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1、1 .accounting is the system that measures business activities, processes that information into reports, and communicates the results to decision-makers.会计是计量企业经济活动,处理并加工经济信息,并将处理结果与决策者进行交流的信息系 统。2、managers of businesses and other users use accounting information to set goals for their organizations,

2、 to evaluate progress toward those goals, and to take corrective action if necessary.企业管理者及其他会计信息使用者利用会计信息为企业和团体制定目标,评价为实现目标而 付出的努力,并在必要时采取改进措施。3、accounting may be divided into two parts:financial accounting and management accounting.会计可以分为财务会计与管理会计两部分。4、management accounting, or managerial accounti

3、ng, provides information mainly to management of a firm, analyzing individual and specific problems for decision making in various departments of a business.管理会计主要对企业的管理层提供信息,作为企业内部各个部门进行决策的依据。5 in contrast, financial accounting is related to preparation of reports and statements for users both insi

4、de and outside a firm.与管理会计不同,财务会计编制财务报表,既为企业内部使用,又提供给企业外部各界使用。6 accounting may be defined as a process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit informed judgements and decisions by users of information.会计可被定义为一种确认、计量和沟通经济信息的过程,它被用来对用户提供信息,作出判 断,进行决策。7、Among the wid

5、e range of users of financial accounting are management of a business, investors, creditors, governmental organizations, Securities and Exchange Commission, trade unions, insurance companies, financial analysts and consulting institutions and so on.财务会计信息提供给广泛的用户,包括企业的管理层、投资者、债权人、政府机构、证券交 易委员会、工会、保险

6、公司、财务分析与咨询机构等。the rules that govern how accountants measure, process, and communicate financial information fall under the heading GA AR which stands for gernerally accepted accounting principles.指导会计去计量、处理并交流财务信息的规范,被称为一般公认会计原则C8、the most basic tool of accounting is the accounting equation, which p

7、resents the resources of the business and the claim to those resources.会计最基本的工具就是会计方程式,它反映企业拥有的经济资源及对该资源的求偿权。9、financial reports, or accounting reports, are end product of accounting process, giving a concise report of profitability and financial position of an enteiprise and they are the final prod

8、ucts of the accounting process.财务报表又称会计报表,是会计程序的总结性文件,是准确反映企业财务状况和盈利能力的 报告。它们是会计过程的最终结果。10、the primary financial statements are the (1 ) balance sheet, (2) income statement (3) statement of cash flows and (4) statement of changes in financial position.基本的财务报表有:(I)资产负债表;(2)损益表;(3)现金流量表;(4)财务状况变动表。11

9、the balance sheet lists all the assets, liabilities, and owners equity of an entity as of a specific date, usually the end of a month or a year.资产负债表反映企业在某一特定时点,通常是月末或年末的资产、负债及所有者权益。12、the income statement presents a summary of the revenues and expenses of an entity fbr a specific period of time, su

10、ch as a month or a year.损益表汇总反映企业在某一-特定时期内,如一个月或一年的收入和费用。13、a cash flow statement is an accounting statement that reflects the condition of cash receipts and cash disbursements of an enterprise during a certain accounting period.现金流量表是反映在一定会计期间现金收入和支出情况的会计报表。14、a statement of changes in financial po

11、sition is an accounting statement that reflects comprehensively the sources and application of working capital and its changes during an accounting period.财务状况变动表是综合反映一定会计期间内营运资金来源和运用及其增减变动情况的报表。15、the debit and credit double entry bookkeeping technique is to be used for recording all accounting tra

12、nsactions.会计上所有交易的记录都采用借贷复式记账法C16 accounting records and statements are based on the most reliable data available so that they will be as accurate and as useful as possible.会计记录与报表必须以可*的资料为基础,这样它们才尽可能地做到准确和有用。16 the rapid development of accounting in current century brings about large number of prof

13、essionally trained accountants.本世纪以来会计的迅速发展造就了 一大批经过专业培训的会计人员。17 accountants rendering accounting services on a fee basis and staff accountants employed by them are said to be engaged in public accounting.凡在按规定标准收费提供会计服务的会计师事务所里工作的会计人员,被称为公共会计师。18、those employed by particular business firms, or acco

14、untants corresponding to public accountants are private accountants.那些被特定企业雇佣的、或同公共会计师相对应的会计师,被称为企事业内会计人员。19、in order to guide accountants in preparing financial statements with the characteristics of reliability, understandability and comparability, we need a well-defined body of accounting assumpt

15、ions and principles.为了指导会计人员编制具有可*性、易懂性、可比性的财务报表,我们需要一套界定明晰的 会计假设及会计原则。20 in China, accountants rely on four fundamental accounting assumptions in recording business transactions: (1) business entity concept, (2) going concern concept, (3 ) periodicity assumption,(4) stable monetary unit assumption.

16、在中国,会计人员在记录经济业务过程中要依据以下四条基本会计假设:会计主体概念、持 续经营概念、期间假设以及币值稳定假设。21、an accounting entity is an organization or a section of an organization that stands apart from other organizations and individuals as a separate economic unit.the entity concept requires that the transactions of each entity are accounted for separately from the transactions of all other organizations and persons.会计主体是独立于其


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