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1、优秀学习资料欢迎下载一、挑选正确答案填空七年级上Units1-6语法专练Unit 11. hours are there in a year.A. How oldB. How longC. How muchD. How many 2.- will you come back.-In half an hour.A. How ofenB. How soonC. How longD. How much 3.- does the teacher go to school.-By bike.A. WhereB. WhenC. HowD. What 4. How long have you been he

2、re.- .A. In two yearsB. Two years agoC. For two yearsD. Two years later 5. water is there in the bottle.A. How manyB. WhatC. How muchD. Which 6.There is university near Baiyun Mountain. I like it very much.A. aB. anC. theD. /7. lion is stronger than cow.A. AanB. AnaC. The/D. Aa 8.We can see moon at

3、night , but we cn t see sun at night.A. aaB. thetheC. ananD. ana 9.Look , they are playing piano while their brothers are playing football.A. the/B. theaC. atheD. /a 10.He is often first one to finish homework.A. aB. anC. theD. /二、就划线部分提问1.He is a doctor. 2.Id like the green one. 3.I live with my pa

4、rents. 4.Ill finish it in a week. 5.He was born on June 1st,2000. Unit 2一、挑选正确答案填空1. Our motherland more and more beautiful.A. becomeB. becomingC. becomesD. are becoming 2.English a useful language.A. areB. isC. amD. be3. He often her the song.A. hearsingingB. hearsingsC. hearssingingD. hearssing 4.

5、John will come to the party when he the project.A. finishesB. finishedC. finishingD. finish 5.Tomorrow Monday. It s my birhtday.A. isB. will beC. areD. was优秀学习资料欢迎下载6. There a desk and four chairs in the classroom.A. areB. beC. isD were 7.The teacher said the earth around the sun.A. goB. wentC. has

6、goneD. goes.二、用所给的单词的适当形式填空1. We always brush our teeth after we get up.2. Her brother like swimming but she not like it at all. 3.Ill call you as soon as I get to Beijing.4. The sun rise in the east.5. Mary and I go shopping every Sunday. 6.We wont have a picnic if it rain tomorrow.三、按要求改写句子;1.Tom

7、likes reading science books 改为一般疑问句 2.They have music lessons today.改为否定句 3.He always goes to school by bike. 划线提问 Unit 3一、挑选正确答案填空1. he basketball yesterday.A.DoesplayB. DiplayC. IsplayingD. Willplay 2.We English six years ago.A. learnedB. are learningC. learnD. will learn3. The boy born in June ,2

8、021.A. wereB. isC. wasD. are 4.My family a party last week.A. haveB. are havingC. will haveD. had5.I in the garden this morning.A. runB. ranC. runnedD. runed6.I the girl walking just now.A. sawB. seeC. seesD. seen 7.Mother me a great present last New Year s Day.A. givesB. giveC. givenD. gave 8.His g

9、randfather down a moment ago.A. fallB. feltC. fellD. feel 9.It s nine years since I to school.A. wentB. goC. has goneD. is going 10.They bought some books, they.A. wasn tB. didn tC. doesntD. won t.二、语法挑选Yesterday the police had to 1 up late, because someone 2 110. The man said a man 3 something and

10、was found. When they 4 about this, they started at once. When they 5 there, they found the thief 6 upstairs and wanted to 7 down. They must 8 him. So they 9 with him patiently. At last, he 10 his mind and went down.1.A. stayB. be stayingC. stayedD. be stayed2.A. calledB. callsC. will callD. call优秀学习

11、资料欢迎下载3.A. stoleB. stealC. stealingD. steals4.A. hearB. hearsC. heardD. are hearing5.A. gotB. getC. will getD. gets6.A. standB. was standingC. is standingD. stands7.A. jumpsB. jumpC. jumpedD. jump8.A. stopB. stoppedC. stopsD. stopping9.A. talksB. talkedC. talkD. talking10.A. changeB. changingC. chan

12、gesD. changed一、挑选正确答案填空Unit 41.I was cooking he knocked at the door.A. whileB. asC. thoughD. when 2.My uncle teach me to swim when I was a child.A. used toB. was used toC. usedD. was using to 3.She always running after she up.A. goeswakesB. gowakeC. goeswokeD. wentwakes4.I used to lunch at 13:00.A.

13、havingB. haveC. hadD. has 5.The swimming pool is for children in.A. swimB. swimmingC. swamD. to swim 6.She is used to every morning.A. runB. runningC. ranD. runs二、按要求改写句子;1. They used to read in the sun.改为一般疑问句2. They were climbing the hills when it rained.划线提问 3.My grandma used to live in that smal

14、l village. 划线提问 三、依据汉语意思完成句子1、当他们到达时,天下雨了;It when they .2、他过去经常偷东西,现在不偷了;He things but now he doesn t .3、你过去经常出国吗? you abroad.Unit 5一、挑选正确答案填空;1. The customs are different from in the USA .A. thatB. thisC. theseD. those 2.John and Tony come from Germany. They are .A. GermenB. GermanC. GermensD. Germans 3.They took some of many on the farm.A. photoespotatosB. photospotatoesC. photospotatosD. ph


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