四年级英语上册 Unit2 What do they have on the farm第三课时学案 陕旅版

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《四年级英语上册 Unit2 What do they have on the farm第三课时学案 陕旅版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级英语上册 Unit2 What do they have on the farm第三课时学案 陕旅版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2 What do they have on the farm?课 题2 what do they have on the farm?课 型讲授型主备教师审核人课 时本课第 3 课时(共 4 课时)有无课件学习目标1能听懂Lets learn more对话中表示动物的词汇和句型。2理解运用what does he/ she have?He/She has3理解He doest have和They dont have用法。学习重点1能听懂Lets learn more对话中表示动物的词汇和句型。2理解运用what does he/ she have?He/She has3理解He doest h

2、ave和They dont have用法学习难点1理解运用what does he/ she have?He/She has2理解He doest have和They dont have用法课前准备汽车 飞机 轮船及动物的图片 录音机 自制玩具学习环节学 案导案NO1.热身复习NO2. 呈现新课NO3.趣味操练能力提升NO4.达标检测1热身(Warming up)Guessing game.猜它们是什么动物。Part B:Lets play.上台表演T:Cow.S1: Act like a cow!S1: Moo(并作相应的 动作)学生猜猜老师盒子里的物品。S1: A pen/a bookS2

3、: Some cars. S1: Thank you.T/S: S:She /He has cars.But he/she doest have a kite.No,he doest.He doesnt have ships.He has cars.Ss: planes/trains/buses/ships.反复练习师生对话:T: what does s2 have?Ss: He/she has plans.T:Does he/have cars?Ss: No,he/she doesnt.He/she doesnt have cars.T:what do they have?Ss; They

4、have cars and planes.T;Do they have a kite?Ss: No,they dont.T: They have cars and planes.But they dontHave a kite.1听第一段录音,回答Does Colin have a kite?2画出Colin 拥有的物品。3选出对话中的人物所拥有的物品。4跟读对话。1举例区别have和has的用法。2完成资源学案P3页的仿照例子写一写。P9页第三题。联系have 和has.3 P10页看图写话。出示图片。 教师请一位同学面对全班同学,出示单词卡片,其他学生发出指令。T:Hello!boys a

5、nd Girls.Today I haveTwo boxes.Can you Guess what is in eachBos?If you are rightI can give them to you as gift.教学对话Part B:Lets learn more.教师将装有一些玩具的汽车的盒子展示给学生。T: Look.I have a bigBox.Do you knlowWhat is in it?老师请一位学生打开盒子well,open it.T: Yes .I have some Cars. But I dont have a kite.Now theCars are fo

6、r you,S1.T: what does s1 haveNow?引导学生一起说She /He has cars.But he/she doest have a kite.Does he Have ships?引导学生再说一说。No,he doest.He doesnt have ships.He has cars.T:guess .whats in this box?引出复数句型。教师指着s1和S2两位同学与全班同学问答。教师播放录音。板书设计2 what do they have on the farm?What does he/she have?He/She hasWhat do they have?They have课后作业完成资源学案与练习册部分习题。教后反思


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