九年级英语模拟考试(一)人教四年制知识精讲 试题

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1、九年级英语九年级英语模拟考试(一)模拟考试(一)人教四年制人教四年制【同步教育信息同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容模拟考试(一)【模拟试题模拟试题】(答题时间:80 分钟)第 I 卷(选择题 共 80 分)一. 听力理解(共 30 分,每小题 1 分)yc3yyk44.asf英语听力英语听力:asf 听力文件无病毒,请放心打开听力文件无病毒,请放心打开A. 在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的三个句子,找出那个在意思上最接近的答案。1. A. I dont enjoyed the radio programme . B. Its a little noisy , so youd be

2、tter turn down the radio . C. I dont want to listen to you . Let me turn on the radio .2. A. Theres much food for you to eat in two months . B. The bird has enough food to eat in two months . C. Theres enough food to go on to next month . 3. A. Farmers stopped to have something to eat under a big tr

3、ee . B. Farmers stopped beside a big tree . C. Farmers stopped having a picnic . 4. A. Bob and Ann can speak Japanese . B. Ann can speak Japanese , but Bob cant .C. Bob and Ann cant speak Japanese . 5. A. You were wanted on the phone . B. You rang someone up just now . C. Someone called on you just

4、now . 6. A. My friends went to the park on time yesterday . B. My friends enjoyed themselves in the park yesterday . C. My friends stayed in the park for a long time . 7. A. Jack didnt mend his bike yesterday . B. Jack didnt listen to the music yesterday . C. Jack mended his bike yesterday . 8. A. T

5、he singer has invited them . B. They havent invited the singer . C. The singer hasnt invited them . B. 在下列每小题内,你将听到一个问句并看到供选择的三个答语,找出能回答你所听到的句子的最佳答案。9. A. Yes , but you cant . B. No , here it is . C. Sorry , you cant . I need it now . 10. A. He is badly hurt . B. He is a worker . C. He is Jacks brot

6、her . 11. A. Thank you for helping me . B. I am working very hard . C. Quite well , thank you . 12. A. For eight years . B. In eight years . C. Eight years ago . 13. A. Good idea . B. It doesnt matter . C. Why ?14. A. A table for four, please . B. Yes , Id like a hamburger . C. Theres the bill . 15.

7、 A. Very busy . B. Very much . C. Very well . 16. A. Jims is . B. Its Jims . C. This is Jims .C. 在下列题内,你将听到 8 组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的选项中找出能回答问题的最佳答案。17. How does Miss Wang usually come to work ? A. On foot . B. By bike . C. By bus . 18. What colour is Jills car ?A. Black . B. Light blue . C. Da

8、rk blue . 19. How will the man take the box to the womans house ?A. With his bike . B. On his back . C. With the woman . 20. What day is it today ?A. Tuesday . B. Wednesday . C. Thursday . 21. What are they talking about ?A. About drawing . B. About swimming . C. About making potato chips . 22. Who

9、is better at swimming ?A. Mike . B. Jim . C. John . 23. Whats the man going to do ?A. To buy a new watch . B. To find someone to repair his watch . C. To buy a new shirt . 24. How is the weather ?A. Windy . B. Cloudy . C. Rainy . D. 听下面一段对话或独白,对话或独白后面都有几个问题,从几组所给的 ABC 选项中选出最佳答案。根据对话内容,回答 2527 题;根据独白

10、内容,回答 2830 题。25. What is Daniels problem ?A. He has had no sleep for days . B. His headache is getting worse . C. His hair is gone . 26. What is the reason for Daniels trouble ?A. Too much coffee . B. Too much food . C. Too much work . 27. What is the idea the doctor gave him ? A. Eat more and work

11、less . B. Eat more vegetables and do some exercise . C. Have a rest for four weeks . 28. When did the speaker begin to go to the forest for the rubbish ?A. 3 years ago . B. 4 years ago . C. 5 years ago . 29. Why does the speaker often go to the forest to pick up rubbish ?A. To reuse something found

12、in waste . B. To do something for the environment . C. To keep it for recycle . 30. How long does the speaker stay in the forest each time ?A. Three hours . B. Four hours . C. Ten minutes . 二. 单项选择(共 15 分,每小题 1 分)31. Will you get there by bus ? No , Ill take taxi . A. / ; / B. a ; the C. / ; a D. th

13、e ; a32. The new pair of which I bought yesterday is made of .A. glasses ; glass B. glass ; glass C. glasses ; glasses D. glass ; glasses33. Can you see students on the playground ? Yes , I can see .A. any ; a few B. any ; few C. some ; little D. any ; any34. Germans come to China every year . A. Th

14、ousands of B. Thousands C. Thousand of D. Two thousands35. I used to look every new word in a dictionary at once when I was reading . But my teacher told me not to do that . She said I could guess the meaning first . A. up ; as B. at ; on C. for ; like D. up ; like36. It is ten years I met you last

15、. A. when B. since C. before D. for37. Dont you think traveling by train is much and far than a rushed trip by air ?A. cheap ; enjoyable B. cheaper ; more enjoyable C. cheaper ; enjoyableD. cheap ; more enjoyable38. Its raining . We have to stay at home instead of going fishing . A. badly B. hardly

16、C. strongly D. heavily39. We keep the new traffic law and learn how to protect ourselves . A. may B. should C. can D. need40. She is kind and always her help to others . A. shares B. offers C. makes D. receives41. You dont need to describe her . I her several times . A. had met B. met C. have met D. meet42. Older people must .A. be spoken politely B. speak polite C. speak to polite D. be spoken to politely43. The worker was tired , so he wants to find a chair .A. to sit B. to sit on C. to sit on


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