人教版七年级英语下册精品教案-Unit 11

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1、三教上人(A+版-Applicable Achives)一 教学目标1. 知识目标 1)能熟知单元主要内容,学习并掌握词汇。单词:milk, cow, horse, feed, farmer, quite, anything, grow, farm, pick, excellent, countryside, yesterday, flower, worry, luckily, sun, museum, fire, painting, exciting, lovely, expensive, cheap, slow, fast, robot, guide, gift, everything,

2、interested, dark, hear2)掌握相应的语言知识。短语:milk a cow, ride a horse, feed chickens, quite a lot, in the countryside, fire station, all in all, be interested in, learn about , go fishing, how to make a , not at all, gift shop句型:a. How was your school trip? It was great/ fun /relaxing/ interesting/.b. Did y

3、ou see any cows? Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot.c. Did you ride a horse? No, I didnt. But I milked a cow.d. Were the strawberries good? Yes, they were. /No, they werent.e. I didnt like the trip at all. f. Lucky you.语法:规则与不规则动词的过去式规则动词过去式(详见书本P114)一般情况在动词原形后加-ed,如lookedplayed以字母e 结尾的动词,只加-d,如livedhope

4、d以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加-ed,如stoppedplanned 以“ 辅音字母+y ”结尾的动词,把y 改为i,再加-ed,如studied worried不规则动词过去式(见书本P142表格)需要识记,如get-got,eat-ate, have-h 3)能结合所给任务,综合运用新、旧知识完成任务。2. 能力目标1) 能培养良好的听、说、读、写的能力,能运用适当的评价词对过去的学校旅行进行评价,能正确使用动词过去式对过去的活动进行准确的描述。 2)通过观察、想象、模仿和表演等熟练、生动、有创造性地从图片或文字材料中获取有效信息,拓宽视野,围绕“学校旅行

5、/周末活动”进行交际。来源:学+科+网3)能在日常生活中恰当理解这单元话题范围内的单词和习惯用语,在真实的语言环境中体会语言,运用语言,感受语言的真实价值,品味语言的实际意义,从而获得运用语言的实际能力,运用所学知识进行创造性地发挥应用和积极主动地用英语进行交流。突破学生对一般过去时受汉语影响,避免不考虑动词过去式的构成。 3 过程与方法1)巧引妙导,挖掘教学内容和教学方法的新颖性和艺术性,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。采用互动的课堂模式,提倡开放式教学。2)倡导“任务型”教学途径,让学生“做中学”或“用语言做事”。“学”是前提,“做”是目的;“学”是为了“做”,“做”又促进“学”,两者缺一不可。3

6、)面向全体学生,因人因材施教,建构民主氛围,营造宽松和谐的课堂教学气氛,合理利用评价方式,捕捉学生亮点。正视个体差异,倡导过程激励,以多层次、多角度、多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步4)树立正确的“以人为本”的学习观,倡导自主学习、合作学习与探究式学习,发展主体性,培养独立学习意识,养成良好的学习习惯。明确“熟能生巧”的原理,积极参与课堂活动。在学习活动中讨论past events或参加课堂上的才艺表演(Talent show),创设语境,猜测课外/周末活动,乐于探究,勤于动脑动口。来源:Z*xx*k.Com5)掌握科学的学习方法,通过不同的活动形式(小组活动、配对活动、猜测活动、班级

7、活动等)共享资源,互助学习,在合作中取长补短,培养学生的用英语与人交往的能力。 4.情感目标 1).合理安排自己课外的学习、运动、休息、娱乐等活动形式,倡导过有意义的周末。要求学生保持愉快的心情,以积极的姿态,精神饱满地面对生活与学习。2)保护和引导学生对英语的好奇与探求心理。克服课外活动与学习过程中的畏难情绪,勇于追求对学习的自我完善和自我奖赏。3) 激发成就感,强化竞争意识。 二教学工具PPT, a tape recorder三教学重难点; 重点; 1.掌握本单元的重点词汇和短语2. 掌握相关规则及其应用难点; 1) 运用所学知识谈论相关规则 2) 对过去的事情进行询问。四教学步骤 Sec

8、tion A1. 热身(Warm-up) Video and song. Get the students to enjoy a short movie about taking a trip. This movie helps to warm up the students. Chant. Get the students to do a chant with the rhythm Two tigers. What do you do? What do you do? Go for a walk. Go for a walk.Milk a cow.Ride a horse. Ride a h

9、orse.What do you do? What do you do?Feed some chickens. Feed some chickens.Talk with a farmer.Take some photos. Take some photos.This chants helps to prepare the verb (base form) phrases in this unit.2. 呈现(Presentation) Presentation1. Show on the screen a picture of a school trip. Tech the phrase “s

10、chool trip”. Present the unit title “How was your school trip? ” Help the students to answer “It was great/ boring/ fun / relaxing/ interesting/ . ”2. Present a picture of a boy climbing a mountain. T: What did he do? Help the students to answer with the phrase: went to the mountains (climb a mounta

11、in).3. Explain the time phrase “last weekend” is a past time period. Show on the screen more pictures and ask and answer in pairs “What did he/ she/ they do last weekend?” Present more verb phrases(or verb only) “watched TV, played tennis, cleaned the room, visited grandparents, studied English, pla

12、yed soccer, went to the zoo, took some photos, danced, practiced English, had a big dinner, had a party, went to the beach, ate an apple, played computer games, did homework, went for a walk”. Teach the sound of “-ed” in each word. Think more verb phrases begins with “went”. Farm activitiesShow on t

13、he screen a picture of a farm. Teach the word “farm”. Present the picture of Carol. Get the students to guess “What did she do on the farm?” Present the verb phrases “milked a cow, rode a horse, fed chicken, talked with a farmer” by showing more pictures. These are all farm activities. Get the stude

14、nts to think more possible farm activities. 3. 1a活动(Activity 1a) Get the students to read through the pictures in Activity 1a. Match the phrases with the pictures. Check the answers with the class. Write down the verb base form for the verbs in these phrases. Check the verbs. Then try to read the re

15、cite the verbs and their respondent past form.(go-went, milk-milked, ride-rode, feed-fed, talk, talked, take-took)4. 结对活动(Pairwork) Show on the screen 12 different activity pictures. Get the students to have a pairwork like this.A:What did he/she/they do last weekend?B: He /She/They (过去式) last weekend.5. 猜谜(Guessing game) Present the sentence “I had a good time last weekend. ” on the screen. Note that last weekend is a past time period. Change the sentence into the General Interrogative Qu



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