六年级英语 阅读理解天天练31-32

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1、小学六年级英语:阅读理解天天练(31)Lots of boys and girls in Western Countries are wearing the same kinds of clothes, and many of them have long hair, so it is often difficult to tell whether they are boys or girls.One day, an old man went for walk in a park in Washington, and when he was tired, he sat down on a be

2、nch. A young person was standing on the other side.My goodness! the old man said the person next to him on the bench. Do you see that person with long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?A girl, said his neighbour. Shes my daughter.Oh! the old man said quickly. Please forgive me, I didnt know that you were

3、her mother.Im not, said the other person, Im her father.( )1. Some of the boys Western Countries look like girls because _.A. they are not tall enough B. they walk slowly like girlsC. their clothes and hair are like girls D. they always wear very fine clothes( )2. The old man went to the park one da

4、y _.A. to have a walk B. to see the young personsC. to do some exercises D. to sit on the bench and have a walk( )3. When the old man saw a young person with long hair he thought _.A. it was a young woman B. it was a boyC. it was a girl D. it was the persons daughter( )4. What was the person next to

5、 the old man look like? _.A. He looked like a business man(商人). B. He looked like a young man.C. He looked like the young persons father. D. He looked like a woman.( )5. This story happened(发生)in _.A. France B. England C. America D. Australia答案:CACDC小学六年级英语:阅读理解天天练(32)Five-year-old Tom and his mothe

6、r both learned a lesson from the book The little Engine That Could. One day,. Toms mother was driving their pickup truck when it hit a huge hole, turned over, and rolled down a big hill. Toms mother was badly hurt. She told her son to run away before the truck blew up.Tom did not run. Instead, he pu

7、lled his mother out of the truck and helped her begin crawling(爬行) up the hill to safety. She said that she was too weak to go on, but Tom insisted. Thinking of the little truck, he begged.(哀求) I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.Even in pain, Toms mother smiled as she crawled to the top of

8、the hill( ) 1. The best title is _.A. Favorite Childrens Stories B. Tom and His TrainC. Safety on the Road D. Tom : Young Hero( ) 2. When the accident happened, Tom was _.A.three years old B. five years oldC. four years old D. six years old( ) 3. Toms mother was hurt when the truck_.A. rolled down a hill B. crashed into a treeC. Skidded(打滑) on some ice D. blew up( ) 4.You can tell that Tom loved _.A. the little train B. trucksC. His mother D. adventure( ) 5. The word insisted means _.A. gave up B. said very stronglyC. listened D. became very angry答案:DBACB



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