety,we must the traffic rules on the way to school. A. follow B. change C. make D. break( )14.Yancheng is the east of China and the south-east of Xuzhou. A. in; in B. to; to C. to; in D. in; to( )1

6、5.Could you please take out the rubbish? . But I want to drink a cup of water first. A. Thank you B. Sure,no problem C. Youre welcome D. No,I cant二、完形填空 When you come into a restaurant with your friends,of course you can order all kinds of food. Before you order them,please think 1 :How many friends

7、 have dinner 2 you? What kinds of meat 3 vegetables do your friends like to eat? How many plates can you order for them? What is their 4 food? How much money can you 5 for the dinner after you finish it? Different people have different tastes. It is hard to change some habits. We all know it is bad

8、for our health 6 too much meat. But if there isnt 7 meat on the cable,your friends may think you arent a generous(慷慨的)person. It is a problem. Most friends are very friendly, though(尽管)the dinner 8 big enough. When you 9 your friends to have dinner, you shouldnt waste any things. When you leave the

9、restaurant,you should take 10 the things on the table in the restaurant. Saving is getting.( )1. A. by B. about C. to D. out( )2. A. for B. near C. with D. behind( )3. A. and B. either C. but D. also( )4. A. boring B. bad C. happy D. favourite( )5. A. make B. pay C. spend D. get( )6. A. eat B. eats

10、C. to eat D. eating( )7. A. any B. some C. many D. little( )8. A. dont B. doesnt C. arent D. isnt( )9. A. let B. invite C. find D. see( )10. A. away B. off C. on D. place三、阅读理解 (A)Peter and Charley will go to the movie theatre. But Peter doesnt know the way to the theatre. Charley writes the way to

11、the theatre on a piece of paper.Walk straight along the Sun Avenue until you see a video arcade. Turn left and you are on the Centre Street. You will go past a library. Then turn right. Go straight and you will see a park in front of you. Go through the park and turn left. After you pass the seventh

12、 shop, you will see a supermarket. The movie theatre is next to the supermarket. You cant miss it.1How does Charley tell Peter how to go there?AHe tells him by the phone BHe tells him in a letterCHe writes on a piece of paper DHe writes an e-mail to him2Peter and Charley want to go to a_Alibrary Bshop Ctheatre Dpark3The mov


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