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1、外文翻译-浅析工程造价管理与投资控制山东交通学院2013届毕业生专业文献英文翻译题目:Shallow engineering cost management and investment control 院 部土木工程学院专业工程管理班级工升111班学号110715103姓名 王帅指导教师李月华 2013年4月20日Shallow engineering cost management and investment controlProject construction central task is to realize the project goals From the objectiv

2、e sense, investment to achieve the goal of economic benefit is owner real embodiment, And project cost determination and investment of effective control of the engineering construction management is an important and indispensable part of project management has a special position. As China s economic

3、 system reform, the national economy continues to develop, how to strengthen the engineering cost management, improve the project investment benefit? This is what the current investment and cost reform a major issue.Cost and investment in the development of national economy and social economic activ

4、ities, have a lot of consistent place, but not a concept equivalent. Judging from the purpose is to make the investment, improve the amount of cast currency can guarantee, and realize value-added backflow, And improve cost is to make the investment project engineering price level control at target w

5、ithin the quota, Judging from behavioral process, investment behavior process is capitai investment + project implementation + project control + capital recycling, the cost of the behavior process is cost sure including investment estimation, design budgetary estimate and construction drawing budget

6、 + process control + the final accounts of the completed project. Investment behavior process than the cost of behavioral process longer. With the operation process, cost of capital is make monetary fund transform for achieving goals within the line of assets, investment is make monetary fund transf

7、orm for assets, and through the use of assets and monetary fund backflow.Investment cost is a critical part of and main content, it includes the construction project from construction preparatory to completion acceptance of the cost of combined, and it consists of building the cost, equipment tools

8、is, the engineering construction other fees, reserve, interest interest, tax for fixed assets investment and the current funds and so on a composition. The price mechanism is the core of cost management in the problem, but al so investment macro decision and improves the project investment benefit o

9、f a central issue. To strengthen the cost management, increase the investment effects, must form a under the states macroeconomic control, taking market mainly formed cost price mechanism.The traditional budget norm system under the planned economy system, to strengthen the investment plan managemen

10、t, reduce waste aspects have certain positive role. But with the social ist market economy is gradually establish and develop, the current budget norm system and the increasingly does not adapt: quota of quantity and price no separate, and formed a 1 iving market and dead unit price”, the conflict c

11、an t in the market truly, promptly and accurately reflecting the cost of building products, The current budget ration of comprehensive degree bigger, construction means consume part is dead, stockings constitute engineering entity consumption part is decided, and by the design of construction cost p

12、arts, such as feet hand scheme, the content such as vertical transportation should be by construction enterprise in ensuring al 1-round to perform the contract under the premi se of themselves, the current norm, should belong to the contents of the NingGuHua competition, to the detriment of construc

13、tion enterprise and advantage, competition to win; The current budget norm with legal nature and forced properties of budget ration direct fee fees standard, developers and contractors are altered arbitrarily, or planned pricing for the Lord; The current budget quota valuation mainly by direct fee,

14、indirect fee, independent fee, profit and taxes constitute, in addition to direct fee to take everything correctly outside the rest rates form, and fees immobilized, go against intuitivey reflect the project content price, and with the international quoted price way gap bigger also.In order to which

15、 investment macro decision and improve the benefi t of investment project, must the plan formation of engineering cost price mechanism, instead of under the states macroeconomic control by market mainly formed engineering cost price mechanism, was also must in unity quantity calculation rules and so

16、cial average real consumption quota, follow the commodity economy based on the law of value, establishment of market mainly formed cost price mechanism: one is to fully realize price volume separation. The government issued the unity of quantity and price budget norm system, instead of the government issued engineering consumption quota, unit price for seven, become currently issued guided prices wants everyone to execute instead released market information, thu


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