九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark复习(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版 试题

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九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark复习(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版 试题_第1页
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《九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark复习(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版 试题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark复习(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版 试题(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit4n.名词1.得分,进球(n.&v)_2.背景_3.门卫,守卫(n.&v)_4.演讲_5.公共场所_6.蚂蚁_7.考试_8.自豪,骄傲 _9.介绍 _v.动词1.采访,面试_2.敢于_3.要求_4.影响(n.&v)_5.失败_adj.形容词1.幽默的_2.沉默的_3.有帮助的_4.亚洲的,亚洲人(adj.&n.)_5. 欧洲的,欧洲人(adj.&n.)_6. 非洲的,非洲人(adj.&n.)_7.英国的_Adv.副词1.很少,不常_2.确切地_旧单词复习1.外向的_2.害羞的_3.严肃的,认真的_4.安静的,文静的_5.友好的_6.勇敢的_7.瘦的_8.强壮的_9.直的_10.卷的_

2、11.美国人_12.出现_词组1.过去常常做某事used to do sth.2.过去有there used to be=there was3.习惯于做某事be/get used to doing sth.4.过去矮used to be short5.过去留卷发used to have curly hair6.过去戴眼镜used to wear glasses7.时常,有时from time to time=sometimes8.应对她的害羞deal with her shyness9.公开演讲speak in public=give a speech in public10.为感到自豪be

3、proud of= take pride in11.一个如此好的主意such a great idea= so great an idea12.开始做某事,开始学着做某事take up doing sth.13.能够并且愿意做某事be prepared to do sth.14.亲自in person15.保持安静be/keep/remain silent= be in silence16.对某人有帮助be helpful to sb.17.获得好成绩get good scores/grades18.敢于做某事dare to do sth.19.独自居住live alone20.感到孤单fee

4、l lonely21.对于某人而言做某事是不可能的its impossible for sb. to do sth.22.做某事有困难have difficulties/problems/trouble doing sth.23.得到大量关注get tons of attention24.一个欧洲国家a European country25.对产生影响have an influence on sb.=make a difference to sb.26.缺课be absent from classes27.考试不及格fail the exam28.未能做某事,做某事失败fail to do s

5、th.29.寄宿学校boarding school30.变红turn red31.在人前in front of crowds32.成功之路the road to success33.的数量the number of (is)34.大量的a number of (are)35.成功make it 36.被要求做某事be required to do sth.旧词组复习1.注意pay attention to sth.2.害怕做某事be afraid to do sth.=be afraid of doing sth3.能够做某事be able to do sth.4.和朋友外出闲逛hang ou

6、t with friends5.当心,小心be careful about sth.6.考虑做某事think about doing sth.=consider doing sth7.教某人做某事teach sb. to do sth.8.至少八个小时at least eight hours9.步行去学校walk to school=go to school on foot10.对感到紧张be nervous about11.照顾某人take care of= look after=care for12.变得不那么感兴趣become less interested in13.决定做某事make

7、 a decision to do sth.14.老师说的话what the teacher says15几年前a few years ago16.回家return home=go back home17.很难相信 its hard to believe that.18.比他过去学习更努力 study harder than he used to重点句型一、 Enough adj.足够的 Eg. She was never brave enough to ask questions. 她从来不够勇敢问问题。1. 足够的钱_ 足够大(年龄)_ 2. -I_(经常没有足够的时间做作业) (enou

8、gh)-Why was he late for class?3.-He_(跑得不够快,没赶上早班车) (enough)二、change n.&v. 改变,变化 Eg. My life has changed a lot in the last few years. 我的生活在过去几年里发生了巨大变化 1.-Tom, where are you from? -I come from George Town. It_(过去十年里发生了很大的变化) (change) 2.-With the development of economy, Great _in the last fifty years.

9、 (中国发生了巨大变化) (change)三、宾语从句和感叹句的结合Eg. You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is. 你无法想象成功之路有多难。1. -What are you doing, Mike? -I_(正想象如果我们装扮成电影里的人物会多么有趣) (imagine)2. - _(我多么希望能最终成为一位科学家) some day!-But it depends on your action. (end)当堂检测一、完成句子(10分)1. Mike, I heard that you had gone to

10、Beijing to study? I wonder _ _(你是否已经习惯了在中国的生活)?-Yeah, and I think its great. (use)2. -The left-home kids look sad. -Something_(必须采取措施照料好他们) (take)3. What was John like?-He_(很害羞以至于不敢当众演讲) (afraid)4. -Do you know _(玛丽过去最喜欢的科目是什么) -Math.5. -I dont know what to do during the summer vacation. -Oh, _(为什么不

11、学着做饭来放松自己)? (take) 二、综合填词(10分)In1995,OseolaMcCartygave$150,000totheuniversityofSouthernMississippi.Shewantedtohelpp_1_students.Herfriendsandneighborsweres_2_whentheyheardthenews.McCartywasagoodwomanandwasalwaysfriendlyandhelpful.Everyoneinhertownknewthatshewasnotr_3_.Infactshewaspoor.Howdidapoor86-y



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