届九年级英语上学期期中试题(无答案)人教新目标版 试题

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1、考 号班 级姓 名装订线孝感市文昌中学2013-2014学年度九年级(上)期中考试英 语 试 卷第卷(选择题 80分)听力部分(20分).情景反应:根据你所听到的句子选择正确的应答语。每小题读两遍。(5分)( )1. A. Yes, he did. B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, he does.( )2. A. My English teacher B. P. E C. Red( )3. A. By listening to tapes B. On foot C. in the classroom( )4. A. Id fly B. Id give it to charity

2、 C. Id be a present( )5. A. No, I would B. No, thank you C. I like green tea.对话理解:根据你所听到的对话及问题选择正确答案。每小题读两遍。(10分)( )6. A. Join an English club B. Do more reading C. Study with a group( )7. A. She was thin B. She was tall C. She had long hair( )8. A. To wear jeans B. To get his ears pierced C. To cho

3、ose his own clothes( )9. A. No, he has no time B. Yes, he can C. No, its too hard for him( )10. A. Tomorrow B. This afternoon C. Tonight听下面一段较长对话,回答11-12两个小题。( )11. A. Yes, she did B. No, she didnt C. She did worse( )12. A. By making flashcards B. By studying with a group C. By asking the teacher fo

4、r help听下面一段较长对话,回答13-15三个小题。( )13. A. In a shop B. In a hotel C. In a school( )14. A. 50 yuan B. 120 yuan C. 200 yuan( )15. A. At 6:00 B. At 8:00 C. At 10:00. 短文理解:根据你所听到的短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文和问题读两遍。(5分)( )16. A. She is a nurse B. She is a doctor C. She is a worker( )17. A. long and tiring B. very bad C.

5、 interesting( )18. A. 8 hours B. 12 hours C. 4 hours( )19. A. Music classes B. Art classes C. English classes( )20. A. Yes, she is B. No, she isnt C. Very good笔试部分(选择题 60分). 单项选择(20分)( )21. Jack cant play _ piano, but he can play _ football. A. the, the B. the, / C. a, a D. a, the( )22. These books

6、should _ to the library on time. A. send B. be returned C. give back D. be got back( )23. What time did Helen leave the New Years party? - At 10:00 pm. She isnt allowed to _ too late. A. make up B. end up C. stay up D. give up( )24. _ people died in the earthquake in Japan. A. Thousands of B. Ten th

7、ousands C. Ten thousand of D. Thousand of( )25.Whats your sister like? -_. A. She is like young B. She is Linda C. She likes dancing D. She is a little shy( )26. The rest of the students _ in the classroom. A. is studying B. are studying C. be studying D. is studied( )27. If he _ you, he _ study har

8、der. A. was, would B. were, would C. is, will D. were, did( )28. The book is _ and that book belongs to _. A. mine, her B. mine, hers C. my, hers D. my, her( )29. I will not take part in her party _ she invites me. A. but B. except C. because D. unless( )30. I dont know the word. I want to _ in the

9、dictionary. A. look up it B. look it up C. look at it D. look it after( )31. I found _ too hard to learn English grammar. A. that B. this C. it D. its ( )32. The shirt is _ big for me. I dont want it. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too( )33. She is the only one _ is studying French. A.

10、what B. why C. who D. whose( )34. -I think we should be allowed to go out with our friends every night. -_. Because you are too young. A. I think so B. I hope so C. I disagree D. I agree( )35. _ you use to have long hair? A. Are B. Were C. Do D. Did( )36. Its raining outside. I _ stay at home _ go o

11、ut. A. prefer, to B. prefer, than C. would rather, than D. would rather, to( )37. We should be strict _ ourselves _ our work. A. with, with B. in, in C. with, in D. in, with( )38. Teenagers should have at least _ sleep in the evening. A. eight hours B. eight-hours C. eight-hours D. eight hours( )39.

12、 He didnt _ my e-mail yesterday. I dont know why. A. write back B. answer to C. reply D. reply to( )40. This idea isnt _. Lets think about a funnier one. A. useful enough B. enough bad C. enough interestingD. interesting enough. 完型填空(10分)One afternoon David went to buy a pen for himself. On his way to the shop, he 41 a


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