一年级英语下册 Module3教案 外研版(一起)

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1、第3模块教学计划单元主题谈论职业和物品的所属关系单元目标技能目标学生通过本单元的学习,能介绍他人的职业以及描述物品的所属关系。学生能够在帮助下完成对课文的简单复述。知识目标1 关键句型(Target Language):主要掌握My mother is a nurse. Hes/ Shes a This is her That is his/ her.等句子。2 词汇(Vocabulary):学习巩固职业词teacher ,doctor, pupil , clown, driver, nurse .学说his ,her. 从听、说、读三个方面掌握第一、二单元故事、歌曲中出现的 sings 等单

2、词。3 歌曲和歌谣:学唱歌曲The doctor on the bus.情感态度目标师生共同参与学习活动、合作交流,通过看图片,做动作,猜运动,游戏等生动有趣的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让他们在亲身体验、参与、实践、交流的过程中掌握知识,循序渐进地学习本课语言,引导学生把所学的语言用于实际生活当中,表达自己的情感,真正体现语言的交际功能。学习策略目标发展学生自主学习的能力和合作精神;培养学生的注意力和观察力,挖掘学生运用语言的能力,开发学生的思维;拓展课程资源。文化意识目标培养学生关爱他人的良好品质。单元教学内容分析故事:将故事中的教学场景还原于生活词汇:能在日常生活中用好本单元词汇歌曲:

3、进一步巩固单元知识重点单元教学重点1、 介绍物品的所属关系2、 介绍某人的职业单元教学难点 she和he,her和his,是学生易混的词,老师应引导学生在活动中分辨它们的不同用法。学困生教学重难点的突破措施小组合作型学习,以优带差。教师重点关注他们的学习状况。教学方法全身反应法,情景交际法,合作互动法,任务驱动型教学法。课时的划分第1课时 This is her bag.第2课时 My mother is a nurse.第四步,进行分课时教学设计。课时进度(第1课时)课型特点新授课(/阅读课/巩固课/复习课)教学目标技能目标根据图片和情境说出单词和句子。在图文或场景下进行简单的英语交流和表演

4、。知识目标Students learn to describe the others possessions with: This is her bag. That is his hat. Look! Their school bags.情感、文化、策略目标1、Students are interests in learning English.2、Students are able to listen attentively in class, observe things carefully and learn to cooperate with friends.教学重点1、 This i

5、s her bag. That is his hat. Look! Their school bags.2、对情境进行模仿,(创新。)教学难点her和his的区别及其用法教具准备录音机、图片(a schoolbag, a hat, a coat)、挂图教 学 过 程活动进程学生活动教师引 导设计意图重点关注Step 1Warm- up1、Greetings 2、Free talkStep2New lessonStep 3StoryStep 4Game学生热情的与教师打招呼并问候S:Fine, thank you. Im fineNice to meet you too.practice one

6、 by one.边跟读边用手指认物品的所有者。Ss:This is his her1、 听故事。2、在图片帮助下理解故事Ss try to say I dont know.(I dont know. )(I dont know. )follow:their their school bagsListen to the story again.order the picturesand stick the pictures in group根据所听到的内容以拍手作出反应。Listen and point and read.Act out Group workS1:This is his scho

7、ol bag.S2:This is her school bag.教师热情的与学生打招呼并问候T:Hello! Everyone! How are you? Nice to meet you.1.T:Whats your name? How old are you? Whats this? 出示物品,引导学生介绍:This is my seat. This is my desk. And this is our teacher, Lily. And this is my friend, .This is his book. Teach“his”: 2.Introduction: (Teach

8、“her”, check individually)换用其他物品,由学生说出This is his her1、 讲故事。Today lets learn a funny story. Lingling and Daming are at school. They couldnt find anybody. Who are they looking for? Lets have a look. (video once): Theyre looking for Ms Smart, the doctor and the pupils. (Stick the pictures on board)2、T

9、ell the story one picture by one.Picture 1: Now theyre in Ms Smarts office. But, Wheres Ms Smart? But she left her own things. Look, this is her bag. ( BB and practice. ) Whats on the desk? This is her book.(practice.)Picture 2: Look. Daming and Lingling are in the doctors office. Wheres the doctor?

10、 He left his own things on the table. Whats that? Yes. That is his coat. BB.)Picture 3: Where are Daming and Lingling now? In the classroom. Where are the pupils? And the pupils.? Look, their school bags. Yes, their(Show the picture of some pupils) school bags. Teach Picture 4: Look, the teacher, th

11、e doctor and the pupils! Theyre having fun. Who is the funny man? Its a clown. Teachclown.3. Listen to the story one more time. Lets order the pictures and have Ss stick the pictures in groups and tell the story in groups. Check one group. 1. Sum up: her(girls clap hands and say) his(boys clap hands

12、 and say) their (clap hands together and say)2. Listen to the story again. When you hear her, girls clap hands (BB 提示); When you hear his, boys clap hands; When you hear their, clap hands together.3. Listen and point and read. (Once) Find his, her, their, circle them out. (Find three people to check

13、.)4. Listen, point and say. (twice.)5. A game: Making a clown. Whats that? That is a man. That is his hat. That is his coat. (practice collectively.) Describe in front of the picture: This is his hat.请学生拿出书包在4人小组内交流,组内巡视师生相互问候,创设英语学习氛围,活跃课堂,拉近教师和学生的距离以旧引新,帮助学生理解新知。自由交流,熟练应用This is my 通过动作、语言.加深对新知的操练。用图片等具体的实物为学生再现故事情节,同时引导学生跟随教师思维,进入故事,发展学生的思维能力。用图片、动作帮助学生理解新词汇。反复听录音材料,巩固新故事。“拍手”游戏检测学生的听音辨音能力,同时增强课堂的活力。


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