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1、2006年辽宁地区高二英语Unit7教案New words:1.deadly adj. 1)极其危险的,致命的 dangerous, likely to cause deathCancer is a deadly disease. 2)极度的,非常的A deadly silence filled the auditorium. 3)死气沉沉,very dulla deadly conversation adv. 1)very 极度,非常,十分deadly serious 十分认真deadly dull 非常枯燥2)like dead 死一般的deadly pale dead/ die/ dea

2、th/deadly die of hunger/cold/ starvation/ a disease / die from a wound /polluted air/ die in an accident/ a battle die by drowning be dying for have a real wish for/ to do be dying to do 恨不得马上,非常想 Im dying for a cigarette .The shock was _ to him. (dead/ died/ deadly/death)She has for three years. (d

3、ied/ been dead/ been deadly)2.quiz quizzed quizzing quizzes n. a competition or game where questions are put 问答比赛或游戏,小型考试 competition/ race / match He took part in a television _ and won several prices. A. match B. race C. quiz D. championship 2) vt. (about) ask questions about sb.对(某人)提问,盘问 quiz sb

4、. about sthHe quizzed me about where Id been last night.false - adj. 错误的,假的,伪造的 Spies may a number of _ names and papers. A. imitation B. artificial C. false D. man-made. right or wrong true or false4.infect vt. 1)影响(指坏影响 ),感染(指好的)affectOne bad boy may infect a whole class.Violence is infecting our

5、society.Her spirit infected/ affected him.2)传染,感染The disease infected her eyes, and she became blind. Infection n. She is suffering from a l lung infection.5.inject vt. with/into 注射,注入 They are injecting him with a new drug. We hope to inject new life/ interest into our work. Injection n. The nurse

6、gave him an injection for / against fever.6.via prep. by way of 经由,经过 We flew to Athens via Paris and Rome. I sent a message to Mary via her sister.7.persuade sb. to do sth./ into doing sth. persuade sb. not to do sth./ out of doing sth. try to persuade sb. to do = advise sb. to do Try to persuade h

7、im to come with us. They persuaded us into / out of going(= to go/ not to go) to the party. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _ to eat more fruit and vegetables. A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persuaded D. are persuaded 比较:convince 说服,使信服 persuade The news

8、paper article has convinced me ( made me believe) that smoking is a dangerous habit. The doctor persuaded me to give up smoking.8.contract v.1)make a legal agreement with sb.与某人签订 (合同或契约) contract with sb. for sth. contract with a firm for the supply of fuel. We have contracted to build a bridge acr

9、oss the river. 2)感染(疾病) My son contracted a severe fever. 3)负载,染上恶习 contract debts contract bad habits n. 合同,契约 enter into/ make a contract (with sb.) (for sth./ to do sth.) You shouldnt enter into/ make a contract until you have studied carefully. We have a contract with the government for the supp

10、ly of vehicles/to supply vehicles. 9.specialist (a person) with special knowledge or training in a field of work or study a heart specialist He is a specialist in Rome coins. expert : be expert at/ in / on She is (an) expert on/ in/ at teaching small children.10.fierce adj. 1)angry, violence and cru

11、el残忍的,凶猛的 a fierce dog a fierce-looking man 2) very great or strong激烈的,强烈的 the fierce heat of the sun 太阳的炽热 Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is very fierce.由于失业人数众多,寻找工作的竞争十分激烈。fiercely11.invisible ,visible in sight / out of sight12.recover v. 1)get back(something lost

12、 or taken away) 重新得到,取回 ,恢复: The police recovered the stolen jewelry.She recovered consciousness soon after the accident.2)to return to the proper state of health, strength, ability, etc.恢复(健康,体力,能力等)Has the country recovered yet from the effects of the war? 哪个国家已从战争的影响下恢复了吗?Text:1.1)infect sb./sth.

13、 with 感染 ,传染 2) be/become infected with 被。感染 These animals have been infected with the bacteria. 这些动物都已传染了这种病菌。 She infected the whole class with her laughter. The spreading disease infected eyes, and she became blind.2.live with sb. 与在一起=live together live with sth. = accept, tolerate sth. 忍受 Youll

14、 have to learnt to live with it, Im afraid.3.What if? 要是。怎么办 ? What if he comes? What if it rains when we cant get under shelter? 假如下起雨来 ,我们没处躲雨怎么办?4.break down 1) cause sth to collapse, destroy 使。瓦解 ,毁坏(改变某物的化学成分) Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach. 糖和淀粉在胃里被分解。 Chemicals in the body br

15、eak our food down into useful substances. 人体中的化学成分把食物分解成有用的物质。 2)(因机械,电力等故障 )停止运转,失灵 ,失效 The telephone system has broken down.电话失灵了。 Our car broke down on the high way. 3) (身体)跨了(of ones health) become very bad Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 4)感情失控 lose control of ones feelings 感情失去控制He broke down and wept when he heard the news.



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