高中英语 Module 1(Our Body and Healthy Habits-Vocablary)学案2 外研版必修2 学案

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1、高一英语学案 Module 1Our body and healthy habits本模块的重点词汇,短语,结构和语法内容:一词汇,短语和结构:1. be connected with与有联系 She _ _ _ the crime (罪行).她与犯罪行为有关。2. have/get/catch a cold have/get/catch colds患感冒 get/catch the flu患流感 have a fever/temprature发烧 get/fall ill生病 have a tootache/stomachache牙痛/胃痛 break ones arm/leg摔断/伤到手/

2、脚3. 频度副词 always总是,一直,usually通常,often经常,sometimes有时,once/twice/three times a week一周一次/两次/三次,seldom很少,rarely稀有/少有,hardly几乎不,never从未4. at least至少 5. keep away远离 6. take exercise做运动 7. have a sweet tooth=like sweet things喜欢甜食8. be anxious about/for对感到焦虑/担心=be worried about be anxious to do sth.渴望做某事 我极为

3、担心我儿子的健康。I _ very _ _ my sons health.9. head for朝走去,前往 head straight for朝直走去 10. take a (deep) breath(深)呼吸11. make sure弄清楚,确保(主观地想要证实某事,即确认) be sure确定,深信(是一种潜意识,意为确定) 我确定没有人会比他更爱我了. I_ _ that no one will love me more than he does. 我只想确认一切安好. I just want to _ _ that everything is ok.12. would rather

4、do sth.宁愿做某事 would rather do sth than do sth宁愿做某事而不做某事 (注意这里用动词原型) 我宁愿呆在家里也不出去。I _ _ _ at home _ _ out.13. .diet n. 饮食;日常食物 v.节食 (be) on a diet 节食 go on a diet 节食 put sb. on a diet 控制某人饮食14. with/without+复合结构(伴随状态) 他关起门工作一整天。All day he worked with the door locked. 他过去常常开着窗睡觉。He used to sleep with wi

5、ndows open. 周凯没有穿夹克就出去了。Zhou Kai went out _ a jacket _. 她眼里含泪说再见。She said goodbye _tears in her eyes.15. as,当时候,因为/既然,作为/以的身份,像/如同,依照/按照 翻译句子:I saw him as he was getting of the bus._ As rain has fallen, the air is cooler._ He came to China as a tourist five years ago._ The old woman was dressed as a

6、 young lady._ You ought to do as Paul tells you._16. anything like that类似的事情 17. a bit有点,abit of a相当地,not a bit一点也不/毫不18. be+ adj./adv.+enough to do sth.足够可以做某事 I was stupid enough to play football in the rain._(中文)_ The boy is old enough to go to school.(中文)_. My sister _ _ _ _ dress herself.我妹妹长大了

7、,可以自己穿衣服了。19. Two years ago I broke my arm playing football.两年前我在踢足球时胳膊折断了。 playing football动词的ing形式表示时间,相当于when/while (I was) playing football. Health care is free for everyone living in Britain. (这里living=_) All those coming to the party are my friends. (这里coming =_)20. be crazy abou (doing) sth热衷

8、于/沉迷于 Im crazy about you, darling. Many students are crazy about playing computer games.21. fit adj. 健康的,适合的 keep fit/healthy 保持健康 be fit to do sth 适合做某事 be fit for sb/sth 适合于22. because+原因状语从句,because of+n(包括名词词组,动词加ing形式) 选择填空:we all cheered_the Olympic Games were held in Beijing he didnt go to sc

9、hool _ he was ill. he didnt go to school _ his illness.23. pick up拾起/捡起,车/船等搭载客人翻译:I picked up a cion on my way home._ Shall I pick you up at the station?_24. be the first to do sth.是第一个做某事的人或物 翻译:Britain was the first country in the world to have a free health care system._ 他是每天第一个到校的学生。He _ _ _ _

10、_ come to school.25. pay for偿付 我花了两块钱买这支笔。I _ 2 yuan _ the pen. 在英国医疗费用由政府偿付。The health care is _ _ _ the government.26. The problem with is that. 的问题是 翻译:The problem with this system is that people dont have enough money to pay for private health insurance. _ The problem with the cloth (抹布) is that

11、 it gets dirty very easily. _ 这个计划的问题就是我们没有足够的钱。_二语法:一般将来时:will do sth,be going to do sth(一)总用法:_ 常与表示将来的时间状语连用, 如:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, in an hour等(二)结构:1. will+do (will在句中可缩写为ll,will的否定为will not=wont) 用法(1):表示_ I think youll be better tomorrow. 用法(2):表示_ Please sit down and Ill examine you. 用法(3):在“when当时候,as soon as一就,before在之前,after在之后,until直到,once一旦”等引导的时间状



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