外研版七年级 上册英语教学课件-Unit 3 (2)

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1、Unit 3,Module 9,Words & Phrases: run, study,Patterns:Im standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you.Tony is eating a delicious ice cream.Theyre working.People arent having dinner.,Focus on,Read the sentences and pay attention to the underlined parts.,Im standing on the Great Wall of China

2、 and talking to you.Tony is eating a delicious ice cream.Theyre working.People arent having dinner.,现在进行时(1),当我们想表达说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作时, 通常会用到现在进行时。,一、构成: be +动词-ing形式,动词的现在分词的变化规则(动词-ing 的构成): 1) 一般在词尾加ing,如: read-reading look-looking play-playing eat-eating,2) 以不发音的e结尾的词先去掉e再加ing。如: take-taking have-ha

3、ving,3) 以辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节, 应双写最后的辅音字母, 再加ing。如: sit-sitting run-running get-getting swim-swimming shop-shopping put-putting set-setting stop-stopping begin-beginning4) 特殊变化: lie-lying,【3种句型结构分析】,注意看转换过程中的变化。,Is he writing a postcard?,一般疑问句 (把be提到句首),He is not (=isnt) writing a postcard.,否定句,He

4、 is writing a postcard.,肯定句,Are you lying in the sun with your friends?,一般疑问句(注意人称的相应变化),I am lying in the sun with my friends.,肯定句,注意: 当主语为I时, be动词用am;当主语为第三人称单数时, be动词用is;当主语为第二人称或其他复数人称时, be动词用are。其否定形式直接在be后面加not;其一般疑问句形式则是把be动词移到句首。如:,My mum is walking home.My mum is not walking home.Is your mu

5、m walking home?,Tony is taking photos.Tony is not taking photos.Is Tony taking photos?,二、用法:表示说话时正在进行的动作 Dont talk to me. I am doing my homework. 不要和我说话, 我正在做作业呢。表示现阶段正在进行、说话时不一定正在进行的动作 My father is writing a book these days. 我爸爸这些天在写一本书。,三、使用场合:当句子中有now,或当句子以look、 listen开头时,通常采用现在进行时。 My brother is

6、 sleeping now. 我弟弟现在正在睡觉。 Look! The students are having an English class now. 看!学生们现在正在上英语课。 Listen! She is singing over there. 听!她正在那边唱歌。,另外,当表示当前一段时间内正在进行的动作、且句中有this week,these days等时间状语时,通常用现在进行时。 We are working on a farm these days. 这几天我们正在农场工作。 We are studying Unit 1 this week. 这周我们学习第一单元。,1.

7、- What _ you _ (do) now? - I _ (sing) an English song.2. - What _ he _ (wash)? - He _ (wash) a car.,Complete these sentences using present continuous tense.,doing,am singing,washing,is washing,are,is,3. _ you _ (fly) a kite? Yes, _.4. _ she _ (sit) in the boat?5. We _ (play) games now.,Are,I am,sitt

8、ing,are playing,flying,Is,( )1. Look! The twins _ their mother do the housework. (A) are wanting (B) help (C) are helping (D) are looking( )2. They are _ their clothes. (A) make (B) putting (C) put away (D) putting on,Choose the best answers.,C,D,( )3. Listen! She _ in the classroom. (A) is singing

9、(B) sing (C) to sing (D) is sing( )4. Look! Lucy is _ a new bike today. (A) jumping (B) waiting (C) riding (D) leaving,A,C,( )5. Today Jim _ his white shirt and brown trousers. (A) is putting on (B) wear (C) put on (D) is wearing( )6. _ are you eating? Im eating _ meat. (A) What; some (B) Which; any

10、 (C) Where; not (D) What; a,D,A,( )7. They _ TV in the living room. (A) are watching (B) cant watching (C) not watch (D) dont watching( )8. The children _ football. (A) is playing (B) are playing (C) play the (D) play a,A,B,She isnt watching a ballet.,Are you waiting for your teacher?,Yes, he is.,Wh

11、at are they doing?,练习:句型转换,1. She is watching a ballet. (变否定句),2. Were waiting for our teacher. (变一般疑问句),3. Is Tony calling a friend? (作肯定问答),4. They are lying in the sun. (划线部分提问),Look at the picture and say what they are doing.,Tony is talking on his cell phone.,Tom is taking photos.,Lingling and

12、Betty are doing their homework.,Daming and his friends are enjoying the school trip.,1. I am reading an English book. (改为否定句) _2. Jimmy sleeps in his room. (改为现在进行时) _,Rewrite the sentences with requirements.,I am not reading an English book.,Jimmy is sleeping in his room.,4. I am dancing in the cla

13、ssroom. (用they作主语改写句子) _ 5. mother, cooking, now, is, my (.) (连词成句) _,3. Is he talking with his teacher on the cell phone? (作否定回答) _,No, he isnt.,They are dancing in the classroom.,My mother is cooking now.,Tony: Hi, Dad !Dad: Hi, Tony. What are you doing now?Tony: We _ (visit) the Forbidden City. L

14、ingling and Betty _ (write) postcards.Dad: What is Daming doing?,are visiting,are writing,Complete the conversation Tony is having with his dad.,Tony: He _ (take) photos. There are lots of people here. They _ (enjoy) the sun. Some people _ (look) at the buildings and some _ (look) at maps.Dad: Are y

15、ou having a good time?Tony: Yes, we _ (have) a great time, Dad! See you next Monday.,is taking,are enjoying,are looking,are looking,are having,Look at the pictures and write about it.,Some old people are doing Taijiquan. They arent doing Yangge.,Some boys are playing football. They arent playing bas

16、ketball.,He isnt watching TV. He is using a computer.,They arent reading a book. They are doing homework.,Read the expressions in the box, and then use them to make dialogues.,driving a car getting up going to sleep lying in the sun,playing basketballrunning for a bus studying history,taking photoswatching TV writing postcards,For example:,Youre running for a bus!,No!,Youre playing basketball!,Yes!,1. 一些人正在喝下午茶。Some people are _ _ _.2. 那个男孩和妈妈说了“晚安”,然后就回房间了。The boy says “_ _” to his mother, and


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