七年级英语下册 Unit4单元综合测试题(无答案) 试题

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1、山东省滨州市邹平实验中学七年级英语下册 Unit4单元综合测试题一.选择填空(20分)( )1. Dont arrive late _class. A. for B. to C. in ( )2. Can we eat _class? A. in B. to C. for ( )3. You have to wear sports shoes _gym class.A. for B. to C. on ( )4. My mother told me to go home _ten oclock.A. in B. on C. by ( )5. _he _to copy (抄写) all the

2、words?A. Does,has B. Does,have C. Do,have ( ) 6. _I _the drum here? No,you cant.A. DO, play B. Can, play C. Did, play ( )7. _run in the hallways. Sorry.A. Please B. Do C. Dont ( )8. You _talk loudly in the library. Keep quiet (保持安静) here.A. can B. cant C. have to ( )9. Do you have _dining hall in yo

3、ur school?A. a B. an C. the ( )10. _do we have to bring with us?A. What elseB. What other C. What others 二.根据首字母完成单词(20分)1. Dont a_ late for class. 2. You must eat in the d_ hall. 3.There is no food at home. Lets eat o 4. The students have to w_ the school uniform at school. 5. We have to be q_ in t

4、he library. 6. Get up now and m_ your bed. 7. Dont leave the d_ dishes in the kitchen. 8. Dont be n_ .Please be quiet. 9. We have to f_ the rules. We cant break them. 10. Parents and schools are sometimes s_ with children.三. 翻译(20分)1. do the dishes after dinner 2. go out on school nights 3. arrive l

5、ate for class 4. listen to music in class 5. run in the hallways 6.eat outside 7. 穿校服 8.必须安静 9.在班上作作业 10.跑步上学 四.选词填空(10分)1. (Dont, No) run in the street! Its dangerous.2. You need to (bring, wear) your hat and scarf. Its cold outside.3. You (have to, can) sit here. Theres nobody on the seat (座位).4.

6、I cant find all the answers (by, in) 11:30.5. Its Sunday and there are (too many, to much) people on the bus.五.根据汉语完成句子(200分)1. 学生不得不每天打扫教室。Students _ _ clean classrooms every day.2. 她不得不每天穿校服吗?Does she have to _ _ school _every day3. 我放学后不得不做家庭作业。 I have to _ _after school.4. 我爷爷对我很严格.My grandpa _

7、_ _ me.5.我知道你的感受.I know _ _ _.6. 我们必须守时.We _ _ _ time.7. 这非常重要. This _ very _.8.这是他到新校的第一天.This is his _ _ at his new school.六.句型转换(10分)1. She has to be quiet in the library.(一般问句)_ she _to be quiet in the library?2. You cant be late for class.(祈使句)_ _ late for classs.3.You cant listen to music in class. (祈使句)_ _ to music in class.4. Dont come to the party at 5 oclock, please.(肯定句)_ _ the party at 5 oclock.I have to get up early and do my homework.(提问)_ _ you have to do?



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