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1、Word文档下载后(可任意编辑) 雅思考试G类书信词汇及句汇总1雅思考试词汇:雅思考试G类书信词汇及句汇总1 雅思VIP一对一课程 Complaint Letter 词汇: complain against sb. about sth.投诉. dissatisfaction with不满于. put up with / bear / tolerate忍受 awful 糟糕的 poor service糟糕的服务 inconceivable不可思议的 out of ones expectation令某人大失所望 look into / go into / investigate调查 inciden

2、t / matter 事件 sanitary situation卫生条件 bad manners 不礼貌 disturbance干扰 nuisance 麻烦事 remedy 补救 solve解决 recurrence再次发生 句型: 1) I am writing to you to complain about . 2) I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with. 3) There are some problems with the flat that I wish to bring to attention. For one thin

3、g, there isFor another,. 4) I can hardly bear /tolerate /put up with it any more. 5) I hope that the authorities concerned will consider my suggestions and improve the situation as best as they can. 6)I sincerely hope that it will review its management system, with the view to providing, better serv

4、ice to the public. 7) We trust that you will now consider this matter seriously and make an effort to prevent the recurrence of this kind. 8) We will appreciate your willingness to make up for the loss. 以上就是给大家整理出来的相关内容了,希望大家在考试中都能有用的到,在雅思考试中,还有很多相关的内容和资讯,所以大家要经常过来看看,掌握考试最新动向,这样在考试中才能考试好的成绩,希望在雅思考试成绩查询结果出来时都是大家想要的成绩!第 2 页 共 2 页


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