三年级英语上册 Recycle 1(第二课时)教案 人教PEP-人教PEP小学三年级上册英语教案

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三年级英语上册 Recycle 1(第二课时)教案 人教PEP-人教PEP小学三年级上册英语教案_第1页
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1、The second period(第二课时)Go up the ladders. Go down the snakes &Match, write and read aloud & Sing a song教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Go up the ladders. Go down the snakes能够准确、快速地认读前三个单元的词汇能够在真实的语境中灵活运用重点句型“Hello!Hi!”“This is”“How are you?Im fine.”“Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.”“Goodbye!/Bye.”Match,

2、write and read aloud& Sing a song能够辨认字母的大小写形式并能掌握其正确的书写格式能够理解、跟唱歌曲,并能创编新歌曲教学重点1复习巩固有关文具、颜色、身体部位的单词,要求能够听、说、认读。2能够在情景中恰当运用重点句型问候他人和做自我介绍。教学难点能够辨认字母的大小写形式并能掌握其正确的书写格式。教学准备1.预习状元大课堂创优作业100分状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。2. 教学课件、课文录音、视频、书包、单词卡片、文具等。Teaching purpose通过唱歌活跃课堂气氛,让学生更快地进入英语学习的氛围中。复习与身体部位、文具有关的单词和所学字母,为后面的学习

3、做好铺垫。教学过程Step 1: Warm-up & Revision1. Greetings.2. Sing a songHead and shoulders, knees and toes. (出示课件) 3. RevisionT: I have a ruler!Ss: (Show the rulers.) Me too!T: I have a pen!Ss: (Show the pens.) Me too!T: Youre great! Now, Lets chant together.Teaching purpose通过“头脑风暴”游戏,让学生在游戏和竞争中复习单词。加深学生对单词的记

4、忆,同时培养学生的竞争意识,调动学生学习的积极性。Step 2: Presentation1. Play a gameBrainstorm.Let students try to say more words or letters according to the category prompt.Teaching purpose将学生分为若干小组进行组内传话游戏,复习学过的句型。让学生在紧张的氛围中加强对句型的记忆,同时培养其合作竞争意识。2. Play a gameWhisper.Divide students into several groups. Let them pass on di

5、fferent sentences in a low voice. Students pass on the sentences one by one in groups. Ask the last student to share it with the class. Reward the fastest group.Sentences are like these:Teaching purpose通过猜一猜的活动和“梯子和蛇”的游戏,复习有关文具、颜色、身体部位的单词以及前三个单元所学的句型和字母,帮助学生在真实的语境中灵活运用所学语言。3. Lets guess.Show a schoo

6、lbag to students. There are some word cards of the body parts, some stationery and some books in it. Let students guess the things and their colours.T: Whats in my bag? Whats this? What colour is it? 4. Go up the ladders. Go down the snakes.Ask students to work in pairs and play the game “Go up the

7、ladders. Go down the snakes.”Lead students to say the words or the sentences according to the pictures.(游戏说明:学生两人一组掷骰子,每人每次掷一次,完成看图说话活动,答错的学生停掷一次。遇到梯子直接晋级到梯子顶端的格子内,完成相应活动;遇到蛇则后退到蛇尾所在的格子,完成相应活动。看到实物图片时说单词,说出完整句子更好;看到情景图片时说句子,答案开放,适合该场景的句子均算通关;看到字母时根据图片要求完成说或写的活动。谁能最快到达终点就是赢家。)Teaching purpose让学生参照教材P

8、6的图片,自由创作一幅“字母屋”,培养学生的想象力和创造力,同时提升学生区分字母大小写的能力。Step 3: Practice1. Draw a letter house.Show the picture on page 6 on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P6 Lets find out板块的图片)T: Look! There are so many hidden letters. Can you draw your own letter house?Let students draw their own letter houses and show them to the clas

9、s to find the hidden letters together.2. Match, write and read aloud.Teaching purpose通过打着节拍学唱歌曲,培养学生的节奏感。通过创编歌曲,培养学生的创造力和灵活运用语言的能力。Let students look at the pictures and the letters on page 35 carefully. (出示课件) Lead students to match the capital letters to the lowercase letters. Then let them write t

10、hese letters in their books according to the correct stroke order and writing form. Ask students to read the letters together. Step 4: Consolidation & ExtensionSing a song.(1)Play the cartoon of the song for the first time. (课件出示:教材P35 Sing a song的视频) Help students get the meaning of it. T: Who are

11、they? What are they doing?Ss: (2)Play the cartoon again. (出示课件) Lead students to learn to sing the song and clap their hands after the recording. Let them practice the song in groups. Then ask them to show it to the class.(3)Create your own songs.Encourage students to create their own songs. Give an

12、 example.T: Now, please create your own songs.板书设计作业设计1. Sing the song How are you? to your family.2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业100分或状元作业本对应课时作业)教学反思1活动设计环环相扣、层层递进,由单词到句型,进行了较全面的复习。2实施单元整体教学,把握单元教学目标的整体性,挖掘单元教学内容的整体性,设计单元教学过程的整体性,充分体现新课程的教学理念。3不拘泥于教材文本内容,鼓励学生结合所学知识进行创作,注重培养学生的创新精神。Teaching

13、Contents & Teaching AimsGo up the ladders. Go down the snakes.Be able to recognize and read the words of Units 13 quickly and correctly.Be able to use the key sentence structures of Units 13 flexibly in real situations.Match, write and read aloud & Sing a songBe able to distinguish between the capit

14、al letters and the lowercase letters and master their correct writing forms.Be able to understand and sing the song, and make a new song.Teaching PrioritiesReview and consolidate the words of Units 13.Be able to use the sentence structures properly in situations to greet others and make a self-intro

15、duction.Teaching DifficultiesBe able to distinguish between the capital letters and the lowercase letters and master their correct writing forms.Teaching ProceduresTeaching StagesTeacher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up&Revision1. Greetings.2. Sing a song.3. Revision.Talk to students and chant with them.1. Greetings.2. Sing a song.3. Talk with the teacher and do the actions. Chant together.Stimulate Students interest in learning. Review the words and the letters. Prepare for


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