Unit8 Integrated Skills练习牛津译林版七年级英语上册

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1、 七年级英语备课组初一英语练习(五十一)7A Unit 8 Integrated Skills班级 姓名 学号 预计完成时间 40分钟一、完形填空(A组完成)November 21 is the World Hello Day. The day is full of smiles and greetings. It started 1 November 21, 1973. At that time, Israel(以色列)and Egypt 2 fighting a war. The day was used 3 a way to help stop the war. Since then,

2、World Hello Day has been 4 by people in 180 countries In China, people 5 say “Ni Hao” when they meet each other. And how do people say hello 6 each other in English-speaking countries? You may have some 7 in your mind. People usually say, “How are you?” You 8 answer, “Im fine,” “Very good, thank you

3、,” or “Not 9 , thanks.” You can also ask “And you?” But these are kind of formal greetings. Do you know how good friends greet each other? In the UK, 10 good friends, they say, “You all right?” “Im good. 11 plans for the weekend?” People also say “Hows it going?” 12 its not a question. It just means

4、(意思是) hello. People often answer, “Good,” or “Not bad.” In the United States, to friends, they say, “Whats up?” “Not much.” 13 popular greeting is “Hey, boy.” But it is usually among boys. Girls may say “Hey, girls.”In the world, people use 14 2,796 languages to say hello to each other. People 15 th

5、ese greetings from their friends and family very much.( )1. A. on B. in C. at D. of( )2. A. are B. wereC. wasD. is( )3.A. at B. as C. for D. to( )4. A. observedB. served C. watched D. seen( )5. A. usually B. sometimesC. not D. never( )6. A. withB. to C. ofD. about( )7. A. pictures B. ideasC. photos

6、D. wishes( )8. A. canB. mustC. shallD. will( )9. A. good B. well C. nice D. bad( )10. A. between B. from C. over D. for( )11. A. someB. any C. manyD. much( )12.A. ButB. And C. So D. Because( )13. A. The other B. Other C. AnotherD. Others( )14.A. least B. the least C. at least D. at most( )15. A. lea

7、rn B. need C. hopeD. enjoy二、阅读理解(A组完成)Its a hot summer and there is no rain. A crow lives in a big tree near a village. He has no parents or friends. One day, he feels very thirsty. “Oh, I must find some water! I am too thirsty. Where can I find water?”The crow flies to a house in the village, Outsi

8、de the house, he sees a vase with some water. However, there is only a little bit of water. So he cant drink it.The crow doesnt know what to do. He begins to cry, “Who can help me? I need help!” He cries and cries, but no one hears him. He is tired and he wants to do something. The crow tries to put

9、 the vase down, but he is not strong enough to do that. Then, he has a good idea. He goes to find some little stones. He comes back and puts the stones into the vase. At last, the crow can drink the water. “What nice water!” says the crow, “I am happy I do not waste all my time crying.”He is a cleve

10、r crow. We all know the name of the story is The Crow Drinking Water. We like the story. It tells us when we are in trouble, we should think it over and try our best to solve it .( )1.The crow lives_ .A.in a village B.near a village C. with his parents D.with his friends( )2. What does the crow see

11、outside the house?A. A vase B. A tree C. Some stones D. Some people.( )3.Why does the bird cry?A. Because he is tired B. Because he is not strongC. Because he cant drink the water D. Because he cant find his friends( )4. What does the underlined word “waste” mean?A.忽视 B.利用 C.浪费 D.珍惜.( )5. According

12、to the story, the write wants to tell us _.A. When we are thirsty, we should find some water. B. When we see a vase, we should put stones in it.C. When we have problems, we should cry for help D.When we are in trouble, we should find ways to solve it.三、任务型阅读(A组完成)My dream home is a flying home. I ge

13、t the idea from the film Up飞屋环游记.Look at the photo! Isnt it a cool home? Do you think it is a strange idea?It is a wooden house, so it is light. I am going to tie some helium balloons(氦气球)to the house, so it can fly in the air. They bring the house up into the air. It can fly for one hour at a time.

14、 It takes us to a different place every season.The house is not very big in size. We only need six comfortable rooms-two bedrooms a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, and a modern bathroom. The room flies to war m places in winter and cool places in summer.Where can we get energy and water? We get energy from the sun and we collect rainwater to use. So it is a green house.What school I can study in if I live in that home. And they also say I think it would be a c



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