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1、三年级英语作文300字集锦9篇 【热门】三班级英语作文300字集锦9篇 在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都不行避开地会接触到作文吧,作文肯定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深化阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。为了让您在写作文时更加简洁便利,以下是我为大家收集的三班级英语作文300字9篇,欢迎阅读与保藏。 三班级英语作文300字 篇3 Hello, I am Erika. My birthday is in winter. Its cold. But I am happy, because I can play with snow. I like skating and making a sn

2、owman. Its a good time for winter sports. On my birthday, I can get lots of birthday presents and My parents often take me to the ice rink. We always have a good time. I am happy on my birthday. 原文翻译: 你好,我是埃里卡。我的生日是在冬天。天气很冷。但我很兴奋,因为我可以玩雪。我喜爱滑冰和堆雪人。这是冬季运动的好时机。在我的生日,我能得到的生日礼物,我的父母常常带我去溜冰了许多。我们总是有一个好的时

3、间。在我的生日我很兴奋。 三班级英语作文300字 篇4 I like animals very much. Rabbit is my favorite. I have two lovely rabbits. 我很喜爱动物,兔子是我最喜爱的。我有两只可爱的兔子。 I like their round head, long ears, shorts legs and tail. Both of my rabbits are white. I think white rabbits are clean. I have to wash them every day. They like to eat

4、vegetables. I always feed them on my hands. 我喜爱它们圆圆的头,长长的耳朵,短短的腿和尾巴。我的两只兔子都是白色的。我觉得白兔子很洁净,我每天都给它们洗澡。它们喜爱吃蔬菜,我常常亲自喂它们。 三班级英语作文300字 篇5 我的爱好(My hobby) I am Cendy. I am in Nanhai Experimental Primary School. I am in Class 9, Grade 6. I am tall and thin. I live in Dali. I have many good friends. I often

5、play with them. I have many hobbies, riding a bike, drawing pictures and reading books. But I like to read books the best. Because of reading books is good for my study. I also like riding bikes. Because it does a lot of good to my body. Whats your hobby? Can you tell me? 【参考翻译】 我是森碟。我在南海试验学校。我在六班级九

6、班。我又高又瘦。我住在大理。我有许多好伴侣。我常常跟他们玩。我有许多爱好,骑自行车,画画和读书。但是我最喜爱读书。因为读书对我的学习有好处。我也喜爱骑自行车。因为它的确许多好我的身体。 你的爱好?你能告知我吗? 三班级英语作文300字 篇6 It was Christmas Day yesterday. We had a Christmas party at school. Many friends of mine came to the party. After we saidMerry Christmas, we began to sing Christmas songs, such as

7、 Edelweiss, andso on. Then we told some Christmas stories, such as Christmas Father. Then I danced and laughted with my friends. We all had a good time. When the party came to the end,we said Happy New Year to each other. 【译文】 昨天是圣诞节,我们在学校举办了圣诞晚会,我的很多伴侣都来参与晚会。我们互道“圣诞欢乐”后,开头唱圣诞歌,像“雪绒花”等。然后我们讲圣诞故事,如“圣

8、诞老人”等,我们都玩得很快乐。当晚会即将结束时,我们互祝“新年欢乐”。 三班级英语作文300字 篇7 Hi. My name is Bian Tianjue. Im going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, Im going to the supermarket by bike. Im going to buy some bread and chocolates. Then, Im going to go home and watch TV. On Sunday, Im going to visit my grandparents with my f

9、ather. Were going after lunch. Then, in the evening, Im going to the park with my baby sister. That will be fun! 三班级英语作文300字 篇8 我这学期的英语成果不是很好,所以暑假开头的时候,妈妈帮我报读了一个英语补习班。 我和同学董耿达一起在学英语。我们一个星期只要星期一、三、五去上课,总共有10节课。第一节课老师先告知我们总共有26个字母,有5个元音字母,分别是A、E、I、O、U,每个单词里最少都会有一个元音字母,要是没有元音字母,这根本就不是一个单词。我们上课的时候老师会把我们

10、分成A、B两组进行竞赛,到下课的时候看哪一组回答问题对的次数多,哪个组就赢了。成功的那组每个同学都可以得到两张紫卡,输的那组每个同学可以得到张紫卡。我们每节课还要过关和默写,对的也可以得到紫卡。今日是最终一节课了,我们进行了小测验,还发了全勤奖,就是2张黄卡。最终还进行抽签来获得礼物。我觉得这种英语课很好,既可以玩,也可以学习学问,我喜爱这样的英语课。 我觉得要学好一门功课,先要有爱好。这种英语课我很有爱好,我也情愿连续学下去。 三班级英语作文300字 篇9 This is my summer vacation. I intend to finish the operation. Then,

11、take a look at Chinas famous novel. Look at some day. Of course,I also want to play with the computer, watch TV. Early every morning to get up and go to running, do other sports. It is conducive to our body! But one thing should not be forgotten. I must help parents do the housework! What do my holiday arrangements like? 这是我的暑假。我准备完成作业。然后,看看中国闻名的小说,要看几天。当然,我也想要玩电脑,看电视。每天早上起床去运跑步,做其他运动,这有利于我们的身体!但有一件事不应当被遗忘。我必需关心父母做家务!我的假期支配怎么样呢? 5


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