(广州版)六年级 英语上册教案 Module5 Unit14

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1、中小学课堂教学精品资料设计广州版六年级英语上册教案Unit 14 What Was Judys Old School Like?Objectives(教学目标)1.Language knowledge语言知识:Vocabulary词汇: classmate, different from, finish, less, floor (四会), timetable (三会)Sentences句型: How did you get home ? I went home by bus.Which floor do you live on ? I live on the eighth floor.Dai

2、ly Express习惯用语:Anything else? Thats good.Grammar语法:一般过去时、一般现在时、一般将来时Phonetic语音2.Language skill语言技能:如何运用所学的知识来描述现在与过去的学习和生活3.Affect 情感态度:热爱生活4.Learning Strategies学习策略:教学中运用多媒体辅助教学,让学生更加形象得理解课文内容,深化学生对词汇和语言的掌握,在日常生活中更好的运用所学的内容。5.Cultural Consciousness文化意识:英美国家对楼层的不同表达方法Difficulties Analysis(教学难点分析)1本课

3、的第三段描述作息时间的不同,也是实义动词过去时式出现较多的部分,句子较长,较难上口。 如:We started school later and finished earlier. We worked for a shorter time in the morning before lunch break and we had sports every afternoon. And we had less homework.2正确使用过去、现在和将来的句子来谈论学习和生活。如:How did you get home from school before? How will you get h

4、ome?Teaching Aids/Media主要教学媒体 教学图片、自制课件、呈现和巩固操练环节。Teaching Procedures 教学过程Teaching activity & Steps of the activity Learning strategies Purpose1.Warm up1.播放本单元的英语歌曲: Remember yesterday?2.Chant:am, is- was are, are-werego, go-went see,see-sawhave, have-had say, say-said3.Free talk:1.Listen and sing2.

5、 Chant3.T-P talk & P-P talkWhat did you do yesterday?Were you at home last night?Where were you yesterday?等1.热身,激发学生的学习热情2.通过歌曲和游戏,复习已学过的过去时句子及动词过去式,为学习课文句子做好铺垫。Presentation and Practice 1.Well done, boys and girls. But did all of you hand in your homework? 引导学生回答Yes.及时表扬学生:Excellent! All of you fin

6、ished your homework. Yesterday we had less homework, too. 拿出一些粉笔或水作比较This glass has less homework.2.导出新知识:电脑出现我一个同学的相片,介绍:This is my classmate, Rose. classmate 利用班上同学介绍you are his classmate. 并让同学们互相说彼此是classmate. yeah, she is my classmate. She worked in Shenzhen last year. 教学新单词classmate.3. Yeah, Ro

7、se is my classmate. She worked in Shenzhen last year. But I worked in Guangzhou last year. 询问学生:Did my classmate and I work in the same city last year ? 学生回答:No.老师总结:Yes, we didnt work in the same city. We worked in different cities. Guangzhou is different from Shenzhen. 教学新短语 be different from4.出示一

8、张时间表教学新单词timetable. 电脑出现两张不同的时间表,引导学生讲出:This timetable is different from that one. 然后让学生小组讨论自己与别人的不同之处或不同之物。5. 表扬同学们的谈论结果:Excellent. They are so many differences. For example, we studied on the third floor last term. Now we live on the fourth floor. 教学新单词floor及句子I live on the .floor. (用简笔画画出一幢楼)并讲解英

9、美国家对楼层的不同表达法。学生理解并学习新单词finish 和less2. 学生理解并运用新单词classmate. 同学们互相说彼此是classmate.3. 学生学习新短语 be different from 4. 学生学习新词timetable,并根据老师的引导,使用be different from 进行表达自己和别人的不同。如:My pen is black.Your pen is white. Its different from yours.等。然后小组汇报谈论结果。5. 学生操练句型,根据实际情况问答:Which floor do you live on?I live on t

10、he floor.1.初步感知新单词。2.学习新单词classmate3.感知新短语 be different from 4.小组谈论,进行意义性操练,达到使用句型进行交际的目的。5.有利于学生间的互相了解, 运用句型。Presentation and Practice1.播放课文对话的录音(两次),让学生理解课文并看电脑屏幕出现的第三段的对话补全对话的内容。如:Was the timetable_ _ ours?Yes, We _ school later and _ earlier.Anything _?We _ for a _ time in the morning before lun

11、ch break and we _ sports every afternoon. And we had _ homework.2.指导学生朗读课文。3. Chant:Which floor do you live on?I live on the seventh floor.How did you get home before?I went home by bus.How will you get home today?On foot.启发学生chant中三个句了用了不同的时态,运用了不同的助动词,do, did , will. 并替换中的斜体部分的内容。4.让学生完成Part2的问题。1.学生听对话,并根据对话完成所缺的单词。及时较对答案,更好得理解本段的内容。2.全班读,小组读,分角色读。3.Chant 并替换中的斜体部分的内容4.完成Part2 的问题并较对答案1.学生通过听录音和补全对话所缺漏的单词,及时巩固了本课主要句型和新词汇。2.感知并理解对话3.进一步巩固和运用本课所学的重点句型4.巩固课文的内容中小学课堂教学精品资料设计



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