七年级英语下册(Unit 7-Unit 12)综合测试题(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版 试题

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《七年级英语下册(Unit 7-Unit 12)综合测试题(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版 试题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语下册(Unit 7-Unit 12)综合测试题(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版 试题(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 7-Unit 12一、单项选择:(每题1分,共25分)( )1. A.idea B.meat C.read D.tea( )2. A.early B.dear C.hear D.near( )3. A.snow B.blow C.know D.now( )4.-Where he ?-InQingdao.A.do,liveB.does,livesC.do,liveD.does,live( )5.-HowcanI thebank,please?-YoucantakebusNo.10. A.getB.gettoC.takeD.taketo( )6.-Thankyouverymuchfor

2、tellingmetheway.- . A.DontthankmeB.NothanksC.YourewelcomeD.Youneednt( )7.-Whydoyoulikepandas?-Becausetheyre cute.A.akindof B.kindsof C.allkindsof D.kindof( )8.Is there a pay phone _ the neighborhood? A.inB.on C.toD.off( )9.Iwanttogetajob ateacher. A.asB.suchC.soD.with( )10.-Shallwegoshoppingnow? -So

3、rry,Icant.I myshirts. A.washB.washesC.washedD.amwashing( )11.-Howistheweather inTianjin?-Itssunny.A.likeB.lookC./D.likes( )12.Where is your sister? -She _ my mom with washing A.helps B.helping C.is help D.is helping( )13.Doyouknowtheboy afunnyhatandsunglasses?A.isB.hasC.wearsD.with( )14.- forbreakfa

4、st? -Iwantsomebread,milkandtwoeggs. A.WhatdoyoulikeB.WhichdoyoulikeC.WhatwouldyoulikeD.Whathadyouhad( )15.-Whataboutyourlastweekend?-I agoodtime. A.hadB.washaveC.havingD.have( )16.Hepractices Englisheverymorning.A.speaksB.tospeakC.speakingD.speak( )17.Idlike soccerwithmyfriendsafterschool.A.toplayB.

5、playingC.playD.toplaying( )18.Its a good time _. A.singB.tosingC.singingD.sang( )19. interesting elephant it is? A.How an B.How a C.What anD.What a ( )20.-Would you like some tea? - .A.Here you are B.Yes, just a little C.Please give me some D.Yes, I like( )21.- pizza would you like?-A big one, pleas

6、e. A.What kind ofB.What size of C.How many D.How much( )22.- ? - It was very warm.A.What is the weather B.What is the weather likeC.How was the weather D.How was the weather( )23.There _some bread and two cakes on the table. A.is B.areC.has D.have( )24. How was your trip? - . I hope I can go there a

7、gain. A.Terrible B.Not very goodC.Nothing specialD.Excellent( )25.The book is and I am in it. A. interested; interesting B. interesting; interested C.interesting; interesting D. interested; interested二、完形填空:(每题1分,共10分)LastSaturday,myparentsandI26tosummercamp.Wewenttothemountains,we27thefootofthemoun

8、tains28bus.Inthemiddleofthemountaintherewasariver.Thewaterwasveryclean.Thereweresomefishintheriver.Inthemountainthere29flowers.Theywerevery30.Atnoon,manypeoplegottogether and they were very 31 . We32 our meal in the mountain. The food was very 33. After eating, we went on our trip. At last, we got t

9、o the top of the mountain. We were very 34. It was really 35.三、阅读理解:(每题2分,共20分) A Welcometoourschool!OurschoolisonGreenStreet.ItsnexttothePeoplesLibrary.Thereisaparkacrossfromourschool.Thepayphoneisbetweenourschoolandthepostoffice.Therearethreebuildingsinourschool:thedormitorybuilding,theteachingbui




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