人教版九年级上册英语《Unit 6 Section B 第6课时》课件

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1、Unit 6 When was it invented?Section B 3a-Self Check生成新知 Problem: _ New invention: _ What it is used for: _Think of something that you do not like to do. Then think of an invention that could help you. Make notes. a special penquickly taking notes in classtaking notes in class3aThis special pen was i

2、nvented by Liu Jie. It has three colors and is used for .Imagine you are a business person. Write a description of your new invention. Try to sell the invention to the class. 3b【参考范文】This special pen was invented by Liu Jie. It has three colors and is used for taking notes quickly. It is very useful

3、 if you have a lot to write down. The pen comes with(自带) a microchip that can store a list of common words that you will use. You can program the words you will use often into the microchipsmemory, then assign(分配) a short form to each word. When you are writing, you just need to write the short form

4、s with the pen, press a button on the pen and the short forms will change into the actual words. The microchip can contain up to 50 words and you can make changes to the list of words whenever you need to.As you pour in your hot drink, the color changes.Color changing cupSmart and creative invention

5、sIts then safe for young children to eat the fruit. Its convenient.It is often difficult to decide on the inventor of certain inventions. This is because sometimes a few people may _ things which are _ the same. Its hard to tell who came up with the idea first. invent, doubt, mention, nearly, websit

6、e, all of sudden1 Complete the assage with the correct forms of the words in the box.inventnearlySelf CheckSome inventions can also lead to other inventions _. So some people _ whether the inventor came up with the idea himself or herself. They think that the inventor used someone elses idea to crea

7、te his or her invention. That is why books or _ usually _ more than one inventor when giving information about inventions. all of a suddendoubtwebsitesmention1. Someone stole my watch. _2. They used five eggs to make this big cake. _3. When did they invent the personal computer? _ My watch was stole

8、n (by someone).When was the personal computer invented? Five eggs were used to make this big cake. 2 Rewrite these sentences using the passive voice.4. They asked us not to run in the hallway. _ 5. Someone took the video back to the store. _ The video was taken back to the store (by someone). We wer

9、e asked not to run in the hallway (by them). Invention: _When: _Who: _Purpose: _in 2013 umbrella with a lightLi Meng3 Find out information about an invention you would like to know more about and write sentences below.seeing in the rain in the dark 随堂练习. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of t

10、he given verbs.1.The first paper _ (make) in China in 105 AD.2.In 610, papermaking _ (introduce) into Japan.was made was introduced 3. Kites _ (know) in China about 3,000 years ago.were known4. Wheelbarrows (独轮手推车) _ (invent) in the Han Dynasty.5. Gunpowder(火药) _ (discover) by the Chinese hundreds o

11、f years ago.6. Soccer _ (develop) in England in the 12th century.were invented was discovered was developed . 按要求改写下列各句。 1. We planted these trees in 1997. (改成被动语态) _2. He made a cake yesterday. (改成被动语态) _3. The teacher gave the students some advice. (改成被动语态) _These trees were planted (by us) in 199

12、7.A cake was made by him yesterday.Some advice was given to the students by the teacher.4. He was seen to read a book in his room. (用I作主语, 改为主动语态) _5. She was helped by all the people.(改成一般疑问句) _I saw him read a book in his room.Was she helped by all the people?. 完成句子。1. 在200多个国家中,超过一亿人打(篮球),包括中国。 _

13、 _ _ by _ _ 100 million people in over 200 countries including China. 2. 篮球是由加拿大一位叫詹姆斯奈史密斯的博士发明的。 Basketball _ _ _ a Canadian doctor named James Naismith. Itisplayedmorethanwasinventedby3. 人们认为,历史上的首次篮球赛是在1891年12月21日举行的。 _ _ _ that on December 21st, 1891, the first basketball game in history was played. 4. 从那时起,篮球在世界各地的普及程度得到提升。 Since then, the popularity of basketball _ _ worldwide. I tisbelievedhasrisen1、 爱国守法,明礼诚信,团结友善,勤俭自强,敬业奉献。2、 讲文明,懂礼仪。3、 讲文明语,做文明事,当文明人。4、 微笑是打开心锁的钥匙。5、 文明礼仪,从我做起。6、 不学礼,无以立。7、 礼仪、礼节、礼貌、文明、文雅、文化。8、 礼仪是一种文明规范,礼仪是一种素质修养。9、 礼仪体现的是细节,细节展现的是素质。10、别给我雪白的衣服涂上颜色。谢谢大家


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