高中英语 Unit 16(Stories)Lesson 3 Life Stories导学案7 北师大版选修6 学案

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1、Unit16 STORIES 导学案Lesson 3 Life Stories Tips: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor touched but are felt in the heart. -Helen KellerLearning aims(学习目标): 1) Remember the important language points in Para1Para5.2) Learn to predict the general idea.Important and difficult p

2、oint: Understand the important sentences.Background 背景知识:Helen Keller Helen Keller was one of the most famous American writers in the twentieth century. When she was 19 months old, she survived a fever but she found she could no longer see or hear. And she also found it very difficult to speak. Howe

3、ver, she grew up and become a world-famous public speaker . While she was still at college she wrote the famous book-“The Story of My Life” .Learning procedures(学习过程):StepLead in.(B级) Learn to predict.1.Look at the title 2. Look at the pictures 3. Read the first couple of linesQuestion: What is the

4、passage about? _StepRead the passage fast,and try to find the answers to the following questions. (C级)1. Which of the following is mentioned in the text? ( )A. how Helen Keller learned to play games.B. how Helen Keller communicated with her teacher.C. how Helen Keller learned the words.2. Find out t

5、he examples of words Helen learned._StepRead the passage again,slow down and carefully,then answer the question. (D级) Whats the difference among the four words “water; doll; think; love”?Group 1: doll; water (_words) sth. you can _Group 2: think; love (_ words) sth. you cant_StepLanguage points.(B级)

6、 Para.11.With these severe restrictions on her communication, Helens behaviour was often unbearable. 译文:_【知识链接】with的复合结构可以在句子中作状语或作定语。构成:with+宾语+补语(形/副/介/to do/doing/done) 汉译英:因为有很多作业要做,我们今天下午不能玩了。_Para.22.She had eyesight problems early in life as well so she could relate to Helens diffculties.译文:_

7、 1) as well_汉译英:我写自己的歌,也弹吉他。_ 2) relate to理解,同情;涉及,有关汉译英:有些成年人不理解孩子的想法。_Para.43.Helen had a burst of understanding; the movement of the fingers meantthe cool water flowing over her hand.译文:_分析:flowing over her hand作_成分,所修饰的单词是:_Para.54.Now that Helen understood the key to language, she was very eage

8、r to learn more and use it as much as she could.译文:_1) now that 既然,由于=since后接_从句汉译英:既然现在有空,我可以享受一下音乐。_2) be eager to do 渴望做某事拓展:be eager for sth. 渴望得到汉译英:上中学时,我非常想买那本字典。_3) asas one can/could_Step当堂检测(A级) 背写下列重点词汇. 1._adj.出色的,卓越的 2. _ adj.严重的,严厉的 3._n.限制,约束 4. _ adj.不能忍受的 5._adj.倔强的,固执的 6. _ adj.以前的

9、 7. _ adj.引起麻烦的 8._ adj.直接的,坦率的 9._adj.准确的,精确的 10._ adj.宝贵的,珍贵的(B级)(1)搭配下列近义词,反义词。近义词 反义词severe valuable superb flexiblesuperb distinguished precise quickprecious keen complex enjoyableeager direct warmth certainrestriction limits uncertain coldformer previous troublesome simpleapparent obvious grad

10、ual vaguestraightforward serious stubborn awful(2)理解并记住下列短语的含义. 1.by the time +从句_ 2.bring in _ 3.be eager to do_ 4.relate to _ 5.give sb. a big hug_ 6.now that_(C级) 短语应用:选词填空be eager to, now that, relate to, open up 1. Im going to relax _ the school year is over.2. What time does the Xinhua Bookstore _?3. To tell you the truth, I _ meet my friends tonight. 4. I cant _ classical music.Step小结反思:_


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