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1、Module2FriendshipUnit 3 Language in use1. She told me. She is cooking.2. I say to Jim. Well go surfing.3. Miss Gao said. She likes oranges.4. Mr Smith told his wife:“I bought a dress for you.”5. Do you know? When will the meeting begin?6. I knew. How does David go to school?7. Can you tell me? Where

2、 did you buy the book?8. Jims aunt asked him:“How often do you clean your bedroom?”9. I want to know. Are you from America?She told me (that) she was cooking.I say to Jim (that) well go surfing.Miss Gao said (that) she liked oranges.Mr Smith told his wife (that) he bought a dress for her.Do you know

3、 when the meeting will begin?I knew how David went to school.Can you tell me where you bought the book?Jims aunt asked him how often he cleaned his bedroom.I want to know if / whether you are from America.If / Whether clause as objects:1.从句是一般疑问句的宾语从句 ;2. 从句的引导词用 if 或 whether , 不能省略 ;3. 从句的句式要由疑问句的句

4、式改为陈述句的句式.4. 时态,标点应随着主句的变化而变化.Model: 1)“ Has Sally Maxwell arrived?” Do you know?- Do you know if Sally Maxwell has arrived?2)“Do you miss the UK, or your relations?” Can I ask ? - Can I ask if you miss the UK, or your relations? 主句从句引导词陈述语序Can you borrow your pen to me? What did Ted ask Jane ?He as

5、ked Jane if / whether she could borrow her pen to him.Have you got any fish?What does the baby cat ask?He asks if his father has got any fish.Am I cool?What does the baby ask?He asks if / whether he is cool.Can you hold me up?What did the girl want to know?The girl wanted to know if the man could ho

6、ld her up?“Do you love me?”What did the girl ask the young man?She asked the young man if / whether he loved her.Can I fly?What does the baby wonder ?He wonders if / whether he can fly.“Will you take me to the sky?”What does the girl ask the Spiderman?She asks the Spiderman if / whether he will take

7、 her to the sky.1. Do you know? Does Marry like apples?2. I want to know. Was he at home yesterday?3. Can you tell me? Have they finished the work ?4. I didnt know. Are you Tom?5. He knew. Does the girl come here by bus?6. Mr. Smith asked Miss Gao:“ Do you work in a school?”7. The farmer asked his s

8、on:“ Can you grow fruit?”8. The teacher asked :“Does the earth turn around the sun?”Do you know if / whether Mary likes apples?I want to know if / whether he was at home yesterday.Can you tell me if / whether they have finished the work?I didnt know if / whether you were Tom.He knew if / whether the

9、 girl came here by bus.Mr. Smith asked Miss Gao if / whether she worked in a school. The farmer asked his son if / whether he could grow fruit.The teacher asked if / whether the earth turns around the sun.宾语从句三要素:语序、时态、引导词” 宾语从句的语序1).宾语从句的语序是陈述语序,即“连接词+主语+谓语+其它成分”。而不是疑问句的倒装结构。Canyoutellmewherewillwe

10、go?()Canyoutellmewherewewillgo?()2).陈述句变为宾语从句时,要注意人称和时态的变化,语序不变。eg.Shesaid,“Iwillleaveamessageonthedesk.”Shesaidshewouldleaveamessageonthedesk.3)一般疑问句和特殊疑问句变为宾语从句时,也要注意人称和时态的变化,后面接陈述语序。eg.“Wherearethetickets?”Iaskedhim.Iaskedhimwherethetickets 宾语从句的时态宾语从句中谓语动词的时态,常常受到主句谓语时态的制约,此为时态呼应。1)如果主句谓语是一般现在时或

11、将来时,从句谓语的时态不受限制;2)如果主句谓语的时态是一般过去时,从句一般要随着改为相应的过去时态(一般过去时、过去进行时、过去将来时、过去完成时)。eg.Ithought(that)youarefreetoday.()Ithought(that)youwouldbefreetoday.()3)【注意】当宾语从句叙述的是客观真理时,不管主句谓语的时态如何,从句都用一般现在时。eg.Theteachertoldus(that)theearthmovesaroundthesun. 宾语从句的连接词1连词that,只起连接作用,在从句中不作句子成分,也无词汇意义,在口语中常被省略。eg.Hekne

12、w(that)heshouldworkhard.2连词if、whether,它们起连接作用,在从句中不作句子成分,作“是否”解,在口语中多用if。eg.Tomdontknowif/whetherhisgrandpalikedthepresent.HeaskedmewhetherornotIwascoming.一般情况下,if和whether可以互换,但以下3种情况只能用whether: 在不定式前:Whethertogothereornothasntbeendecided. 在介词前:Itdependson(依靠)whetheritisgoingtorain. 与ornot连用:Theyare

13、talkingaboutwhethertogothereornot.3连接代词who,whom,whose,what,which,连接副词when,where,why,how,它们起连接作用,作句子成分,各有自己的意义。eg.Theteacheraskedthenewstudentswhichclasshewasin.Iwonderwherehegotsomuchmoney. 【注意】1标点由主句决定,如主句是陈述句、祈使句,则用句号;是疑问句则用问号。eg.IheardshehadbeentotheGreatWall.CanyoutellmewhichbusIshouldtake?2要注意个

14、别句子中主从句人称的一致。1. Mr. Smith thought. Does Mrs. Smith get back? Mr. Smith thought _ Mrs. Smith _ _.2. Miss Green says:“I like singing.” Miss Green says _ _ _ singing.3. Do you want to know ? Why didnt I see the film ? Do you want to know _ _ _ see the film ?4. Nobody knew. Who is knocking at the door?

15、Nobody knew _ _ knocking at the door.5. We could see. There are many animals in the zoo. We could see _ _ many animals in the zoo.6. The boy asked his mother :“ Do you like me ?” The boy asked his mother _ _ _ _.7. The girl asked:“ Is the moon far away from the earth?” The girl asked _ the moon _ fa

16、r away from the earth.8. Uncle Wang told his daughter:“I bought a computer for you.” Uncle Wang told his daughter _ _ a computer for _. if got back that she likes why I didnt who wasthere were whether she liked him if is he bought herActivity2Choosethecorrectwordstocompletethesentences. -Pleasetellmeif / whyyouwanttocometomyparty.-Idlovetocome.Thanks!2.Idontknowhow / whyhedidit.-Illshowyou.3.-Imnotsurewhen / whetherTonywillcomeornot.-No,heisnt.4.-Iwanttoknowhowlong / oldheis.-Heistenyearsold.5.-



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