纺织英语教学课件:Ch6 Manufacturing Manmade Fibers

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1、C H A P T E R 6Manufacturing Manmade Fibers,Words List,Key words 全部New words 6,7,9,16,17,21,22,25,27,28,32,33,38,39,44。,The history of manmade fiber development may be indirectly related to fiber price. Silk was a luxury fiber, appreciated by those who could afford it and coveted(妄想别人的东西,渴望) by thos

2、e who could not. Early attempts to make an artificial silk fiber tried to duplicate(重复) the actions of a silkworm feeding on mulberry(桑树) leaves and spinning a cocoon. With some 1990 prices of Chinese silk being quoted at $51 per kilogram, interest in duplicating silk fibers may resurge. (复活),人工纤维的发

3、展历史可能与纤维价格间接相关。丝绸是一种豪华的纤维,由那些能负担得起的和令人垂涎的赞赏(妄想别人的东西,渴望)由那些不能。早期尝试人造丝纤维试图复制(重复)一个喂蚕桑的行动(桑树)叶和纺茧。以1990的价格被引用在每公斤51美元中国的丝绸,真丝纤维在复制的兴趣可能死灰复燃。(复活),History,From Robert Hookes publication of Micro-graphia in 1664 to the 1892 Cross, Bevan and Beadle patent for viscose, the interesting history of the develop

4、ment of manmade fibers has been recorded (see the reference section at the end of this chapter). Hooke did not actively pursue the development of artificial silk, but he did speculate on the possibility of chemically duplicating the fibrous secretion(分泌)of the silkworm.,从1664罗伯特胡克发布微graphia到1892跨,比万

5、和Beadle的专利粘胶、人造纤维发展的有趣的历史已记录(在本章末见参考资料部分)。Hooke没有积极追求人造丝的发展,但他推测化学复制纤维分泌的可能性(分泌)的蚕。,Early attempts to dissolve cellulose and form a fiber were based on the use of nitric acid(硝酸) to dissolve the cellulose in such materials as paper, twigs(嫩枝), leaves, and cotton. The names commonly given to the cell

6、ulose nitrates(n.硝化纤维素) thus formed were nitrocellulose and guncotton (火药棉),早期尝试溶解纤维素形成纤维是基于使用硝酸(硝酸)溶解纤维素在纸张等材料,树枝,树叶,和(嫩枝)棉。常用的硝酸纤维素的名字(N.硝化纤维素)从而形成了硝化棉硝化棉(火药棉),Fiber Forming and Spinning,Whether a fiber-forming polymer is chemically synthesized合成 or regenerated 再生from a naturally occurring polymer

7、, it must be produced in a physical form suitable for conversion into a textile product. The basic process for fibers involves forcing a liquid or fluid through a nozzle, or spinnerette喷丝头; forming a long slender filament; stretching or drawing拉伸 material; and collecting the fiber for further proces

8、sing or sale. The specific process used depends on the type of polymer being extruded.,是否成纤聚合物是化学合成的合成或再生再生从天然聚合物,它必须在一个适合转换为纺织产品的物理形态的产生。纤维的基本过程包括迫使液体或流体通过喷嘴或喷丝头喷丝头;形成一个细长的纤维;拉伸或拉伸拉伸材料;为进一步加工或销售收集纤维。使用的具体过程取决于挤出聚合物的类型。,SPINNING METHODS,The three major spinning, or extrusion, processes are wet spinn

9、ing(湿纺), dry or solvent spinning(溶剂纺丝), and melt spinning(熔体纺丝,熔液纺丝). A fourth type, emulsion spinning(乳液纺丝), can be used for polymers for which the other processes are not practical. Gel spinning(凝胶纺丝) is a newer process that is being used for a few high-tenacity fibers.,三大旋转,或挤压,过程是湿法纺丝(湿纺)、干或溶液纺丝

10、和熔融纺丝(溶剂纺丝),(熔体纺丝,熔液纺丝)。四分之一型、乳液纺丝(乳液纺丝),可用于聚合物,其他过程都是不现实的。凝胶纺丝(凝胶纺丝)是一种较新的过程被用于一些高强度纤维。,Wet Spinning,In wet spinning (Figure 6.1), the fiber-forming polymer is extruded through a spinnerette into a liquid bath, where a chemical reaction take place and the material coagulates(凝结) to form a fiber.Ray

11、on粘胶 and some acrylics聚丙烯腈 are produced by wet spinning, Aramids 芳纶and some acrylics are made by a combination of wet and dry spinning.,在湿法纺丝(图6.1),纤维形成的聚合物通过喷丝头成沐浴液挤出,在发生化学反应和材料凝固(凝结)形成纤维。人造丝粘胶和丙烯酸聚丙烯腈是采用湿法纺丝,芳族聚酰胺芳纶和丙烯酸树脂相结合的湿法和干法纺丝制成。,Dry Spinning,Originally known as solvent spinning, dry spinnin

12、g (Figure 6.2 requires that a fiber-forming polymer be dissolved in a solvent that will evaporate in air. The solution is forced through a spinnerette(喷丝口,喷嘴); then the solvent evaporates蒸发, leaving fiber filaments that may undergo further processing.,最初称为溶剂纺丝,干纺(图6.2 要求纤维形成聚合物溶解在溶剂中,将在空气中蒸发。解决的办法是通

13、过喷丝头(喷丝口,喷嘴);然后蒸发溶剂蒸发,留下的纤维丝,可进行进一步的处理。,The solvent is recovered for further use. Acetate醋酯, triacetate三醋酯, vinyon(聚乙烯). PBI, and some acrylics are produced by dry spinning. Some fibers have been produced by a process in which the fiber is spun into air then processed in a wet bath.PBI纤维又称托基纶(togylo

14、n)美国塞拉尼斯(celanese)公司20世纪60年代中期研制成功化学名为聚苯并咪唑纤维具有很好的阻燃性能但染色时必须采用载体法。(如何用google查专业单词),溶剂回收后再使用。醋酯三醋酯醋酸,醋酸,维荣(聚乙烯)。PBI,和一些公司的干法纺丝生产。一些纤维的生产过程中,纤维被纺成空气,然后在湿浴处理。,Melt Spinning,Melt spinning (Figure 6.3) is considered by many to be the environmentally safest and most easily controlled process for forming f

15、ibers. It requires a polymer that can be melted at a controllable temperature without altering the chemical properties of the material. The polymer is heated to its melting point and extruded into a cooling tower or chamber, where it hardens or solidifies in a continuous fiber form. Most melt-spun f

16、ibers are quenched(熄灭,淬火) in air, but some are water-quenched prior to drawing. The cross-sectional shape of fiber is controlled most easily in melt spinning. Nylon, polyester, glass, and olefin are produced by this process.,熔融纺丝(图6.3)被认为是许多环境安全和最容易控制的过程形成纤维。它需要一种聚合物,可以在可控温度下熔化而不改变材料的化学性质。聚合物加热到其熔点和挤压成一个冷却塔或室,在那里它变硬或连续纤维形成凝固。大多数熔纺纤维骤冷(熄灭,淬火)在空气中,但有些是水淬绘图之前。熔融纺丝最容易控制纤维的截面形状。尼龙、聚酯、玻璃和烯烃由该方法生产。,Emulsion Spinning 乳液纺丝,Some polymers must be melted at extremely high temperatures; others suffer severe



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