山东省东营市第二中学六年级英语上册《Unit4 I have a pen pal B2》学案

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1、东营区二中六年级上册英语导学稿课 题Unit4 I Have A Pen Pal Section B(2)课 型新授课执笔人六年级英语组教师寄语A lazy youth, a lousy ago. (少时懒惰,老来苦。)学习目标1.知识目标: 掌握并会用Lets talk的单词,短语与句子.2.能力目标: 能够正确区分和使用单三形式.3.情感目标: 培养学生和他人就他人日常行为这一话题进行交流的能力。一、复习巩固(1) 写出下列单词的单三形式go _ do _ live _ make _ study _ teach _ watch _ buy _ have _ fly _read _ play

2、 _ look _ listen _ swim _(2) 读一读(课前小组长领读)第一组:肯定: I live in Dongying.否定:I dont live in Dongying.一般疑问句: Do you live in Dongying? 回答: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.特殊问句: Where do you live?第二组:肯定:Tom does his homework every evening.否定:Tom doesnt do his homework every evening.一般疑问句: Does Tom do his homework ev

3、ery evening? 回答: Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.特殊问句: What does Tom do every evening?(3) 练一练They play football after school.否定:_ 一般疑问句及回答: _画线部分提问:_My father works in a company.否定:_ 一般疑问句及回答: _画线部分提问:_二、知识呈现Lets try1. 听一听,并圈出来,第50页.2. 听对话,回答下列问题.(1) Where does her mother work? _(2) Where does her fat

4、her work? _Lets talk1. 读一读lets talk,并译成汉语。2. 背一背,看哪一组背诵的又快又准。3. 写一写,把lets talk 默写出来吧!Zhang:_? Sarah: _?Zhang:_Sarah: _? Zhang:_.4. 练一练, 用talk部分方框中所给的提示语组成对话。Eg: A: Does he live in the city. B: Yes, he does. A: Does he live in the country? B: No, he doesnt. He lives in the city. Tick and say1. 听录音,完成

5、书上的表格。2. 根据表格,介绍一下uncle and aunt 的情况。三、知识拓展:熟记下面的表格代词第一人称第二人称第三人称单数复数单数复数单数复数人称代词主格I weyouyouhesheitthey宾格meusyouyouhimheritthem汉语我我们你你们他她它他(她、它)们形容词性物主代词myouryouryourhisheritstheir我的我们的你的你们的他的她的它的他(她、它)们的练习:1、_ ( he ) likes learning English. 2、 Can you go with _( she)?3、This is _ (we) classroom. 4. Is _ going to the park with _ aunt? ( she )5、Let _ ( I ) help _ ( you ). 6. Can you help _ ( they ) ?7、Look for _ ( I ) near the door. 8、Miss Qiu teaches _ ( he ) Chinese.9、Do you want to come to _ ( I ) tenth birthday party. 10、 _ ( they ) hobbies are the same.


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