届高三英语上学期第二次周考试题(扫描版) 试题

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《届高三英语上学期第二次周考试题(扫描版) 试题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《届高三英语上学期第二次周考试题(扫描版) 试题(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、河南省南阳市第一中学2017届高三英语上学期第二次周考试题(扫描版)第2次周考英语答案阅读理解 21-23 CAC 24-27 BCDB 28-31 ADAD 32-35 CABD 36-40 AEDBF完形填空 41-60 CDDBCACBBADBCACBDCBA 语篇填空 61. welcomed 62.shows 63. impressive 64.were preferred 65. To be chosen 66. A 67. who 68. living 69.it 70. from 完成句子71.arranged72.distinguishing73.to operate74.h

2、esitate to75.grateful 76.accused77.beneficial78.guidance79.occurred to80.description短文改错 1.pay-paying; 2.from-to; 3.because-so; 4.extreme-extremely; 5.enjoying-enjoy或去and; 6.join-joining; 7. 删playing 后with;8.funs-fun; 9.my-your; 10.pleasant前加a.参考范文Dear Sir/Madam, Ive learned from the newspaper that

3、an English assistant is needed/wanted in your company. Now Im writing to apply for this position/post. /Having learnt , Im writing .Im 18 years old, 160cm tall, female/male. As an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class of 50 students, I will be graduating/will graduate from Sunshine Foreign

4、Languages School this June. I have a good knowledge of English, especially spoken English. Besides, I do well in computer operation and I type very fast. Being an active young girl/boy, I like reading, writing and running in my spare time; poems are my favorites. Warm-hearted and helpful, Im easy to get along/on with and I like to make friends. I would appreciate it if you could take my application into account/consideration. Im looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours, Li Hua


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