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1、Word文档下载后(可任意编辑) 雅思口语有关家庭的基础话题训练雅思口语基础话题:雅思口语有关家庭的基础话题训练 雅思考试名师指导 1.Which relative did you most often see when you were a child? 2.when you were a child,which members did you live with? 3.What kind of parent do you intend to be? 4.Who do you like to go shopping with? 1. Which relative did you most o

2、ften see when you were a child? 思路:先直接回答是谁,然后简单介绍下她/他,比如她/他几岁呀什么的。然后可以扩展说一下你们以前都一起做什么。 误区:注意试试能不能把when I was a child换掉,比如换成in my childhood或者when I was a kid,甚至可以直接说when I was 5 or 6. 另外要注意的是过去时态的使用。 语料: in my childhood 在我同年时期 come round my house 来我家拜访 stay over 过夜 hang out 一起玩 all the time 一直 tea pa

3、rties 过家家/下午茶 scary story 恐怖故事 范例: Well, I guess its got to be my cousin Jia.In fact, shes just one year older, so we used to hang out all the time. I remember she used to come round and stay over on most weekends. One of our favourite things was having loads of tea parties and exchanging scary stor

4、ies with her at night. Those were the days. I really miss that. 2.when you were a child,which members did you live with? 思路:先直接回答和谁在一起,然后简单阐述家庭成员。之后可适当的扩展说一下住在哪里,周围环境等等 误区:越是一句话就说完的话题越要做简单阐释,当然要注意不要重复,离题太远。 语料: keep in touch with 与.保持联系 on condition that 在.条件下 because of 因为,由于 for (the) purpose of 为

5、了 all along 一直 at home with 对很熟悉 be attached to 对某事物有感情 be a great comfort to sb 对某人来说是一个巨大安慰 范例: When i was very little,I lived just with my parents.Later,my father got a new job, and we were able to move closer to my grandparents and got a house together. The five of us have been living together s

6、ince the time Iwas eight years old. 3.What kind of parent do you intend to be? 思路:直接讲述自己当父母时,怎么教育孩子,在孩子面前树立一个怎么样的父母的形象。 误区:注意不要讲空话,怎么自豪,怎么棒,感觉的词不要多,要把阐述的重点放在教育孩子,怎么引导孩子,成为一个合格的父母。 语料: do my best 尽力而为 in charge of 负责,主管 at (the) best 充其量,至多 in difficulties 处境困难 in the face of 面对 be beneficial for 有利于

7、,有益于 on condition that 在.条件下 be absorbed in 全神贯注于某事物 范例: Thats a good question. Id like to mention the following points in this regard. First of all, I would love my child unconditionally. What I mean is that I know my child is not perfect, but I will still love him/her even if he/she has made mista

8、kes. Next, I would like to be a strict but fair parent. I will not give my child too many freedoms, but I will also try to understand and satisfy his/her needs. 4. Who do you like to go shopping with? 思路:可以分成两种情况。比如大部分时候喜欢自己一个人去逛街,慢慢逛,一件件去试衣服。不过有的时候,尤其是月底没钱的时候就会想要找妈妈一起去买菜了,可以蹭点。 误区:注意了不管喜欢跟谁逛街,都可以;但

9、是要进行一定的扩展,比如具体去什么商店,或者买什么类型的东西。 语料: skint = broke 没钱了 tight with money 扣(不舍得花钱,或不愿意借钱给别人) try out 试穿/试用 every single piece 每一件单品 fitting room 试衣间 run out of 花光了 grocery shopping 买菜 pay for everything 全部买单 范例: Well, it depends. I mean most of the time I would prefer to go to the clothing store myself

10、. You know, I would be able to take my time trying out every single piece in the fitting room. But if its towards the end of the month, you know, when Im running out of my spending money, I would always want to do at least my grocery shopping with my mom, just so she can pay for everything. 以上就是关于雅思口语有关家庭的基础话题训练的相关内容,供给大家学习和参考,最后和雅思考试祝大家在考试中能够披荆斩棘,一路高歌!第 5 页 共 5 页



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