最新外研版小学英语五年级上册《You can play football well》习

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《最新外研版小学英语五年级上册《You can play football well》习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新外研版小学英语五年级上册《You can play football well》习(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、最新外研版小学英语五年级上册You can play football well习 Module 6 Unit 1You can play football well习题 Part A 一、基础过关 1依据图片提示,写出单词或短语。 (1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ 2汉译英。 (1)足球队_(2)跑得快_ 二、综合训练 选择填空。 (1)( )We can play football _. A.good B.nice C.well (2)( )Can you _ fast? A.run B.runs C.running (3)( )Do you want to _ in our foo

2、tball team? A.is B.are C.be (4)( )You were very good _ swimming. A.in B.at C.on 三、拓展应用 朗读本课单词三遍,使用“手机”录音,然后与全班同学共享。 阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Do you like playing football?Do you like Beckham(贝克汉姆)and Messi(梅西)?We only have seven members in our football team.We need three good football players and a goalkeeper.Th

3、en you can be in our football team.Join(加入) our football club.Please call Li Ming at 6223456. (1)( )How many players do they need? A.One. B.Two. C.Three. (2)( )Beckham is from _ . A.China B.England C.Japan (3)( )We have _ members in our football team. A.ten B.seven C.nine (4)( )Whats the meaning of “football club”? A.足球队 B.足球迷 C.足球俱乐部 (5)( )Please call Li Ming at _. A.6333465 B.6223456 C.6112345 3Word版本


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