新视野大学英语2第三版Unit 6 section A课前导入部分

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1、 UnitUnit 6 6New Horizon College English (3rd Version) Book 2Can you tell me the date of the coming CET-4?A Challenge !A saying : A man without distant care must have near sorrow. Its unavoidable for us to encounter a variety of challenges.List the challenges facing you :final examinationFinding a b

2、oyfriend (girlfriend)Seeking a part-time jobFinishing your term papersA quarrel between you and your roommatesLack of money for your tuitionHave an appetite for unaffordable goods Shouldwemanagetogetdoneallthethingsfacingus? Whatcanwedotodealwithsuchasituation? Besides the noble art of getting thing

3、s done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in theeliminationofnon-essentials. - Lin Yutang (Chinese writer)除了把事情做好的崇高艺术,还有把事情搁下不做的崇高艺术。人生的智慧在于剔除没有必要的事物。 林语堂 Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wi

4、sdom of life consists in theeliminationofnon-essentials. - Lin Yutang (Chinese writer)learn to give up something unimportantUnit Unit 6 6 Section ASection ADoor closer, are you?Door closer, are you?Metaphor narrow down choicesA famous figure who applied this philosophy subtly to the reality in ancie

5、nt ChinaWhenGodclosesadoor,heopensawindow.Xiang Yu (232 BC-202 BC) a prominent militaryleaderand politicalfigure the late Qin Dynasty the Battle of Julu ( 巨鹿之战) Farewell, My Concubine( 霸王别姬) the Battle of Julu ( 巨鹿之战) Time: In 207 BCLocation: JuluPeople: forces between the Qin Dynasty and the insurg

6、ent state of ChuCharacteristics: Result: the Qins army was defeatedSignificance: marking the decline of Qins military powerAn allusion: “Smashing the Cauldrons and Sinking the Boats” ( 破釜沉舟)Enlightenment: firm determination to achieve ones goal at any cost. the Battle of Julu ( 巨鹿之战) Time: In 207 BC

7、Location: JuluPeople: forces between the Qin Dynasty and the insurgent state of ChuCharacteristics: a typical example of the weak winning the strongResult: the Qins army was defeatedSignificance: marking the decline of Qins military powerAn allusion: “Smashing the Cauldrons and Sinking the Boats” (

8、破釜沉舟)Enlightenment: firm determination to achieve ones goal at any cost.“Smashing the Cauldrons and Sinking the Boats” ( 破釜沉舟)Its content:Xiang Yu ordered his men to sinkalltheirboatsandbreaktheircookingpots, leaving only a three-day supply of food for each soldier. He warned them that there was no

9、way to retreat; the only thing they could do to survive was to advance and fight. Its significance:Xiang Yus boat burning strategy gave his men no choice but to go forward to fight with skill and passion. Why is the allusion “Smashing the Cauldrons and Sinking the Boats”so famous? It was an unusual choice-making because it defeated one of the weaknesses in human beings: It is hard to bear seeing opportunities slip away although when there are too many choices in life, people usually feel less happy and more depressed.


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