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1、浙江省乐清市虹桥镇实验中学2012届九年级英语第二次月考试题听力部分(20%)第二节:听长对话,选择答案。(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)现在请听3段对话。第一段对话后有一个问题,第二、三段对话后各有两个问题,请从A、B、C三个选项中选出问题的答案。( )6. What does Jack want to be? A. Policeman. B. Doctor. C. Musician.( )7. How often does Mike run? A. Three times a week. B. Twice a week. C. Every day.( )8. When does Mik

2、e usually run? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.( )9. How does the girl learn English? A. By watching English videos.B. By listening to English songs.C. By keeping a diary in English.( )10. How long has the girl been learning English? A. Two years. B. Three years. C. Four ye

3、ars.第三节:听录音,完成信息记录表。(本题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)现在听一段材料,请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。Joining A ClubThe club to join 11 ClubReasonLearning to 12 Place 13 Time 14 Activity 15 ( )11. A. Dancing B. Art C. Music( )12. A. paint B. play the guitar C. dance( )13. A. On the right of the libraryB. Behind the playgr

4、oundC. In front of the bridge( )14. A. Every Friday afternoonB. Every Friday morningC. Every Tuesday afternoon.( )15. A. Having a party B. Having an art show C. Holding a concert笔试部分(100%)卷I一、单项填空。(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)( )16. There is_old man over there. I think he is_honest man. A. a;a B. an;a C. an;

5、an D. a;an ( )17. If you dont know the word, you can _ in the dictionary. A. look it after B. look it up C. look for it D. look at it( )18. There are _ students waiting in the hall, _?A. hundreds of; arent they B. four hundred; arent theyC. four hundreds; arent there D. hundreds of; arent there( )19

6、. There is _ time. You dont need to hurry. But I want to see her as early as possible. A. little B. plenty C. a lot D. plenty of( )20. I used to go to sleep _ my bedroom light _.A. with, open B. with, on C. and, open D. in, on( )21. Can I get my ears pierced, Mom? No. As a student, you _ do that. A.

7、 are allowed to B. should be allowed to C. may not D. shouldnt be allowed to( )22. - You look _,Paul. Whats the matter?- Im having trouble _ math.A. tired , to learn B. worried, learning C. frustrated, to learn D. angrily, learning ( )23. I am too busy now. If I_ free, I _to the cinema with you.A. a

8、m ;will go B. am ; would go C. were; would go D. was; was going( )24. Jim passed the Chinese exam. What about Jack? - .A. He did so B. So did heC. So he didD. So did she( )25. How do you improve your listening skill, Mary? I often do it _ tapes and English radios. A. by hearing B. in listening to C.

9、 by listening to D. for listening( )26. Is that the man_helped us a lot after the earthquake? A. whose B. which C. when D. who( )27. I like music that I can dance_. A. whith B. to C. along D. on( )28. There _ a supermarket here. A. used to B. used to be C. used to have D. used to having( )29. I pref

10、er watching TV to_music every day. A. listen to B. listen C. listening to D. listening( )30. -Look! Miss Zhang is walking there. - It_ be her. She has gone to Beijing. A. mustnt B. cant C. shouldnt D. wont二、完形填空。(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)Yesterday my grandfather told me about his early days. 31 he left sc

11、hool,he found a job in a post office. He worked hard in the 32 .Soon he had more money than his friends 33 his hard work. It seemed that he would have a bright future.When he was 25 years old, however, he began to 34 his job. He wanted a more exciting one, so he left the post office. Two months 35 h

12、e found a new job in a big company. Workers in this company 36 travelled a lot. At first he really enjoyed the travelling. But after a year,he began to hate 37 . He had to 38 and he was always in a car or on a train. The worst thing was that he 39 make any new friends! Even so, his boss was not sati

13、sfied with him. Two years later he had to leave the company.He was 40 at that time, so he sold his house. He had to accept(接受)a part-time job in a book shop. He was surprised to find that he loved it! He made new friends every day and he enjoyed 41 books. Three years later, he married the shop 42 daughter. Soon they had their first child. In the next te



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