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1、油田生产事业部专业英语题库(中级部分) 一、专业词汇英汉互译:Crane Operator 卅车司机 Roustabout 甲板 T.Head of Roustabout 甲板长 Floorman/roughneck 钻工 Derrickman 井架 T. Assistant Driller 副司钻 Driller 司钻Junior Toolpusher 值班队长 Senior Toolpusher 高级队长 Rig Manager平台经理Safety Supervisor 安全监督 Captain 船长chief supervisor 总监 cleaning man 清洁工 drilling

2、 crew 钻井班 drilling engineer 钻井工程师 drilling supervisor 钻井监督 bit diameter钻头直径bit footage钻头进尺bit position钻头位置casing size 套管尺寸 hole size 井眼尺寸 hook position大钩位置kelly - down/in depth 方入深度kelly - up 方余nozzle size水眼尺寸gas content 气含量leakage 漏失量mud volume 泥浆量pump stroke 泵冲 hook load 大钩负荷 weight on bit钻压bit li

3、ft 钻头寿命 bit time 钻头纯钻时间 down time停T-吋间drilling hours钻进时间tripping time起下钻时间 annular velocity坏空流速pump speed 泵速rotary speed 转盘转速back pressure 冋压bottom - hole pressure 井底压力oil reservoir ptessuie 油层压.力 pump pressure 泵压 shut - in casing pressure 关井套压 bit cost钻头成本 bit type钻头类型 bit wear钻头磨损 dog leg ratio 狗腿

4、率 intensity 强度 sensitivity 灵敏度 table torque转盘扭矩 tong torque大钳扭矩 temperature 温度 wind direction 风向 one hundred 100 well depth 井深 nine point five feet 9. 5 英尺 Equipment on floor 钻台设备 air chamber 空气包 air hoi st/winch气动绞车brake lever/handle刹把brake line/staple杀U带cant i level* 悬臂梁 cathead line 猫头绳 Ccithead猫

5、头catwalk滑道cellar deck/texas deck 井口甲板 clutch 离合器 crown block 天车 dead line anchor死绳固定器 derrick 井架 dog house 值班室 drawworks钻井绞车 driller s console 司钻控制台 drilling line钻井大纯drum滚筒 equalizing yoke刹带的平衡杠 eye pldtes 吊环 fast line 快纟也 hole opener 扩眼器 hook 大钩 hydraulic catwork 液压猫头 line reeving 滑车装纯数 monkey boar

6、d 猴台 mouse hole 小鼠洞87. ramp 坡道88. rat hole 大鼠洞89. rig floor 钻台90. rotary hose 水龙带91. rotary table 转盘92. setback 立根盒93. steel wire 钢丝绳94. story 库房95. tong bucket大钳平衡器96. top driver 顶驱97. traveling block 游车98. admission pipe 进气管99. blow line 扫线管线100. choke line manifold 阻流管汇一、专业词汇汉译英:1. 导管 conductot2.

7、 灌泥浆管线fill up line3. 高/低压管线 high/low pressure line4. 压井管线kill line5. 泥浆管线mud line6. 放压管线relief line7. 立管管汇 stand pipe manifold8. 球阀 ball valve9. 节流阀 chock valve10. 浮阀 float valve11. 旋塞阀 plug cock val ve12. 调节阀 regulator valve13. 消防35 fire pump14. 混合泵 mixing pump15. 计量泵 mud supply pump16. 桥塞 bridge p

8、lug17. 水泥塞 cement plug18. 钻头bit19. 钻头水眼 bit nozzles20. 母扣box21. 公扣pin22. 牙轮 cone23. 变扣接头 crossover sub/joint24. 钻铤 drill collar25. 钻杆 dr订 1 pipe26. 钻柱 drill stem加重钻杆 heavy weight drill pipe 震击器jar 单根joint非磁卡占铤 non-nkignetic drilling collar 短钻铤 pony drill collar 短钻杆pup joint 减震器 shock absorber 扶止器 st

9、abilizer 立林stand 三牙轮钻头three-cone bit 井眼well bore 造斜器whip stock 考克cock 通径规 dri ft mandrel 吊卡 elevator 提丝 lifting plug 提升短节lifting sub 旋扌U钳 pipe spinner 刮泥器pipe wiper 滑轮pulley 倒档齿轮reverse gear 大钳 rig tong 钢圈 ring gasket 安全卡瓦safety slips 卡环 shackle 吊索sling 护丝 threid protector 大钳牙板tong dies 石油 p petrole

10、um / oil 丝扣油 thread dope jfel度计 thermometer 扌旨重农 wcighl indicator 井位 location 纟览绳 moot ing rope 超载 overload 晕船 sea sick 拖轮tug 套管接箍 casing coupling 刮管器 casing scraper 套管鞋 casing shoe 浮箍 float collar 中间(技术)套管 intermediate casing 挤水泥 squeeze cement 打捞 fishing71. 打捞公锥 fishing nipple72. 打捞母锥 fishing sock

11、et73. 扌丁捞矛 fishing spear74. 反.循环打捞篮 reverse circulcition junk basket75. 卡瓦打捞筒slip socket76. 倒扣,卸扣back off77. 卸开 break out78. 定向钻井 directional drilling79. 地层测试 formation test80. 压井 kill the well81. 扣吊卡 latch the elevator82. 卸扣 break out83. 上扣 make up84. 试压 pressure test85. 侧钻 side tracking86. 滑大绳 sli

12、p drilling line87. 开钻 spud in88. 卡钻 stick89. 造扣 thread making90. 井控 well control91. 通井 wipe trip92. 甲板 deck93. 柴油机 diesel engine94. 出口 outlet95. 进口 inlet96. 电话 telephone97. 变压器 transformer98. 救生衣 life jacket99. 救生艇 lifeboat100. 灭火器 extinguisher二、阅读理解:(True or False)(-)One thing is cert a in: a subst

13、antial reduction in Im s energy output woul d have a significtmt impact on global oil prices Ittin is the fourth-largest oil exporter in the world, behind only Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Norway It sells more than 2. 5 Million barrels a day and is believed to have about 10 percent of the world, s prov

14、en reserves. Many analysts stiy a supply cut could combine with other market pressures to quickly drive prices up to $80 to $100 a barrel.Is either side bluffing? Ircinf s thretit to pull oil off the market is not an empty one, Tran? s leaders, who want to visibly assert their defiance of the West,

15、need domestic support for the regime, and divides international opini()n, have only the countrys cnergy exports with which to influcnee the outcome of the diplomaticconf lie tOf course, were Iran to completely cut off its oil supply, it would badly damage its own economy. In addition, a t otal shut down would htirm many of Iran s friends, though it would also increase oil income for those who are net exporters of oil, such as Russia and other OPEC members. But there are a number of incremental steps Iran can take that would rattle those who depc nd



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