常用英语对话口语交际 [关于宠物英语交际口语对话] 范文

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1、常用英语对话口语交际 关于宠物英语交际口语对话 英语交际中,对话中加入宠物这个话题,比较容易让人打开话匝。下面是办公室王老师给大家整理的宠物英语交际口语对话,供大家参阅! 宠物英语交际口语对话1 Adrienne: Hey, Lisa, I was hoping you could tell me a little about this cat? 埃德里安娜:嗨,莉莎,我想请你说说这只猫的情况。 Lisa: This is my cat Rocky. Her name. her full name is Rocky Parker, and the reason for that is beca

2、use she is a survivor and Ill go into that, how shes a survivor soon, and also because she climbs the walls like Peter Parker, Spiderman. How we found Rocky, was that our friends of ours lived in this apartment complex. They were walking home one day and they heard this cat meowing in the bushes and

3、 they stopped and looked for it. They kept on hearing it meowing but they couldnt actually see where it was. So they started looking for it and it happened that there was a police officer who was in the general vicinity and came to help them look for the cat. So they finally found this little kitten

4、 who was not more than a month old, had obviously been abandoned by her mother and the police officer explained that because of the animal laws in the community that if they didnt take the cat in or find an owner within a week, they had to bring the cat back to the SPCA, they couldnt leave it out on

5、 the street again. 莉莎:这是我的猫洛基。它的全名是洛基帕克,取这个名字是因为她是一个幸存者,稍后我会详细说明为什么说它是幸存者,还有它会像蜘蛛侠彼得帕克一样爬墙,所以给它取了这个名字。我们是怎么发现洛基的,我们的朋友住在这栋公寓楼。有一天他们走路回家时听到这只小猫在灌木丛里叫,所以他们就停下来去找。他们一直都能听到猫叫的声音,但却看不见它在哪里。他们只能继续找,碰巧附近有个警察,他过来帮我的朋友们一起找这只猫。最后他们找到了这只当时大约一个月大的小猫,很显然它被它妈妈抛弃了,那名警察说,依据社区动物法,如果他们在一周内没有收留这只猫或者不能为这只猫找到去处,那他们只能把这只

6、猫带回爱护动物协会,他们不能再把这只猫遗弃在街头。 Adrienne: Whats the SPCA? 埃德里安娜:SPCA是什么? Lisa: The SPCA is the Society for the Protection of Animals and that controls. it regulates stray animals. It also is a place where you can bring dogs or cats and they are given away free to owners, to new pet owners. 莉莎:爱护动物协会,是管理流浪

7、动物的组织。你可以从那里免费领养小猫小狗。 宠物英语交际口语对话2 Ann: Alison,What kind of pet do you want to get? 艾莉森,你想要怎样的宠物? Alison: How about a goldfish? 一条金鱼怎么样? Ann: Theyre too boring! How about a snake? Snakes are interesting. 他们太无聊!一条蛇怎么样?蛇很有趣。 Alison: No!Snakes are too scary!Lets get a nice pet like a cat. 不!蛇太令人害怕。咱们找个好

8、的宠物像猫一样。 Ann: A cat?I dont like cats. Cats arent friendly enough. 一只猫?我不喜欢猫。猫不是足够友好。 Alison: Well,that hamster over there looks nice. He seems friendly, and he has short hair. 好,那仓鼠看起来不错。他似乎很友好,并且他有短的毛发。 Ann: Yeah, hes perfect! 是的,他是很完美! Alison: Lets get him! 就要他! 家庭宠物的常用英语对话句子 1.宠物是美国文化中的一部分。 Pets

9、are as basic to American culture. 2.要说宠物嘛,牧狗最好。 As for pets,sheepdogs are the best. 3.饲养宠物是时尚。 It is fashionable to keep a pet. 4.宠物甚至有助调解人际火系。 Pets even encourage social relationships. 5.养宠物会给你带来一些麻烦。 Keeping a pet will bring you some troubles. 6.这小狗很顽皮。 The little dogs full of fun. 7.小狗们高兴地摆动着。 Th

10、e puppies wiggled with delight. 8.小狗躺在门前打盹儿。 The dog lay dozing in front of the door. 9.多可爱的一只小狗! What a darling little dog! IO.小狗不停地哑声吠叫。 The puppy barked hoarsely all the while. II.那些小狗在地板上到处打滚。 The puppies were tumbling about the floor. 12.他的狗还没有生过一窝小狗。 His dog hasnt had a litter of puppies. 13.小

11、狗叫了一声。 The puppy gave a yap. 14.你要好好饲养新得到的小狗。 You must treat your new puppy kindly. 15.她的猫咪死去使她精神颓丧。 The death of her pet cat broke her up. 16.你是一只多么漂亮的猫咪。 What a beautiful Pussy you are! 17.罗兰正帮格温买宠物用品。 Roland is helping Gwen buy pet wupplies. 18.哪些宠物受欢迎? What are some popular pets? 19.宠物给你带来什么快乐? What joy does your pet bring you? 20.你会有一只宠物熊! You have a pet bear! 看过宠物英语交际口语对话的人还看了: 1.宠物的英语对话4篇 2.宠物英语对话 3.英语对话 宠物 4.宠物的英语对话 5.宠物的英语口语表达和对话 9


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