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1、眉山中学2015届高三9月英语月考试卷第卷(选择题 共90分)第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40 分)第一节 单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。1 .Its been pleasure to play with him over the years, for hes been one of best goalkeepers in our team.A. a;/B. /;/C. a; theD. /;the2. This is the fourth time so far this year the shop .A. is

2、 broken intoB. had been broken into C. will be broken into D. has been broken into3. Now the major problem with nuclear power waste is it will remain radioactive for a few hundred years or even longer.A. that B.whichC. howD. what4. For a moment nothing happened. Then _ all shouting together. A. came

3、 voices B. voices had come C. did voices come D. voices would come5. The manager insists that everything by weekend.A. completesB.is completed C. be completedD. has been completed6. Her friends, along with a classmate, _the factory when the fire broke out. A. have visited B. were visiting C. had vis

4、it D. are visiting7. Watching her wonderful performance, we couldnt imagine that Jane first the dance in her early twenties.A. took awayB.took down C. took upD. took over8. Homework , I turned on the computer and tried to do some online shopping. A. finishingB. was finishedC. to finishD. finished9.

5、Faced with a hard situation, the company sold only it did last year. A. half as many houses asB. as many houses half as C. as many half houses as D. half as many as houses10. Envy is one of the most common and dangerous human emotions, which destroy friendships and make us deeply hurt. A. mustB. nee

6、dC. shouldD. can第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I left the hospital where I had been visiting two of my children and headed for the grocery store. I was truly 11 .Today I had passed the infant CPR(婴儿心肺复苏)exam required before I could take 8-week-old Joel hom

7、e from the hospital. 12 ,I still worried about performing CPR in a moment of crisis.For the past several days, Id been trying to 13 my 6-year-old daughter Jennas diagnosisjuvenile diabetes(青少年糖尿病). In addition to the CPR exam, Id 14 the day reviewing how to test Jennas blood and give her insulin(胰岛素

8、)shots. I was 15 the food to balance the insulin that would sustain Jennas life because both my kids were coming home from the hospital.I grabbed my pursue, 16 the car and went into the store. The first thing I needed to 17 was a cereal box, but it had to be “ 18 free” so I settled on a box of Kello

9、ggs Corn Flakes and continued shopping. 19 , I walked down the canned fruit and juice aisle(走廊) looking for apple juice. I wasnt sure 20 I would need to keep Jennas sugar up. I grabbed a couple of six-packs and 21 them in my cart. Frustrated by feelings of total inadequacy, I crumpled up my grocery

10、list, and started crying. “Honey, are you all right?” a gentle 22 asked. I had been so absorbed in my own thoughts that I didnt even notice the woman who was shopping alongside of me. “Honey, are you a little short of 23 ?”she asked me. I slowly dropped my hands from my face and looked into the eyes

11、 of the silver-haired woman who waited for my 24 .“I have enough money. Im just kind of overwhelmed. Im here shopping for groceries 25 I can bring my children home from the hospital,” I said. “Home from the hospital! What a 26 ! You should have a party!” This stranger took my grocery list, smoothed

12、27 out, and became my personal shopper. She stayed by my side until each item on my list was 28 . Then with a hug and a smile, she sent me on my way. While lugging the groceries into my house, I realized the lesson this woman had taught me. “My kids are coming home from the 29 !”I shouted with joy.“

13、 Joel is off life support. Jenna and I can learn how to manage her diabetes and give her shots 30 ,”I giggled to myself.“ I have a reason to celebrate!”11. A. excitedB. disappointedC. frustratedD. exhausted12. A. HoweverB. ThusC. Otherwise D. Therefore13. A. receiveB. accept C. gainD. get14. A. take

14、nB. costC. paidD. spent15. A. creatingB. testing C. buying D. keeping16. A. locked B. started C. booked D. polished17. A. put upB. hold upC. get up D. pick up18. A. saltB. sugarC. vitaminD.fat19. A. FortunatelyB. GraduallyC. Eventually D. Happily20. A. how much B. how soonC. how longD. how many21. A. producedB. liftedC. ledD. placed22. A. voiceB. accent C. noiseD. sound23. A. paperB. strengthC. cashD. people24. A. questionB. answer C. permission D. doubt25. A. even ifB. even thoughC. as ifD. so that26. A. celebrationB. memoryC. purchaseD. suc


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