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1、高一英语Unit10单元测试题及答案Unit 10 单元测试 一. 单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 1. He washit by a car and now he is still _ in hospital. A.dangerous B.in the danger C. in danger D. in dangerous 2. Herchildren _ quickly to living in a small town. A. addedB. adapted C. changedD. responded 3. What he said _ a bigdifference

2、to the way of my thinking. _, his words have a great effect onme. Amakes,What isBdoes; that is Cmakes; that is Dmakes; Which is 4. Are you interested inbasketball? No, _. I _to watch it thanplay it. Anotreally; prefer Bnot really; would rather Cofcourse ; would like toDof course not; had better 5. A

3、tpresent, some rare animals are _ at a _ speed. A. dyingout; surprisingB. diedout; surprised C. dieout; surpriseD. being died out; surprising 6.Measures must _ to _ animals and plants from becoming endangered. A. betaken; keep B.take; be keptC. take;stop D. be taken;keep 7. To learna foreign languag

4、e well, _, you should have self-confidence. A. firstall B. first ofallC. atfirstly D. thefirst time 8. Thetors devoted themselves _ a better cure for the terrible disease. A. tofind B.finding C. tofinding D. infinding 9. She promised that she would do _ catch up with others. A. all what she could do

5、B. all she couldto C. what she could doD. all she could 10. -Thecars give off a great deal of waste gas into streets. -Yes.But Im sure something will be done to _ air pollution A.reduce B.remove C.collect D. warn 11. Ifyou dont take away all your things from the desk, there wont be enough _for my st

6、ationery. A.area B.place C.surfaceD. room 12. Willyou give this message to Mr. Smith, please? -Sorry,I cant. He _ . A.doesnt any more work hereB. doesnt anylonger work here C.doesnt work any more hereD. doesnt workhere any more 13. Thepurpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _ it more dif

7、ficult. A. notmakeB. notto make C. notmaking D. do notmake 14. Thechairman thought _ an honour to invite Professor White to speak at themeeting. A.thatB. thisC.it D.him 15. It isnecessary for us to save electricity because we are _ it. A. shortforB. short of C. shortwithD.short off 16._ people like

8、;English on Sunday;. A. Tensof thousandsB. Tens of thousands of C. Tenthousands ofD. Tens and thousands of 17. Toomuch work and too little rest often _ illness. A. bringsin B. gives in C. leads to D. owes to 18. Manybooks are on sale in the supermarket at _ prices. Lets go and buy some, OK? A.attrac

9、tive B.originalC.common D. adaptable 19. Itkept on raining heavily for a whole week. _, we have big floods allaround our town. A. AfterallB. EventhoughC.HoweverD. As a result 20. Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just _worries the public. A. what B. whichC. that D. why 二. 完形填空(

10、共 20 小题;每小题1.5分,满分30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21-40 小题所给的A.B. C.D四个选项中选出最佳选项. You can see Kangaroos _21_in Australia. They _22_ on TV, in books and in the shops. The governmenteven plan to put them on passports(护照).But although _23_ as a _24_ of Australia, millions of kangaroosare killed every year. Quite

11、 _25_ there are too many of them. Thekangaroo population in Australia is believed to have been 20-25 million. Thisfigure is as _26_ assevenmillion more than the number of people _27_ in the country. There are several reasons _28_the growth in the kangaroo numbers. The water supply for the animals is

12、 verygood, _29_ many of the dingoes(澳洲野犬)-dogslike to eat kangaroos-have been removed. Kangaroos also breed(繁殖)_30_. This overpopulation means somekangaroos go _31_ as there is not enough food. Desperate(绝望的) to eat, they break into farms and _32_the animals for food. To _33_ the problem, theAustralian government _34_ a certain number of kangaroos _35_each year. Many people believe the methods of killing are _36_ _37_the government _38_ that it is only helping the farmers. Australia sells5 million kilos of kangaroo _39_ every year- it _40_hamburgersand pet food. 21. A.somewhereB.anywhere



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