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1、开幕致辞英文开幕致辞英文 开幕词、欢迎词、致谢词及常用句型第五组:张小娇、邹林玲、 杨茜、罗艳玲、刘露 常用句型 欢迎词: 1,On behalf of sb, I have the honor extend this warm welcome to sb. 我很荣幸的代表大家向您们表示热烈欢迎 2、Permit me extend these warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.请允许我向远道而来的贵宾表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候 3,I am very delight

2、ed to extend this personal warm welcome to guest. 我很愉快的以我个人的名义,对来宾致以热烈欢迎 4、Extend a warm welcome to somebody.表示热烈欢迎 5、It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to you.怀着愉快的心情向你们表示欢迎 6、To take this opportunity to convey to our Chinese guest.向中国客人表示热烈欢迎 7,I am very happy to have this seco

3、nd chance of joyful gathering with you. 我非常高兴和你再次相聚 感谢词: 8、On behalf of sb, I would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks sb for their invitation and gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on there.我愿意借此机会,对你们的友好款待表示真诚感谢, 9,First of all, permit me to say thank y

4、ou for your considerate arrangements and incomparable hospitality. 首先,请允许我感谢你们的精心安排和热情好客 10、For your kind invitation to giving this grand banquet. 感谢你邀请我参加晚宴 11,I should like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your gracious reception.我愿向你们的盛情款待表示感谢 ,12,Please accept our sincere thanks for your ki

5、nd invitation. 请接受我们对你友好邀请的真诚感谢13,I wish to say again that I am so delighted to visit your great country and this lovely town. 我为自己能访问这座美丽的城市,再次表达我的愉快之情 14,I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in china. 我对你为我到达贵国后所作的一切安排表示谢意 包含各类专业文献、文学作品欣赏、外语学习资料、幼儿教育、小学教育、高等教育、

6、行业资料、中英文欢迎词、致谢词、开幕词26等内容。 开幕致辞英文WelcomeSpeech Read followingwelcome speech script carefully。 Dear colleagues: OrganizingCommittee, warmlywelcome you 19thInternational Congress morethan 50 interesting symposia, covering widerange ecology(生态学),disease, ethics(伦理学) philosophy.Some symposia presentrecen

7、t advances zoology,some presentnew discoveries traditionalzoology, discussphilosophy zoology.We invitesome distinguished zoologists giveplenary(全体出席的) speeches. interestingsocial activities culturaltours during giveyou deep impression. newcentury, ongoing(不断发展的)industrialization, we face more enviro

8、nmental challenges than ever before: invasion alienspecies, extinction endangeredspecies (濒于灭绝的生物), environmental deterioration(恶化),outbreaks(突然蔓延) Fortunately,we have become more capable rapiddevelopment modernzoology. sincerelyhope participantsworldwide exchangeideas, enhancecollaboration, establi

9、shfriendships promoteour capacity conflictsbetween wildlife wishyou verypleasant memorableexperience historicalcity Beijing.Answer followingquestions briefly. How many symposia heldduring Congress?Who giveplenary speeches? What environmentalchallenges newcentury? What Congress?Welcoming Speeches (代表

10、?)theOrganizing Committee, warmlywelcome you warmlywelcome delegates(与会代表)from (16 countries andregions)! greatpleasure welcomeyou 28thInternational Congress ampleased giveyou warmestwelcomes (ShanxiNormal University). OrganizingCommittee) InformationIndustry), amvery pleased warmlywelcome (experts,

11、 professionals Industryfrom various countries around greatgathering. organizers,we have welcomeyou internationalCongress). mypleasure globalcommunity researchers,policy makers healthindustry representatives) AnnualMeeting Wewarmly welcome you all OrganizingCommittee, wouldlike welcomeall menders, gu

12、ests exciting,enjoyable educationalexperience. Content morethan 50 interesting symposia(专题讨论 widerange systemeatics,ecology, diseases, ethics widerange excitingtopics, including variousformats(方式) including workshops(研 speakersessions(会期) poster(海报,广告) sessions. keyquestions (assessingquality, effec

13、tiveness, onlymedical devices, equipment, pharmaceuticals(药剂), allprocedures prevention,treatment rehabilitation身体 复原), Wehope you eiched,stimulated(促进), greatlyenjoy excellentprogram highlightsscientific psychology itsapplications allareas sincerelyhope participantsworldwide exchangeideas, enhancec

14、ollaboration, establishfriendships promoteour capacity conflictsbetween wildlife exchangeideas, establishprofessional networks. specificdisciplinary research, multi-disciplinarystudies. (16thWorld Computer) Congress provideChinese foreignprofessionals goodopportunity mutualunderstanding, exchange ac

15、ademic ideas findpartners congressaims promoteglobal collaboration, newgeneration congressoffers greatopportunity internationalscientists Chinesecolleagues), stunningchanges otheraspects WorldCongress ChineseBiochemical Engineers2022) memorableevent (ourChinese colleagues friendsfrom all over establ

16、ishfriendship, promoteacademic exchanges internationallevel, (Chinesebiomedical engineers). Background InternationalAssociation Cross-culturalPsychology) hasundertaken(组织)?congresses manycountries over30 years. (Fourteenmonths) ago, InternationalConference InformationTechnology successfullyheld wayfor(为?铺平道路) yearsmeeting.


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