秋三年级英语上册 Unit 4 We love animals导学案1 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学三年级上册英语学案

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1、Unit Four Weloveanimals一、学习目标:1. 能理解对话,并能用正确的语音语调朗读对话;2. 根据对话的情景进行对话角色表演;3. 能在语境中初步运用Whats this? Its a . 来交流动物信息。二、重难点:1. 理解对话意义,并能用正确的语音语调朗读对话;2. 初步运用新句型Whats this? Its a . 来交流相关动物信息。三、导学流程(一)新课导入,明确目标(1)教师播放 Recycle 1-Lets sing 的录音,师生共同演唱歌曲 How Are You?,并伴有打节拍等动作。(2)学生口语表演。教师给学生3分钟左右的时间, 让学生根据所学内容

2、自编会话。(若课上没有准备的时间,教师可留口头家庭作业,让学生头一天准备。)在学生准备完毕后进行课上表演。会话内容为所学知识的总和,也可鼓励学生将课外知识引入。以下提供两个简单的会话内容:a. -Good afternoon, Fangfang.-Good afternoon, Lan lan.-Lan lan, this is Dong Dong. He is new.-Hi, Dong Dong. Nice to meet you.-Nice to meet you, too.b. -Hello, Bai Ling. How are you?- Hi, Im fine, thank you

3、. And you?-Very well, thank you. c. Revision: Whats this?复习了以前学的身体部分名称,同时也用来引出今天的主要句型的语境,让孩子们初步感受语镜,感知句型的意思。同时引出本课其中一个新词bear。 (二)指导学习,引导发现 (1)教师拿出准备好的动物图片,有dog, duck ,bear,cat,pig等动物图片。教师将卡片举起,兴奋地说:Look! Wow! I have so many animals. I love animals. 教师拿起 bear说:Look! I have a bear. 教师教授新单词 bear ,a bea

4、r ,I have a bear.(2)教师继续在出示动物图片,让孩子们尝试全班用“Whats this? Its a .”来问与答。同时呈现小狗与小鸭子的动物图片,并学习这两个单词。T: Now look here. Whats this? Its a duck. Whats this? Its a .同时,用动物卡片教授dog, duck和bear三种动物。在说新单词时教师鼓励学生用完整句表述。(3)再次认读单词。教师用动物的图片,让学生按图案认读单词dog, duck,bear。animals 一词。此时教师说单词dog, duck, bear , they are animals. T

5、hey are in the zoo. 教师说到 zoo 时,板书出来。(三)、展示交流,融错化疑:(1). 教师展示一只手问学生Whats this? Its a hand. 再展示另一只手询问学生Whats this?学生回答,Its a hand. 紧接着,老师用双手,在做出鸭子的手影,然后再一次问Whats this?学生会惊讶地回答Its a duck.并且非常感兴趣这表演。T: Look! Whats this? Its a hand. Whats this? Its a hand, too. Then whats this? Its a . (duck) (2). 看图初步了解课

6、文大意教师引出吴一凡和Mike也在玩魔术,给学生展示课文图,看图,提出问题:(3)组织学生看课文的图联想,猜猜图中人物在说什么,然后组织学生听课文录音。T: Mike and Wu Yifan are playing magic, too. Look at the pictures, guess 1. What are they doing? 3. What are they making? 4. Can they make bears? T: Look at picture 1, what are they talking? Ss: Whats this? Its a .T: Maybe /

7、 Good try. / It could be . Now lets listen to the tape. C教师检验问题的答案。师生再一次重温对话内容。T: So in picture 1, what are they talking? Ss: Whats this? Its a .T: Yes, you are right. And picture 2?Now lets read after the tape. Can anyone come here and act out the dialogue?Pay attention to the last picture. Oh, its

8、 Zoom. They are so disappointed. 设计意图:在学课文前的提问,有效地激发学生的思维,让孩子们开动脑筋,思考一些深层的问题,并对图片进行预测,然后带着问题去听录音,学生的注意力更集中,更容易理解课文。(4). Make hand magic教师带领学生做手影的练习,把句型Whats this?Its a .板书,让学生边做动作边说这两句话,加强对句型的上口与操练,让学生在玩中学,学中玩,一举两得。T: Wu Yifan and Mike are making hand magic. Can you do it? Who can do it? Do you want

9、 to have a try? Who want to come here and have a try?E. Role play组织学生表演对话。4. Extending (Lets Make!)学生以小组为单位,一起创编手影,看谁猜得多,创得多,并进行评分与展示。T: Now lets have a hand magic competition. Discuss in your groups and practice in your groups. 2 minutes to play magic in groups. Ready? Go.设计意图:通过手影活动,运用新句型,为学生留下更多的

10、创作空间,同时也可渗透下一节课要学习的动物,为下一节课做铺垫。 X k B 1 . c o m(四):检测反馈,综合提升:教师检查两组的拼比结果,并借助评价的图,再一次用Whats this?Its a . 来问答,加深巩固本课重点句型,同时也作为本课的小结。(五):整理反思,拓展延伸:1、请同学们自己回顾并汇报本节课学到了什么知识。2、灵活运用本节课所学的知识与同学,老师进行交谈。课 题:Unit 4 We love animals第二课时一、学习目标:1. 能在语境中运用Whats this?Its a . 来交流物品信息。 2. 能够能听说、认读dog, duck, bear, pig,

11、 cat等几种动物的名称。 3. 能听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按照指令模仿动物做出相应的动作。二、重难点:听说、认读dog, duck, bear, pig, cat等动物的名称三、导学流程(一)新课导入,明确目标热身活动复习上一节课的内容:“Whats this? Its a .”教师呈现动物图片,让孩子们猜。通过猜的游戏,既复习了上一节课的句型,同时也为歌曲的呈现铺垫,了解duck, dog, bear, pig, cat 等词汇。 教师简化一个农场让学生猜农场上有什么东西,检测学生对农场的了解,激活已有的生活体验。带着学生找出农场上的动物,既复习已学单词,同时引出并教授新单词。T: Go

12、od morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss You.T: Before the class, let me see whether you can remember this? Look! Whats this?Ss: Its a dog.( duck, bear, farm在黑板上简化出农场图,老师引学生看黑板)T: And whats this?S: Its a farm.T: And this?S: Its a farm.T: Yes, its a farm. T: Whats can you see on the farm? Ss

13、: . animalT: (repeat students answer, dog, duck, so many animals, maybe .)Yes, there have many animals. Then what animals are they? Listen to the tape. And you will know it. Listen carefully(二)指导学习,引导发现 1) 单词教学教师提问孩子们,刚才的录音中中有些什么动物,并进行教授新单词duck, pig, dog, cat等。T: What animals are on the farm?Ss: duc

14、k, pig, dog.T: Yes, there are some ducks on the farm. Follow me, duck, duck, quack, quack. Can you act like a duck? Follow me, please. Duck, duck, quack, quack.Ss: duck做动作Duck, duck, quack, quack.教师在教授新词的过程中,通过图片渗透lets chant的内容,如Is the pig big? Is the cat fat? Where is the dog? Its on the log.并有意识地通

15、过动作表情等帮助学生理解chant的内容。T: Where are the ducks? Look! They are in the truck. Look at the duck, in the truck.T: Yes, there is a duck on the farm, what else? Yes, cat. Can you act like a cat? Follow me, please. Cat, cat, meow, meow. Together. Is this cat fat? Yes, look at the cat, it is fat.T: What else are on the farm? Yes, dog. Can you act like a dog? Follow me, please. Dog dog bow wow. Together. Where is the dog? Yes, look at the dog, its on the l


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