高中英语 Unit15 Learning Lesson1(1)导学案(无答案)北师大版必修5 学案

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1、Unit 15 Lesson 1语言运用导学案熟记3个单词suspect, instruct, distinguish, 3个短语frankly speaking, lay off, have a chance of doing和复合句的分析应用。Step One预习自学1. suspect v. 猜疑;猜想;怀疑 n. 嫌疑犯;可疑对象adj.可疑的拓展:suspect sb./ sth.怀疑某人/某事 suspect sb. of (doing) sth.怀疑某人(干)某事 suspect sb./ sth. as/ to be怀疑某人/某物为suspect that怀疑完成句子:1) W

2、hat made you _(怀疑他) having broken the glass? 2) We all _(猜想她是一名演员)2. instruct vt. 教授(某人学校课目),传授(某人技巧);向(某人)下命令或指示,指导常用搭配: in sth. 教导某人某事instruct sb. about sth. 指导 to do sth. 指示某人做某事完成句子:1)They _me _ the best way of doing the research. 2)I am _to keep my speech short. 3)The officer _ the soldiers _th

3、e planes.拓展:instruction n.用法说明,操作指南(多用作复数) instructive adj. 富有教益的,增长见识的 instructor n. 教练,导师,讲师3. distinguish vt. 区别,辨别 常用搭配: (A) from (B) 区别A和B distinguish between A and B oneself (as sth.)使出众,使著名,使受人青睐介词填空:1) She distinguished herself _ a famous lawyer.2) Speech distinguishes human beings _ animals

4、.写出中文:3)distinguished adj. _4)distinguishing adj. _4. have no chance of doing 没有机会做某事拓展:by chance (= by accident) 偶然翻译: 我们没有机会赢得这场比赛。_5. frankly speaking 老实说,说实话e.g. Frankly speaking, the last four years have been hard work, but its been worth it!拓展:generally speaking 一般来说 honestly speaking 说实话stric

5、tly speaking 严格来说 exactly speaking 确切地说完成句子:1)_(总的来说), we feel that plan is practical.2)_(老实说)! You are always throwing cold water on me.6. lay off 裁员,解雇e.g. Three months ago, when my manager told me that I would be laid off, my mind went blank and my heart swelled with anger.三个月前,当我的经理告诉我我将被解雇时,我的脑

6、海一片空白,怒火满腔。 翻译:1)如果不努力工作将会被解雇。_注意:容易与lay混淆的词 lay (laid, laid; laying) 放置;产卵 lie (lay, lain; lying) 躺;位于 lie (lied, lied; lying) 说谎2)The hen _(每天下一个蛋)3) The boy _(躺在树下) is my brother.4) Dont _(说谎) and be an honest child.7. I think that getting laid off will prove to be the best thing that ever happen

7、ed to me. 我认为被裁员将证明是发生在我身上最好的一件事。【剖析】本句是一个复合句。第一个that引导1)_, 第二个that引导2)_。Getting laid off为动名词短语,在宾语从句中作3)_。8. So many people think that after you retire, all you can do is switch off your brain and bury everything youve ever learnt.很多人认为退休后,你所能做的就是关闭大脑,埋葬所学过的任何东西。剖析:that引导的是think的1)_, 在该从句中,you can

8、do为all的2)_,省略了关系代词3)_; youve ever learnt为everything的4)_,同样省略了关系代词5)_.that引导的宾语从句的主语为all, switch off与bury为不定式作的并列表语,因为主语部分有do,所以表语省略了不定式符号6)_.完成句子: 我们除了坐下等,别无他法。7) What we can do is _ and _.8) _ that we can do is _ and _.9) We can do nothing but _and _.10) We have no choice but _ and _.Step Two: 合作探索

9、,完成句子。(1) He walks _(好像是喝醉了).(2)_ (除了身体方面的问题外), these patients also show a lot of hostility.(3) After divorce, she _ (埋头于工作bury).(4) Its time that _(你起床) (5)When I heard the news, my heart _ .(满腔怒火)Step Three: 练习 选词填空:instruct sb. to do sth,; suspect sb. of doing sth.; be buried in; lay off; in pers

10、on; switch off; aside from; swell with anger1. You must solve the problems _.2. I usually _ the TV at about two oclock.3. He _them _ start.4. They met with great difficulties. _ the bad weather, they lost their way.5. When I saw him for the first time, he was _ a book.6. He _ the moment he knew he w

11、as laid off.7. A company employing ten workers might _ two in bad times.8. _ the murder, he was caught by the police.1.suspect 完成句子:1)_2)_2.instruct完成句子:1)_2)_3)_3. distinguish介词填空:1)_2)_写出中文3)_4)_5. frankly speaking完成句子1)_2)_6. lay off 翻译1)_填空:2)_3)_4)_7.【剖析】1)_2)_3)_8. 【剖析】1)_2)_3)_4)_5)_6)_7)_8)_9)_10)_


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