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1、高中英语竞赛即兴演讲Since the pre histric times man has had an urge t satisfy his needs Be it hunger shelter r search fr a mate he has always manipulated the circumstances t the best f his advantages Prbably this might be the reasn why we human are the mst develped f all living species n the earth and prbably

2、 als in the universe As we climbed the steps f evlutin with giant leaps we smehw left behind cmmn sense and lgical thinking we frgt that we have stpped thinking ahead f times你的胃需要食物,你的大脑和灵魂都需要食物,宁可肚子挨饿,也不要让你的思想挨饿。不断的拓宽你的视野,心智也会越宽阔。自史前时代起,人类就已有满足自己需求的强烈欲望。无论是饥饿、避难或寻觅配偶,人类总是操纵着环境使其达到最利于自己的状态。这或许解答了为什么

3、人类是地球上甚至是宇宙中比较高级的现存物种。然而在进化的阶梯上取得巨大飞跃之时,我们却不知何故将一些常识和逻辑思维抛诸脑后了-我们忘记了自己已经停止了超前思维。If yu are hungry what d yu d Grab a piece f yur favrite meal and stay quiet after that Just like yur stmach even yur mind is hungry But it never lets yu knw because yu keep it busy thinking abut yur dream lver favrite st

4、ar and many such absurd things S it silently began t heed t yur needs and never let itself grw When mind lses its freedm t grw creativity gets a full stp This might be the reasn why we all smetimes think qut What happens net qut qut Why can t I think qut qut Why am I always given the difficult prble

5、ms qut Well this is the aftermath f ur wn karma f using ur brain fr thinking f nt s wrthy things如果你饿了,你会怎么做?抓起你最喜爱的美食饱餐一顿,然后静静地呆在那里?而你的大脑也像你的胃,是会感到饥饿的,但它却从不让你知道,因为你让它一直想着你的梦中情人、你最喜爱的明星和许多诸如此类的荒唐事。因此它只是默默地留意着你的需要却从不让自己成长。当思维恣意成长时,创造力就嘎然而止。这也许就是为什么我们有时会想下一步该如何?为什么我想不到?为什么我总是碰到难题的原因吧。这也是我们的大脑总在考虑那些毫无价值

6、的事情产生的后果。Hunger f the mind can be actually satiated thrugh etensive reading Nw why reading and nt watching TV Because reading has been the mst educative tl used by us right frm the childhd Just like that t develp ther aspects f ur life we have t take help f reading Yu have innumerable number f bks i

7、n this wrld which will answer all yur qut Hw t qut questins nce yu read a bk yu just dn t run yur eyes thrugh the lines but even yur mind decdes it and eplains it t yu The interesting part f the bk is stred in yur mind as a seed Nw this seed is unknwingly used by yu in yur future t develp new ideas

8、The same seed if used many times can help yu link and relate a lt f things f which yu wuld have never thught f in yur wildest dreams This is nthing but creativity Mre the number f bks yu read yur mind will pen up like never befre事实上,思维的饥荒可以通过广泛的阅读来满足。为什么是阅读而不是选择看电视呢?因为自孩提时代起,读书就已经是最具教育性的工具了。正如人生发展的其

9、他方面一样,我们不得不求助于阅读。世界上有无数书籍可以回答你如何做的问题。读书时不仅要用眼睛浏览文字,还要用脑去解读、诠释。书中有趣的部分就会像种子一样贮存在你的脑海里。将来你会不自觉地运用这粒种子引发新的想法。多次运用这粒种子将有助于你把许多事情联系起来,即使你做梦都想不到这些!这不是别的,就是创造力!你读的书越多,你的心智就会前所未有地开阔。Ladies and gentlemen , gd afternn! im very glad t stand here and give yu a shrt speech. tday my tpic is yuth. i hpe yu will li

10、ke it , and fund the imprtance in yur yuth s that mre cherish it. first i want t ask yu sme questins: 1、d yu knw what is yuth? 2、hw d yu master yur yuth? yuth yuth is nt a time f life, it is a state f mind ;It is nt rsy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter f the emtins : it is the fres

11、hness ;It is the freshness f the deep springs f life . yuth means a temperamental predminance f curage ver timidity f the appetite , fr adventure ver the lve f ease. this ften eists in a man f 60 mre than a by f 20 . nbdy grws ld merely by a number f years . we grw ld by deserting ur ideals. years w

12、rinkle the skin , but t give up enthusiasm wrinkles the sul . wrry , fear , self ndash;distrust bws the heart and turns the spirit back t dust . whether 60 f 16 , there is in every human being ?s heart the lure f wnders, the unfailing childlike appetite f whats net and the jy f the game f living . i

13、n the center f yur heart and my heart theres a wireless statin : s lng as it receives messages f beauty , hpe ,cheer, curage and pwer frm men and frm the infinite, s lng as yu are yung . when the aerials are dwn , and yur spirit is cvered with snws f cynicism and the ice f pessimism, then yu are grw

14、n ld ,even at 20 , but as lng as yur aerials are up ,t catch waves f ptimism , there is hpe yu may die yung at 80. thank yu!女士们,先生们,下午好!我很高兴能站在这里给你一个简短的演讲。今天我演讲的题目是青年。我希望你会喜欢它,并发现在你的年轻人的重要性,让更多的珍惜它。首先我想问你一些问题:1,你知道什么是青春吗?2,你如何掌握你的青春?青春不是人生的一段时间,它是一种精神状态;它不是红润的面颊,红色的嘴唇和柔软的膝盖,这是一个感情的问题:它是新鲜的;它是生命之深泉的清

15、新。青春意味着勇气驱走怯懦气贯长虹,冒险战胜安逸。这往往存在于一个60岁以上的男子,比一个20岁的男孩。没有人会变老,只是靠一些年。不思进取。岁月在皮肤上起皱纹,但放弃热情则会使灵魂起皱。忧虑,恐惧,自我不信任扭曲了心灵,把精神变成了尘土。16的60,在每个人都有?心奇迹的诱惑,孩童般天真久盛不衰的下一个是什么,快乐的游戏生活。在你的心和我的心有一个无线电台:只要它接收到美好,希望,欢乐,勇气和力量的信息,从男人和从无限的,只要你年轻。当天线倒塌时,你的心灵蒙上玩世不恭的霜雪和悲观厌世的冰凌,那么你已经老了,甚至在20,但只要你竖起天线,捕捉乐观的信号,你就有希望在80岁死去。谢谢!As ev

16、eryne knws,english is very imprtant tday.it has been used everywhere in the wrld.it has becme the mst cmmn language n internet and fr internatinal trade. if we can speak english well,we will have mre chance t succeed.because mre and mre peple have taken ntice f it,the number f the peple wh g t learn english has increased at a high speed.But fr myself,i learn english nt nly because f its imprtance and its usefulness,but als because f my



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